Which Bungou Stray Dogs character are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Which Bungou Stray Dogs character are you?
I’m not even joking, I took a 100% serious quiz and even asked my friends what they thought of me and I got 90% Chuuya. It makes sense, he’s my highest kin but like I honestly expected to get dazai cause it’s really easy to get dazai on quizzes like this. It’s very accurate and actually pays attention to small parts of characters, and I enjoy that. Btw my friend said I was “impactful” and I almost cried cause I’m tired of getting “nice” or “intelligent” when I ask someone cause that’s how you know that MF FAKE
pretty accurate I think for the most part especially the part when a love one gets hurt I'm very protective I just wouldn't say I'm chill but I guess it matters
Which Bungou Stray Dogs character are you?
Your Result: Tanizaki Junichiro 92%You're known to be carefree, laidback, and humble. However, if anyone hurts one of your loved ones, it won't end well for them. You're very friendly, and just a generally chill person.
TJW1 -
Not so surprised got Dazai, closely to Ranpo kin on other quizzes. I meant not always because suicidal part, but really I can understand his way of thinking, scarily two people also thought I looked alike him more than I thought I was more closely similar to Ranpo. Also not gonna lie, I'm lazy too lol
Nakajima Atsushi 84%
Congrats! You're a simple person. A little naive, but nice. You're not very confident in your skills, and you're a bit of a cheapskate, but you value life, and enjoy helping others! You also like cats.
I think it’s interesting that on another quiz I got Akutagawa but on this one I haven’t even got 1% but anyways this seems pretty accurate which is coolio but the other one is fairly good too sooo just my food for thought
69% Yukichi Fukuzawa
63% Tanizaki Junichiro
57% Izumi Kyouka
53% Nakahara Chuuya
36% Doppo Kunikida
26% Ogai Mori
20% Osamu Dazai
11% Akiko Yosano
0% Akutagawa RyuunosukeNarii1 -
I got Dazai. (It's not laziness, it's adhd )
Should i be disappointed in myself I'm not sure ... But i know by this point from way many quizzes, bingos and similar thoughtsi really do kin this b------. *Sobs*
POV, this is the 5th BSD charactor quiz you take today bc u have no sense of self and you get similar bt different awnsers every time :0
I am gay
At this point, I just do these quizzes to see if, on the off chance, I can finally receive an answer that is not Dazai. Although it is unlikely that i don't. ( if I don't get him it because he is not an option) Anyway, I got hi on this quiz with 82% being the top. The worst part is that I wish I wasn't like him.
I'm Dazai! :DD
Honestly am a kinnie (like a huge one) so I don't have any problems with it. This the second quiz I took (all honest answers no cap) and damn, second Dazai answer!
I can kinda see it..? I mean I'm suicidal and have tried to kill myself 40+ times and I'm also supposed to be writing my ao3 fanfiction "God Dammit..!" rn so like I'm screwing myself over frfr
I got chuuya, the discription is true minus the fact that i'm nice to ppl ik well, i'm usually the meanest to ppl ik well but usually as a joke
Kizo3 -
I got Izumi again this is the 3rd test ive done and got her and im not sure how to feel- i also get atsushi and dazaia lot which concerns me but yk
I got Dazai (78%) from answering not completely honestly but I got Yosano (83%) from answering everything honestly and I'm honestly fine with that lol
I got Kyouka, and then Atsushi. It's so related to me because they are my favorite characters in BSD
Hi. Follow furryatsushi lol
I got Dazai (84 %) and I would say that this is pretty accurate, my next best match is Mori with 69 % .. which is.. uhm- weird, I would say, I didn't ever thought to be compared to him, anyway my third best match is Izumi (60 %) so I guess it's not that bad :)
A1e1 -
I got Chuuya. This doesnt make sense to mean I dont Im a hothead....but ig other people might see me as a hothead
I wasn't expecting to get Kyouka, I usually end up getting Dazai instead.
Vin01991 -
I got Chuuya which..not wrong, he is one of my kins. Dazai was one of my lowest though which I find really funny because hes my highest kin
Saelem1 -
How are you doing my fellow Mori kinnie?
I got dazai
Tanizaki Junichiro is who I got!! Atsushi is my second!! I forgot to read the third tho
Raccoon1 -
Got Izumi‼
Bella111 -
i got Fukuzawa.. what if I hate having responsibility and having to be in a leader role? The second highest for me, Dazai, fits better in my case.
Lmao revisited this quiz and now it's still Fukuzawa but my second is Kyouka? I'm not that serious, only when the time calls for it!! :3
I got tanizaki 88% And chuuya 84 (i do these for Fun And get random answers So dont ask me for a kin)
Yeano1 -
I got Mori💀
Alas1 -
Ooooh... Okay, %64 Dazai and %80 Atsushi..
I'm a people pleaser then?EvanStar1
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