Which Season Are You? (100% ACCURATE) | Comments

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  • Summer 76%

    Your season is summer. You are warm and friendly, but can sometimes get a little bit upset and yell at people to blow off steam. Overall, though, you are very friendly and warm. You love going to the beach and have nice, cold drinks in the warm weather. You don't like it when the winter comes around, though...

    34% Winter
    18% Spring
    15% Autumn

  • Which Season Are You? (100% ACCURATE)
    Your Result: Winter 85%

    Your season is winter. You are selfish and cold, but occasionally you can be nice. Generally, though, you are very pessimistic. You love sledding and ice skating, but you don't like it when the summer comes around.

    30% Summer
    0% Autumn
    0% Spring

  • Your Result: Winter 76%

    Your season is winter. You are selfish and cold, but occasionally you can be nice. Generally, though, you are very pessimistic. You love sledding and ice skating, but you don't like it when the summer comes around.

    44% Autumn
    22% Summer
    0% Spring

  • Winter 84%

    Your season is winter. You are selfish and cold, but occasionally you can be nice. Generally, though, you are very pessimistic. You love sledding and ice skating, but you don't like it when the summer comes around.

    66% Summer
    22% Autumn
    0% Spring

  • Winter,yuck I hate the cold and love the summer I'm also not that bad of a person I just don't let people use me anymore whatsoever and often keep to myself.


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