harry potter the battle of romance part 3

"I have to thsnk one person for number 3! The person who told me to improve my punctuation! Thank you that person you made this awesome part 3 better!"

Take this quiz that tells you which boy and harry potter your best for and read a story where your a star with startaling cliffhangers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~

Created by: Logan michelle

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. "who's there" you shouted. The black figure unvieled its cloak and it was malfoy. "Draco! its the middle of the night! what in the name of goblins are you doing here?" you asked him. He grinned " I like you ________ i like your style."
  2. A few second later ron ran in yelling "N .. n nevil nevil is is dead!!!" Everyone shrieked!
  3. They all ran to the crime seen draco seemed diguested then harry ran in the room yelling "The tw tw twins have been killed!" And yes they had been killed. Every one was startled
  4. You are scared who's arms do you jump in for relief?
  5. ok lets say you jumped in to malfoy he clung tight to you as ron wept over his dead brothers "why!!!" he yelled over and over again
  6. then they heard a peircing scream luna ran into the room her beautiful snowy white owl with black patches had been murdered
  7. every one shook in fear you and luna hugging each other because you are best friends
  8. then they all heard a evil laugh a shift in like and saw the evil black shadow with long boney hands come nearer
  9. cliffhanger!
  10. read part 4 later bye

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