What Type Of Dragon Are You? | Comments

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  • Your Result: Water dragon!!! 90%

    You are a water dragon. Water dragons live really really deep in the ocean and they eat fish. Sometimes they cause giant waves to sink ships when they are angry. Its not a good idea to leave a water dragon with a fire dragon because they start fighting.

    62% Dark dragon!!!
    53% Metal dragon!!!
    47% Earth dragon!!!
    47% Sky dragon!!!
    43% Light dragon!!!
    31% Fire dragon!!!

  • Your Result: Dark dragon 80%

    You are a dark dragon. Dark dragons are mysterious and evil. Dark dragons could be really dangerous and they hide in shadows then they jump out and attack, they are really weak in light though. It is said that there is a legendary dark dragon that was from the underworld and it attacked other dragons for no reason, then it was killed by the light dragon.

    72% Sky dragon
    56% Water dragon
    55% Metal dragon
    48% Fire dragon
    34% Earth dragon
    6% Light dragon
    cool I suppose

    Random _user123
  • what type of dragon are you?
    Your Result: light dragon!!! 86%

    you are a light dragon. light dragons have really shiny scales and glowing wings. they can use shining light to blind its enemy and whenever there is a evil dragon it starts fighting with it and it is said that there is a legendary light dragon that has shining light so powerful that it destroys all evil.

  • Oh, and if you like dragons, I recommend reading the Wings of Fire series, and if you do, I am a Seawing!

  • I am a Water Dragon! I always get water-related dragons! At least I love water.

  • Dark dragon 92%

    Death dood
  • will anyone comment?

    dragon ember
  • 86 fire dragon

  • i got light dragon! Awesome!


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