What American accent do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What American accent do you have?
wow i have a western accent and im from kansas who woulda guessed it
tubby1 -
WOW i got southern and i live in Cali. Mbey cuz my grandma has one....
i have a north centurl accent
sunset1 -
HAHAHAHA lol im totally canadian,eh!
BFS1 -
no accent. well i am from colorado. i can pick up accents easily tho. so what abou th cold. no school. two day in a row
Mikaykay1 -
no accent. well i am from colorado. i can pick up accents easily tho. so what abou th cold. no school. two day in a row
Mikaykay1 -
Please go to: boycottmcdonalds.we bs .com
PLEASE!Quiztogo1 -
This is so true:) Bag and vaugue don't sound at all alike:)
wow i got a minnesotan accent and im from minnesota!! very accurate!
soph14961 -
just log out stupid
cool quiz
um hi.
whatev1 -
it got it wrong lol
Sailor1 -
im froem maine and the quiz i guss was fun but i need to go look at my posters of justin and lisen to his music
mikaela1 -
this quiz is cool
its a mystery to me. i always thought i have a german accent xD
sinnlos1 -
i dont have an accent or midland pretty kewl and im from florida lol
penguin1 -
yayy! i have a midland accent... or in other words, no accent at(: ....and yes, i live in southern ohio.
0_0 me1 -
*screams * I WANT JACOB BLACK!!!!!
y r u guys typing these long paragragh