How many people love you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How many people love you?
Good friend,eh honestly I just like being my mysterious loner self and keep at peace whenever I can as I've never liked being around people much due to trama and abuse mostly.
Zimswife2 -
"You are absolutely adored
People always say that you are awesome. Your friends trust you with anything and you don't mind others opinion about you. Whatever happens you have a smile on your face and say it'll be fine!"
I'm not sure about that one... -
Your Result: You are absolutley adored
People always say that you are awesome. Your friends trust you with anything and you don't mind others opinion about you. What ever happens you have a smile on your face and say it'll be fine!"
Nell1001 -
Your Result: You're a good friend 88%
You might not be "loved" but people still think of you as a good friend. You always help and you make it known that you are a great person, even if you're quiet
Makes since
Your Result: You're a good friend 89%
You might not be "loved" but people still think of you as a good friend. You always help and you make it known that you are a great person, even if you're quiet
74% You are absolutley adored
24% You're not the best person, but you're fun!
Yeah, seems true enough. -
Your Result: You're a good friend 82%
You might not be "loved" but people still think of you as a good friend. You always help and you make it known that you are a great person, even if you're quiet
I have Many friends
Im a good friend :) That makes me feel so much better!
Haha it's cool
What friends😭
It's nice
M Nadeem1 -
Im adored? Thanks i guess. Idk if thats correct, but thanks.
Azozlin1 -
thanks, I got 97%. I know its not true but honestly made my day!
jessyyy1 -
Results: Youre a good friend
Thanks, that made my day :,D -
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