How fat are you? (girls) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How fat are you? (girls).
How fat are you? (girls)
Your Result: Obese 89%You are very overweight. You have trouble getting up from your bed and sitting down. No one can hug you and you can't even twiddle your thumb or clasp your hands together. Your stomach is soft and squishy and ginourmous. Your breasts sag down over your huge rotund belly. You have extreme dificulties putting on pants over your huge thunder thighs and enormous butt. You stuff yourself every single day, with as much food as you can. Your boyfriend also feeds you as much as he can.
85% Morbidly obese
How fat are you? (girls)
Your Result: Morbidly obese 93%You are so overweight you are nearly/are immobile. You eat more than you can, and have diabetes and many other weight related issues. Your breasts hang over your enormous belly fat. Your butt is rounder than a quarter pounder. You are just one big ball of thanksgiving stuffing!
90% Obese
How fat are you? (girls)
Your Result: Morbidly obese 80%You are so overweight you are nearly/are immobile. You eat more than you can, and have diabetes and many other weight related issues. Your breasts hang over your enormous belly fat. Your butt is rounder than a quarter pounder. You are just one big ball of thanksgiving stuffing!
Your Result: Morbidly obese 91%
You are so overweight you are nearly/are immobile. You eat more than you can, and have diabetes and many other weight related issues. Your breasts hang over your enormous belly fat. Your butt is rounder than a quarter pounder. You are just one big ball of thanksgiving stuffing!
87% Obese
73% Fat
72% Chubby
0% SkinnySwws1 -
How fat are you? (girls)
Your Result: Morbidly obese 86%You are so overweight you are nearly/are immobile. You eat more than you can, and have diabetes and many other weight related issues. Your breasts hang over your enormous belly fat. Your butt is rounder than a quarter pounder. You are just one big ball of thanksgiving stuffing!
85% Obese
Swws1 -
Ummm lollipop fat my bmi is overweight,the rest I take like this says I'm overweight and so does my doctor!!!! I'm only 12 and my waist size is 38 inches and stomach is 39inches!!! And friends are skinny and cute!!!! My mom criticizes me for my wheight.i have a double chin and last of allllll........i hate my body and it's hard to lose weight while you're a kid
Morbidly obese 86%
You are so overweight you are nearly/are immobile. You eat more than you can, and have diabetes and many other weight related issues. Your breasts hang over your enormous belly fat. Your butt is rounder than a quarter pounder. You are just one big ball of thanksgiving stuffing!
Sws21121 -
Also, nice quiz, sorry for comment spam but I really liked your quiz.
I'm a boy that did it and got fat :) I wanted bigger but oh well :)
I wish I was skinny
I need to gain weight I'm way to skinny
my BMI is almost under weight. :) Nice quiz -
Yeah I'm fat and I've got fat.
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