Harry Potter Truth Or Dare Part One | Comments

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  • Dare for Fred/George: Kiss Gamzee on the cheeks after drinking Faygo

    Truth for twins: Can you imagine a life not as pranksters? If so tell what it is

    Dare for Hermione: *must be told to her in private* she has to go up to Ron, call him a blood-traitor, slap him, kiss Draco on the cheek, then slap Draco and snog Ron after telling him that was her dare

    Dare for Ginny: put her hair in pigtails and talk like a four year old for five minutes

    Truth for Harry: If you hadn't met Ron and became a Slytherin, how would your life change

    Dare for Harry: has to eat ABC gum from Gamzee

    Thanks and awesome quiz!!!

    Pyra Potter
  • Dare for Hermione: Go to Draco's father and then describe a make out session (that never really happened) between you and Draco >:D

    Truth for Draco: what do you think of your father's long, silky blonde hair?

    (sorry about involving Draco's dad a lot. It's just so much fun) xD

  • Dare for Ron/Fred:

    They have to hold hands and talk like the babies from the TV show Rugrats for five minutes.

    Truth for Draco:

    How much do you actually hate Harry? Or are you just doing what you think Lucius will approve of for him to be happy with you?

  • That was hilarious.

  • :) Thanks! Any requests? Any at all? Because I can't make the next one if I don't have any truths and/or dares...

  • Worst quiz

  • Oh, the things I do for all of you...
    Send in some truths and dares!


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