What Color Hair Will the Person You Marry Have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Color Hair Will the Person You Marry Have?
Blond 93%
He/she will be very funny and smart, and very caring. You will most likely have a great marriage with this person and have lovely children.
93% Brown
76% White
40% Black
15% RedNot sure I'm attracted to Blondes interesting.
Black 89%
You will be a very nice and caring couple. You will both have lot's of friend and money. You will have an absolute great life together.
67% Blond
62% Brown
41% White
40% Red
Pretty accurate I liked dark hair and eyes! -
Blonde...Sorry, I'm not attracted to blondes, and they always seem to ask slow, no offense to them.
Same got 93% Blondes and 93% Brown doesn't seem accurate,Brown I can see not sure about Blonde.
Black 81%
You will be a very nice and caring couple. You will both have lot's of friend and money. You will have an absolute great life together.
79% Blond
76% Brown
62% Red
46% White -
Black 89%
You will be a very nice and caring couple. You will both have lot's of friend and money. You will have an absolute great life together.
67% Red
53% Blond
38% White
31% Brown -
Blonde? >_> Eh, not really.
My crush has black hair! -_- But 10/10 anyways. =P
I got brown hair! The person i like has brown hair & everything it said on there....wow :)
awesome yeaaaa blonde kooll yea da kid i like has blackish brownish hair soo both are pretty cute nd funny IDK y
I got blond. I guess that may be true! I like this guy who is kind of a blond. But I am only 12 so ya.! haha
I got brown hair!! the person sounds like me!
See i cant deal with blondes im srry there retaerd no offensense
i got brown and my bf has black pink and red LOL! not kidding his name is dumbo
hale44561 -
i got blonde which is so totaly true
nadia4101 -
i got white which is true but just like Mikelover I like girls who hav white hair and i'm 13
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