Harry potter quiz for fans

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*_*You will be watching the films if you dont get a high score to try again to be a harry potter expert gram your brooms and wands as we look deep into this quiz

*_*Lets see how good your harry potter fan knowledge is grab your wand get on your broom sick as we adventure through this magical world 🌎 of harry potter*

Created by: Isabelle
  1. What was the full name of harrys child
  2. What was the name of herminoe and ron child
  3. What movie did luna lovegood first appear in
  4. What film did voldermort NOT appear in
  5. Who said this phrase "im not an owl " goblet of fire
  6. Who said this phrase "stop eating your friend gone missing
  7. Who was snapes love intrest
  8. Who was cho changs boyfriend before he died
  9. Whos said this phrase ( I'll join you when hell frezzes over Dumbledore army"
  10. What was the name of harrys 3 kids
  11. Who said this phrase things always come back not always the way you exspect
  12. Who is draco malfoys aunt

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