Who is your Greek God Parent? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Who is your Greek God Parent?
Got Athena for 87% :O
Logic and strategy. Two main aspects of who Athena is. She is the goddess of reason, intelligent activity, arts and literature. Also, she is and will not ever get married or have children. You are probably smart and logical, or you take part in some forms of art, maybe sewing.
i got child of Zeus 0-0
Congrats! You are a child of Zeus (supposedly)! Lord of the sky, ruler of the Olympians. Unfortunately, your dad is a show-off, a womanizer, and really arrogant. But, at least you might get some cool lightning abilities. (Not really)
Tu resultado: Atenea 77%
Lógica y estrategia. Dos aspectos principales de quién es Atenea. Es la diosa de la razón, la actividad inteligente, las artes y la literatura. Además, nunca se casará ni tendrá hijos. Probablemente seas inteligente y lógica, o participes en alguna forma de arte, tal vez en la costura.
69% Zeus
69% Apolo
68% Artemis
61% infierno
59% Afrodita
51% Poseidón
49% Hefesto
26% AresN0VA84931 -
Estoy más cerca de Hades que de Artemisa y Afrodita, esto es un poco contradictorio porque si soy cazadora reniego de mi los dones de mi madre, amor especialmente
Artemisa 77%
76% Afrodita
57% Apolo
51% Atenea
47% infierno
45% Zeus
36% Poseidón
30% Ares
28% HefestoAlba_gv1 -
So amazing. Love it
Unfair! I got Zeus! I'm closer to Hermes and Apollo than I am to Zeus!
hmp well i dont think i was close to zeus at all i got artemis
Got Athena ! (Second close god was Apollo)
Xazii1 -
I was hoping to get Apollo since hes my fav ~(^O^)~ and I did!! wasn't really expecting it though :,D
Well- I got Zeus.. idk if I'll be proud or stay neutral asf
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