Are you a true American or a Citizen | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a true American or a Citizen.

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  • I got American.

    @Hikar u Katsu, how about this--why not tell the Middle East to stop "picking on" others and being such a threat to mankind by suicidally bombing every non-Islamic country. Funny that someone goes off to cuss the U.S. for "picking on" the Middle East when that person failed to consider how much violence Middle Easterners caused around the world, such as the bombing of England and Spain a few years ago, the severing of the heads of Buddhist monks in Thailand, the rioting in the far west of China, and even causing the most PACIFIST of countries like Denmark to be upset enough to join the U.S. and its allies in fighting in the Middle East. I think every country, not just the U.S., on this earth has the right to hate the Middle East.

  • I dun like the middle east but everyone hates america.

    Hikaru Katsu
  • Good quiz

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