Hardest Gun Quiz On The Internet

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I made this quiz because there seems to be no good firearms quizzes that satisfy me on the entirety of the internet. So I made this as a collector of firearms knowledge. Please enjoy the quiz.

I guess this second paragraph is required. There is no useful information here. Why you are still reading this is a mystery, so please start the quiz :)

Created by: TheExCount
  1. What gun is commonly referred to as "Kraut Space Magic"?
  2. What gun had the official GRAU designation 6P26?
  3. What year did the French Army adopt the FAMAS rifle?
  4. Which of the following cartridges was the Auto Mag Pistol chambered in?
  5. Which of the following guns was NOT a submitted to the US Army's Advanced Combat Rifle program?
  6. Which of the following devices was used to add a magazine and reloading mechanism a single shot shotgun?
  7. Who is credited with the invention of the Israeli Galil rifle?
  8. What cartridge is the 1895 Nagant revolver chambered in?
  9. Which of the following guns does NOT have a straight blowback mechanism?
  10. What country has made licensed copies of the FN FNC?
  11. What firearm is known for having a circular pan magazine that attached to the top of the receiver?
  12. What year was the GCA amended to prohibit the transfer or possession of new manufactured machine guns?
  13. What gun was adopted in 1939 by the IJA?
  14. Which of the following rifles uses the Russian counterbalanced recoil compensation system?
  15. What common British receiver was the DeLisle silenced carbine originally built on?
  16. Which of the following gun designs is NOT based heavily on the AK-47?
  17. Which of the following is the longest serving military cartridge?
  18. What gun did the 1911 replace when it was adopted by the US Army as its new primary sidearm?
  19. What type of weapon is the Armalite AR-17?
  20. What was the theoretical maximum capacity of the French Chauchat rifle?
  21. What is the Glock 46 chambered in?
  22. Which of the following cartridges has the largest diameter bore?
  23. What are the other designation for the 9mm Winchester cartridge?
  24. What was the Triple Action Thunder pistol chambered in?
  25. What country developed the Gepard sub machine gun?
  26. Most .357 magnum revolvers can also shoot which cartridge?
  27. What was the top selling model of gun in the US in 2023?
  28. What is the Indian INSAS rifle chambered in?
  29. What was the barrel length of the Colt 635 DOE sub machine gun?
  30. What other firearm manufacturer did CZ acquire in 2021?
  31. What company did not submit a rifle to the US SOCOM NGSW program?
  32. What gun was the Canadian Huot Automatic Rifle converted from?
  33. What African country manufactures licensed copies of the Beretta BM-59 Rifle?
  34. During what war was the Chambers Machine Gun implemented by the US War Department?
  35. What gun was created in England as a symbol to oppose gun control and controlled speech?

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