Headphones Lover | Comments

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  • Headphones Lover
    Your Result: Rocker

    You are a big fan of rock music such as Paramore, Flyleaf, Coldplay, Evanescence, and many more bands. You like to rock hard but sometimes need to rock a little soft depending on your mood. Music is your life.

    Yey! Soo true. Adore Paramore and Coldplay was thrilled hwen they were on one of the 1st questions i was like whoo o'm not the only rock addict :D

  • Headphones Lover
    Your Result: Rocker

    You are a big fan of rock music such as Paramore, Flyleaf, Coldplay, Evanescence, and many more bands. You like to rock hard but sometimes need to rock a little soft depending on your mood. Music is your life.


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