Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (With YOU in it!)

Hello Harry Potter (female) fans! This quiz... I strictly made for girls! Right, I know, this looks more like a story, but you'll see for yourself if you pass Hogwarts to second year or not! Please comment and rate after! Oh, and tell me in the chat if I'm a good writer or not. It's my dream...

I am very sorry if there are any typos! Please let me know in the comments because the phone I am using is second hand so it is very scratchy. Apologies for any inconvenience!

Created by: PotterFan123
  1. You had spent four years with your good friend, Hermione. You never knew you were a witch then. Your parents had been murdered by Voldemort himself, though you never knew. Hermione's parents happened to hear you crying as a baby inside the wreckage, and took care of you. Of course, they tried to help you understand that they were still looking for a family member of yours to find you, but it was all too much for you. Then your uncle came for you. A knock on the door was heard, and you quickly went to go get it. A tall man stood there, with a couple of grey hairs. He was wearing trousers and a shirt, and looked most uncomfortable. "Um, hello? I've been looking for my niece for a long time, is she here? Someone told me I would find her here," he said. "You mean _________?" Hermione's mother asked. "We only got so much as her birth name. We couldn't find any other information." He nodded and looked down to you. A sparkle in his eye caught yours. Your heart leapt, and you knew this was a family member. "We've been searching everywhere, in hope we find someone," Hermione's mother went on. "Do you want to take her home?" she asked, looking your uncle in the eye. "Of course I do," he…
  2. You had now spent 6 years at your uncle's. 11 years old, fully mature with... Dreams. That night you had dreamt about your parents' death. You were only a baby. Your parents were still looking for shelter, as your own home had been blasted apart. Then a short, fat, dirty looking man came up to you and offered you shelter. Your parents were more than grateful. Following the man in, you settled yourselves down in a small room. But then there was a crash through the window. A tall, dark man came in, and without hesitation, killed your father with a flash of green light. He turned to face you, but your mother protested. She came in the way of his wand seversal times, and drew out her own wand, trying to cast a Shielding Charm over you. Back turned, the man killed your mother. She stopped suddenly and dropped on the floor, dead. Next, he aimed his wand at you. A flash of green light shot out, but it didn't touch you. Rebounding, the green light turned to mist. Looking shocked, the man head for the window and tumbled out. As he did, the back of your neck burned. You sat up quickly, breathing heavily. Your uncle had told you about this before, but never why. He refused to speak of…
  3. Your uncle had fully booked a place at Diagon Alley. You would stay there while you waited for the day to come. Uncle Remus left it to you to get everything while he searched for a couple of things around. As you entered Flourish and Blotts, a boy with black hair and a lightning bolt shaped scar left with this big, burly man. You caught his eye and the two of you locked eyes with each other for 0.1 seconds. There was something you two had in common. You collected your books, and waited for someone to assist you. The bookshop was fascinating. There were books everywhere, in piles and the shelves were stuffed with them. "Hello, Ms. Lupin. How can I help you today?" You turned around. "How'd y-" "Noticed your scar," the man said quickly. "First year books for Hogwarts?" You nodded. He grabbed a pile of books. "There you go," he said. You payed for them, and left the store. But then a voice called you. "__________! __________!" Turning around, you turned to face... Hermione Granger? "Hermione? What are you doing here? I thought you were a Muggle!" You said, as she came running for you. Hermione looked at you. "Um... There were actually Squibs as my ancestors. The magic showed up in…
  4. You were at Kings Cross. "Don't panic, just run straight into the wall, you won't crash," your Uncle Remus said. He looked around, making sure that no Muggles were looking. "Now," he said, and you sped off into the wall, eyes shut. Next, when you opened your eyes, you found yourself on platform 9 and 3/4, with all sorts of wizards and witches. Parents were saying goodbye to their children as they boarded the train. You found Uncle Remus behind you, smiling. "Well, here we are." You said goodbye to him, and boarded the train, looking for Hermione. Sure enough, you found her. "__________! Have you seen Trevor?" You looked at Hermione. "Who?" "Trevor, Neville's toad." A roundish boy stepped out of the shadows. "My toad," he said, a little sadly. You agreed to help find Trevor. You followed Hermione to a boys' compartment. "Hello," she said. "Have you seen a toad?" "We've already told him we haven't," said the red headed one. He had his wand out, pointing it at a snoring rat on his lap. "Are you doing magic?" Hermione asked interestedly. "Er-" "Let's see it, then." The red haired boy pointed his wand at the rat, and said, "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow. Turn this stupid, fat rat…
  5. The large doors immediately swung open and a very strict looking witch with green robes and a tall black hat stood there. "The firs' years, Professor Mcgonagall," Hagrid said. Thanking Hagrid, Professor Mcgonagall led you into the entrance hall. It was enormously big, and you could hear far-off voices. You knew that the other pupils must be here already. Yet, Professor Mcgonagall continued walking, the first years following behind. She led them into a small chamber, and explained the Sorting, all the houses (Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw) and the Sorting Hat. She then left you to wait and finally, the doors were opened and you were let into the Great Hall. Forming a line, a wizards hat topped on a trolley then came in. It was dirty and frayed, with specks of dust everywhere. There was a rip near the brim, making it look like a mouth. As it was put up the front, in front of all the Professors, it broke into song. "Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,But don't judge on what you see,I'll eat myself if you can findA smarter hat than me.You can keep your bowlers black,Your top hats sleek and tall,For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting HatAnd I can cap them all.There's nothing…
  6. "Honestly," Hermione muttered. "Everyone's treating you like a celebrity." You often found yourself in swarms of Hogwarts students trying to get a look of you. Hermione followed you around, and you followed Hermione. Hogwarts was rather large, and you often lost your way. But it was lucky you had Hermione. She seemed to know almost every door and passage of Hogwarts, and couldeasily lead the way. "It's this way, ________," she would tell you every now and then. On Friday, Potions was absolute trouble. You suspected that Snape knew something about your uncle. He had questioned you about the Wolfsbane Potion, telling you you should know it. "Well?" Snape snarled. He was drumming his fingers impatiently. "Er..." Wolfsbane? You had heard it somewhere, but you simply couldn't remember. The only other thing you knew associated with wolves was your uncle. He was a werewolf, and... "Sir, the Wolfsbane Potion is used to stop werewolves from transforming." Snape gritted his teeth and said silkily, "Took too long, Lupin." You sighed as some of the Slytherins snickered. You were paired up with Hermione and the pair of you were making a potion to cure boils. Snape was continually saying to…
  7. "Come on, _______. We've got brooms," Hermiine said, dragging you away from a pile of homework. "But my work is due tomorrow!" You protested, trying to get back. "We'll be late, come on." In the end, you agreed to follow Hermione to brooms. You weren't that excited at all for brooms. Reluctantly, you packed away your books and followed Hermione out. The class was taught by Madam Hooch, who had messy grey hair and eagle-like eyes. She showed you how to pick up the broom first. "Right, class. All you have to do is call it up, like this." Holding her right hand over the broom, she yelled, "UP!" The broom immediately shot up into her hand, and she grasped it tightly. "Your turn," she said. Everyone yelled, "UP!" Several brooms shot up, followed by mutters of success, including you. Hermione, however, was unsuccessful at first. Her broom rolled over and did nothing more. Hermione looked up to see she was unsuccessful, and gave a tiny gasp. She hated being bottom of any classes. Hermione had it in the end, but she was still pink in the cheeks. Next, Madam Hooch taught you how to mount your brooms. But Neville suddenly took off. He had become so shaky that he had already kicked off.…
  8. You took a seat next to Harry. "I can't believe Malfoy actually tricked us," Ron grumbled. "He was probably expecting me to say no, Ron, just so he could make a fool out of me," Harry said. "I swear, the next time I see Malfoy doing any more nonsense, I'll do a Hurling Hex on him the next time he's on a broom," You said. "I hope so," Harry said. "Malfoy deserves to be thrown off a broom, if you ask me." Then Hedwig came in. You had met her before, and she seemed to like you. There was a letter in her beak, and a huge package she was carrying. Hedwig put down the letter and the package, then came over to you. "Oh, alright, here you go," you said, pulling out owl treats from your pockets. Harry tore open the letter. You and Ron leaned over to see. Your eyes widened as you read it. "A Nimbus Two Thousand!" You gasped. Harry took a peek at it, and he looked amazed. "Got a little present, Potter?" Said a cold, sneering voice. The three of you turned around to face Malfoy. You rolled your eyes in disgust and turned away. You weren't going to make any contact in any way. Snatching it from the table without ripping the wrapping paper off, he felt it for a hint. "It's a broomstick," Malfoy…
  9. You made your way to the Gryffindor stands at the Quidditch pitch with Hermione and Ron. Quidditch season had begun, and it was Gryffindor versus Slytherin. "It's exciting, isn't it?" You said to Hermione. "Yes, I know... But I think it's only because our friend is on the team," Hermione said. You smiled. "Kinda." You found yourselves seats up the front. The game began, with Lee Jordan as commentator. Every now and then, Professor Mcgonagall would scold him for bad language or the tendacy to take Gryffindor's side. Then you suddenly turned your attention to what Lee Jordan said: "Is that the Snitch?" You looked frantically around with the other Gryffindors, and Harry had spotted it fluttering by a Slytherin player's ear. The Gryffindors cheered wildly as he zoomed after it, but so did the Slytherin Seeker. Now the Slytherins were roaring after their Seeker to get the Snitch as well. But then... SLAM! Marcus Flint had blocked Harry purposely. The Gryffindors groaned, and a penalty was given to Gryffindor. Seamus Finnigan was talking poppycock about sports now, (you didn't even have a clue about soccer) and Lee Jordan was finding it hard not to side with Gryffindor. After the game…
  10. Snow softly pattered outside on the window panes, and you were still fast asleep. Hermione, Lavender and Parvati had all gone home for the holidays; it was just you in the room. Almost all the Gryffindor girls had gone home. "Pssst..." A voice said in your ear. "Wake up, Harry and Ron's waiting for you." You rolled over. "Not now," you mumbled groggily. "Aguamenti," she muttered, and you felt a burst of water hit you. You opened your eyes, turning to face Alicia Spinnet. "Alicia!" You said angrily, soaking wet. Alicia muttered a quick drying spell, then flipped her brown hair. "Harry and Ron... They want you downstairs. In the Common Room," she said, and walked out. You walked out after getting changed. "What is it?" You asked Harry, still groggy. "Happy Christmas!" They said. You were still staring at them blankly, you just wanted a sleep-in this time. "Still groggy?" Ron said. "You haven't even checked your presents?" You shook your head. "My family... They usually like doing it by owl post on the morning." You looked out the window. "Like that one," you said, spotting a barn owl coming your way. "Only one?" Ron questioned, raising a brow. "Usually. My uncle's the only family I…
  11. Hermione had decided to come back a day early to help. Once Hermione heard about the Mirror of the Erised, she flew into a rage ("You could've gotten caught!") and was non-stop lecturing you about the rules. Other than that, she was a great help to find out about Nicholas Flamel, and you could find her flipping through library books. Other than that, Harry was being trained harder than usual for the next Quidditch mathch, since Snape was refereeing. "Strange, isn't it?" You told Hermione as you watched the team. "Snape refereeing. He could take complete advantage. Why not he goes to play with his chemistry set?" Hermione giggled at your comment. Finally, it was break time for the team practice. You followed Harry back to Common Room. You watched Ron and Hermione play with each other, Hermione looking frustrated as Ron's pieces smashed hers to bits. "Snape can't referee," you said. "He might do something to Harry again... And I'll probably be attacking him on the pitch with hexes, and get myself in trouble." Harry half smirked at the thought. "Just don't play," Ron said. "Like... Pretend you're ill or something." Hermione, Ron and you started thinking of excuses. "Pretend that…
  12. "It's Quirrell," a voice whispered. "He's helping him... The Dark Lord..." You shot up in bed, pale with fear and shaking. "Hello?" You said, looking around. No answer. "_________?" You saw Hermione in her nightdress. "Is that you?" You turned wildly around. "Hermione?" "Lumos," Hermione whispered and a bright light appeared on the end of her wand. "What was it?" She asked in concern. "Quirrell..." You said. "You're pale," Hermione said. "What do you mean by Quirrell? What's he got to do with this?" You shuddered slightly. "H-h-he's h-helping Voldemort," you said. Hermione flinched at his name. "But that can't be," Hermione said. "He was doing a counter-curse on Harry's broom, I suspect, I saw him. He's helping Harry, not the other way around." A tiny glimmer of hope sparkled inside you. "Besides, You-Know-Who is dead, so there's no chance," Hermione added. You smiled, and lay back down. 'Hermione's right,' you thought to yourself. 'She can't be wrong.' -NEXT MORNING- "Nothing here... Nor here... Is there even anything for exams?!" You were looking for a book. On history. For significant wizards in the Medieval times. "There's got to be," Hermione said. "Even though I think…
  13. Things were getting worse. Almost everyone in Gryffindor was ignoring you, since 200 points were all lost in one go. Harry was being ignored by the Quidditch team completely, Ron prefered to be alone and isolated by the Gryffindor fire, Hermione was quieter in class, and you liked to study in a far corner in the library. Banging your head on the table. "Hey, are you okay?" You turned around to find a second year Gryffindor boy. "Of course I am!" You snapped. "After losing 200 points for Gryffindor!" He sat himself down beside you. This was... Awkward? "Yeah... I've heard about it," he said calmly. "Like anyone cares," you muttered. "Everyone's ignoring us. But I can't blame them, sending Norbert home to his colony is a really hard thing to believe..." The boy raised a brow. "Who?" "Never mind," you muttered. "So... You were saying?" You stared him directly into his sky-blue eyes. "Aren't you angry?" He shook his head. "No... I mean, you must've done it for a purpose. Mcgonagall just doesn't understand why you did it. What matters is that it's the past, we have to forget it and move on," he said. You felt yourself blush a little. "Wow... Um... Thanks," you said. He smiled and ran a…
  14. After visiting Lizzie (Lizzie is Myrtle. You call Myrtle Lizzie, that's her nickname) and giving her some company, you returned to Gryffindor Common Room. "So what did Mcgonagall want you for?" Harry asked. "Oh? Oh, I'm a Seer," you said plainly. "A what?" Harry and Ron said together. "A Seer," you said. "Their quite rare, they can see the future. But Mcgonagall thinks I can see past, present and future. I'll be taking personal classes with Professor Trelawney from now on, once a month. My mother was a Seer herself," you explained. "Liz- I mean- Myrtle liked her... She knew my ancestors, well, mostly the ladies. She said she likes them... They were the only ones that paid her visits. So she's quite pleased for me to visit her." "You went to see Moaning Myrtle?" Hermione said. "Yeah. I accidentally went into her bathroom after that day in detention... So that's how we met," you explained. Hermione shuddered a little. "Anyway... About the Stone? What have you found out?" "Well, we think Harry's scar is hurting because-" Ron began, but you cut him off. "Because Voldemort's in the grounds," you muttered. Ron flinched. "Don't say his name! No, we think because there's danger- hang on,…
  15. You watched Quirrell, face full of hatred and loathe. Harry held you back, or the scene was not going to turn out pretty. "It was you?!" Harry said in shock. Quirrell smiled. He wasn't even stuttering. "Yes... I was most unlucky when word went around that Lupin was a Seer. She was always suspecting me, but with others by my side no one would believe her. I convinced others that she was just mad... It's hard to tell a Seer's visions from just seeing things. Only a Seer knows how to tell." His mouth twisted into an awful grin. "I'll wipe off that smirk off your face!" You growled, lunging forwards. Harry held you back again. "All right, I'll stop going on and on about it now!" Quirrell said, trying his hardest to keep fear from his voice. He circled a tall mirror, then stopped in front of it. "This mirror... It says it will only help us get the Stone... But how? I only see myself with the Stone in my hands, presenting it to my master," Quirrell said airily. "Voldemort," you whispered. "Quite right," Quirrell said. Suddenly, a voice came from Quirrell, but it was not his own. "Use the boy... Use the girl..." Quirrell nodded. "Yes, yes... That should do. The pair of you, over here,…
  16. -Third Person- Quirrell leaned over the unconscious girl. "Is she dead?" The raspy voice asked. __________ was still breathing, but faintly. "She's just unconcious," Quirrell confirmed. "Where's the pendant?" The voice asked frantically. "Pendant?" Quirrell asked, puzzled. Harry watched Quirrell talk to the voice. ________ was just unconcious, but it looked to him as if she was dead. "The pendant, fool!" The voice growled. "The Pendant of Power!" Quirrell checked round her neck. "There's no pendant," he said plainly. "Never mind," the voice said. "Let me see the boy." Then, Quirrell unwrapped his turban from his head. He turned around, and instead of a back of a head, was a face with red, glinting eyes and slits like snakes for nostrils. "Harry Potter..." The face breathed. "We meet again at last. See? I am now here to finish you off again. After I am done with you, your friend will be next-" His red eyes flashed to the unconscious ________. "-And I will gain power from her. With her power and the Stone's power, I will be more powerful than ever. All I need is to create a body for myself from the Stone and give myself the power she holds. Now, why don't you give me that Stone in…
  17. You woke up on a Hospital Wing bed. Everything was hazy at first, but things slowly got clearer. Madame Pomfrey was leaning over you in concern, and once you sat up, she said, "Oh, my dear, you must rest, you only just got hit with the Cruciatus Curse!" You looked around, but a throbbing pain hit your chest. "The Torturing Curse?" You asked. Madame Pomfrey nodded. "Yes, you did. You can come out in a few hours, and join your friends." You suddenly remembered Harry. "Wait- what about Harry?" You asked frantically. "Already with Mister Weasley and Miss Granger," Madame Pomfrey said. "Ah, _______, I see you are awake!" An airy voice said. You saw Dumbledore. "You are feeling quite well?" He said. You nodded. "A little." He looked at your bedside table. "I see you've been given tokens from your admirers. Your uncle came to visit a few hours ago, he thought it was best if you finally inherit this," Dumbledore said, showing you a silver chain with a pendant in the middle, the gemstone being an amethyst surrounded by sparkling diamonds. "What is it?" You asked. "The Pendant of Power," Dumbledore said. "It's been passed down from the first generation of the Lupins. It has extroadinary…
  18. You ran into your uncle's waiting arms. "I heard everything," he said. "You got it?" You nodded. "Yep." Ron's little sister, Ginny, began looking very excited. "Look, Mum! I see him! Harry Potter, and... It's _______ Lupin!" She said, pointing." "Don't point, Ginny, it's rude to point," Mrs. Weasley said. A very large and beefy man then appeared behind Harry. "C'mon, let's go," he grunted. "I'll see you next year!" You called out to Harry. Even Philoi squeaked goodbye. Harry waved goodbye happily, and once you were at home, Uncle Remus said, "Tell me everything."

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