How Edgy Are You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz How Edgy Are You?
Surprise, bud! Or maybe it's no surprise at all. Your score is 19%
Wow, you're happy! You smile when necessary and you don't frown that much. Luckily for you and the rest of us though, you're not one of the people that smiles so hard you go blind. Show those pearly whites, but don't blind me. Geeze.
“You don’t frown that much”
Me: has low self esteem, looks at negative things, wants peace at weird times, gets mad very easily, tired 24/7, talks negatively often, mood swings (possibly)
…Very accurate?
Surprise, bud! Or maybe it's no surprise at all. Your score is 17%
Wow, you're happy! You smile when necessary and you don't frown that much. Luckily for you and the rest of us though, you're not one of the people that smiles so hard you go blind. Show those pearly whites, but don't blind me. Geeze.
Sweet I guess? XD
Surprise, bud! Or maybe it's no surprise at all. Your score is 89%
On a scale of 1 to edgy, you're edgy! You stay up at night, rocking yourself to sleep in bed. You're as blind as Dracula in his bat form because you can never see through the tears, and the impending darkness surrounding you is too dark to see through anyway. You're a loner. You don't need friends, you don't need anyone! You are you. You are the Edgelord!
Eighty two percent edgy,I mean u ain't wrong sense I am into the dark arts and paranormal activity as well as metal and emo core. Cool quiz anyways mate
Zimswife1 -
Edgy and emo are not synonyms. This quiz is fundamentally flawed.
Someone called me edgy because I told them I hate K-POP lol
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