Have You Ever....

I know how you feel thinking your not so smart mayb you are i dont know how you did during the task. Maybe if you failed you should re-decide your decisions and start doing some of these things.

Well.. are you smart or as usless as tits on a bull? lets find out well you will :( i wont ;[ damn this sucks im so lonley i never find things out these days.

Created by: .Jaaaake
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Walked around the streets of your town off your face drunk??
  2. Slept out in the streets for fun?
  3. Fell down stairs on purpose?
  4. Tripped over a stick?
  5. Left Vic?
  6. Not Slept?
  7. Kissed The Same Sex?
  8. Cried Over A Computer Virus?
  9. Wagged?
  10. drank your self sick?
  11. smoked?
  12. punched some one?

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