Which kit are you? (part 1) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which kit are you? (part 1).
Your Result: Eaglekit 81%
Eaglekit is a great leader of the group. He/she (depending on if u r a guy or girl) will stand up for any cat in need of assistance. He/she is very brave and is always doing what he/she thinks is right. He/she has a mix of a grey and black pelt with one white paw (front left) with a birthmark in the shape of a bird.
Your Result: Emberkit 81%
Emberkit is a fiery she-kit with a sharp tongue and a short temper. Emberkit doesn't like to take "no" for an answer. She can be seen from a mile away with her bright red fur and bright green eyes. Even though she doesn't seem like it, she is a loyal friend and is a great cat to be back-up if you get in a fight.
Your Result: Starkit 85%
Starkit is a black she-kit with white flecks on her pelt and one white paw (front right) that has a black star shaped birthmark on it. She has midnight blue eyes that seem to sparkle in the moonlight. Starkit can be quite shy and is more of a "go with the flow" type of kit.
I love the Warriors books, and this quiz was great! When I read the beginning paragraph at the top and saw everything about the current warriors in the future, I was like, This quiz is going to be awesome! And I was right. :p Can't wait for part 2! ^.^
Flight1 -
Thanks Jayla :D and Which kit are you? (part 2) is up!! And I forgot to mention in the description (in part 2) that Eaglekit is you.
Wolfkit! o dis quiz is awesome
Mas20011 -
BadWolf21 -
BadWolf21 -
This quiz made me laugh it made me happy
Aww thank you soo much, Flight :D I will try to get part 2 up tonight or tomorrow
I LOVED IT! Can't wait for the next part!
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