Guess these T-Swift lyrics!!

Calling all Swifties!!! Do you think that you know Taylor Swift's song by heart and you ARE a swiftie? Well, This will show you the true answer and if you really know her!!!

If your like me you LOVE Taylor and know every thing about her!!!!! If your not like me then you like classical music and are friendship is ruined!!!!!

Created by: Lucy
  1. 'Drinking beer out of plastic cups.'
  2. 'If we loved again, I swear I'd love you right....'
  3. 'I reached for you but you were gone, I knew I had to go back home'
  4. 'She's not a saint she's not what you think'
  5. 'In the middle of the night, in my dreams'
  6. 'Forever and ever and I'
  7. 'Baby, Just say yes'
  8. 'The songs, the flowers, everything, is gone.'
  9. 'Dancing in the refrigerator light'
  10. 'Of all the girls throwing rocks at your window'

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