Have you ever been to Disney Land before?

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Hello and welcome to the "Have you ever been to Disney Land?" Quiz. There are 6 questions that you think will be hard but they are very very very easy.

You will have a score at the end and if you get 0% you will lose but if you get 100% you win nothing just a cheer for you. I just want to wish you a good luck.

Created by: Catalina Canjura of gotoquiz.com
(your link here more info)
  1. Do you know a lot about Disney Land?
  2. Have you ever seen Mickey Mouse at Disney?
  3. Have you ever been on the Tea cups at Disney?
  4. Have you ever taken a picture with the Princesses?
  5. Do you go to the gift shop and buy stuff?
  6. Have you ever gotten a Hotel room to stay in at Disney?
  7. Have you ever gotten a Special gift from one of the Characters?
  8. Do you ever get to eat with the characters at Disney?
  9. Have you ever been to lego land (Not sponserd)
  10. Is it possable to have lunch with the princesses

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