Harlow and popcorn fan qui!

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Hey this is a super fun harlow and popcorn fan qui.... !!!!!!!!!!!! you probably want to just start already and skip this boring paragraphe bla bla bla any ways enjoy

ARE YOU A HARLOW AND POPCORN SUPER FAN !!!!!?????? FIND OUT HERE AND GET A SCORE FROM 1% - 100% !!!!!!! GOOD LUCK BYEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Hailey_02@Fan
  1. Who was harlow's first horse ?
  2. What is harlow's moms name?
  3. What does Cloudy do a lot?
  4. What is Harlow's brother named?
  5. What color is Rolo?
  6. Who is Lexi?
  7. Fill in the blank; Harlow went to quatar to get a show jumping lesson with__________.
  8. What month is harlows birthday in ?
  9. Who is the best Equestrian YouTube?
  10. What brand does harlow model for?

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