Which Animal Are You (Detailed) Quiz | Comments

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  • You are the Fox. The fox is a curious, clever, and agile animal. It is almost universally portrayed as a sly trickster. In real life, foxes have been known to actually employ tricks to throw hunters off its trail.

    Feel like I am either a fox or wolf. I did a little reading about wolves and they really differ based on their position in the pack. Nice quiz but I wish none of the questions asked about things outside of your control, like your eye color or something (just an example).

    - J

    • aslfjlkscm .xz,ihciuf p;s,ochg

    • You know.... I ALWAYS knew i was an cat... its mey DNA!!!!

  • 88% Otter
    78% Fox
    65% Cat
    53% Crocodile
    51% Wolf
    50% Dog
    50% Weasel
    41% Bald Eagle
    41% Lion
    16% Wolverine

    You are the Otter. Otters are water-loving creatures related to weasels. They are often playful and curious, and have been known to make slippery mud slides to play on. Otters are very strong swimmers.

    I would expect to get Otter, Fox, or Cat. And they were my top 3 so wow I guess I guessed correctly woo-hoo!!

  • Fox.

    You are the fox. The fox is curious, clever, and agile animal. It is almost universally portrayed as a sly trickster. In real life, foxes have been known to actually employ tricks to throw hunters off it's trail.

  • Your Result: Wolf

    You are the Wolf. Sometimes seen as a symbol of untamed wildness, the wolf can be fiercely protective of its pack. Wolves are smart and strong. They work together in a strict hierarchy led by the Alpha wolf.

    Thanks, I'm DEFINITELY bookmarking this quiz!

  • Which Animal Are You (Detailed) Quiz
    Your Result: Dog 78%

    You are the Dog. This animal deserves its title as "man's best friend." Loyal, playful, and useful, dogs are a favorite pet. They bond with their masters and have often saved people's lives.

    78% Wolf
    69% Cat
    57% Wolverine
    53% Otter
    51% Weasel
    51% Lion
    43% Crocodile
    31% Fox
    28% Bald Eagle

  • -sigh- I wish people on gotoquiz.com weren't so immature. Teddy is not real. That chain mail sent a little girl to a mental instituion for six years. So yeah, lets keep on sending that chain mail and see how many more kids we can phisically and mentally hurt.

    Anyways great quiz.

  • You are the Dog. This animal deserves its title as "man's best friend." Loyal, playful, and useful, dogs are a favorite pet. They bond with their masters and have often saved people's lives.

    Bald Eagle

  • Fox 81%

    You are the Fox. The fox is a curious, clever, and agile animal. It is almost universally portrayed as a sly trickster. In real life, foxes have been known to actually employ tricks to throw hunters off its trail.

    Foxes are my fav animal so I'm so happy I got it!!! :D

  • Which Animal Are You (Detailed) Quiz
    Your Result: Otter 74%

    resultYou are the Otter. Otters are water-loving creatures related to weasels. They are often playful and curious, and have been known to make slippery mud slides to play on. Otters are very strong swimmers.

  • I got a dog, which I find is sort of stupid, since Im not really loyal, Im more fierce, brave smart and sly. Arent I more of a Fox? Or a wolf? And why is one of the questions what continent do you live on? its not like that should really make a difference on your answer because some people cant exactly help where they live. Also I wanted to pick black for my favourite colour, but I HATE the colour brown, and the only option with black in it was black or/and brown!! Anyway, my point is that this quiz is a bit inaccurate. I dont really like dogs that much, theyre noisy, can be irritating and some can be quite stupid-which I am not, Ive always been top of my class In all subjects-not bragging or anything-and Im not a nerd, just saying,,, I hate half of the subjects Im good at. Anyway, for me, this quiz is inaccurate and some of the questions are things that people cant help. This quiz is not one of the best quizs Ive done on the topic what animal are you.

    • Oh my god-

  • Wolf 89%

    You are the Wolf. Sometimes seen as a symbol of untamed wildness, the wolf can be fiercely protective of its pack. Wolves are smart and strong. They work together in a strict hierarchy led by the Alpha wolf.

    I definitely liked it!

  • Your Result: Otter 76%

    resultYou are the Otter. Otters are water-loving creatures related to weasels. They are often playful and curious, and have been known to make slippery mud slides to play on. Otters are very strong swimmers

  • 'Teddy':
    Please do not spam on my quizzes. Thank you.

    'Queer' is an old medieval word that means mysterious or eerie. That is how I used it on this quiz.


    If I made your day (or anyone else's, for that matter), I can consider the work I put into making this quiz to have been worthwhile.

  • You are the Dog. This animal deserves its title as "man's best friend." Loyal, playful, and useful, dogs are a favorite pet. They bond with their masters and have often saved people's lives.

    Well, I guess I am like a dog! That's one of my favorite animals. So are wolves.

  • Eres el glotón. Aunque es miembro de la familia de las comadrejas, el glotón se parece a un oso pequeño. Es conocido por su fiereza e irritabilidad, incluso más que el tejón. Se sabe que los osos huyen de los glotones enojados.

  • You are the Cat. Cats may befriend people and make friendly pets, but there are times when they "walk their wild lone" and can be mysterious and queer. Cats are also noted for their curiosity. They are fierce fighters for their small size.

    66% Fox
    44% Lion
    40% Dog
    36% Weasel
    31% Wolf
    30% Wolverine
    29% Otter
    25% Bald Eagle
    19% Crocodile

    Dark Cat
  • Your Result: Dog

    You are the Dog. This animal deserves its title as "man's best friend." Loyal, playful, and useful, dogs are a favorite pet. They bond with their masters and have often saved people's lives.

    YAY! (but i pre-fur wolves better some times. just sayin' ;))

    *foot feels numb... i cant feel it....ouch.... ooo....) gotta go.... :\

  • Your Result: Wolf

    You are the Wolf. Sometimes seen as a symbol of untamed wildness, the wolf can be fiercely protective of its pack. Wolves are smart and strong. They work together in a strict hierarchy led by the Alpha wolf.

  • You are the Dog. This animal deserves its title as "man's best friend." Loyal, playful, and useful, dogs are a favorite pet. They bond with their masters and have often saved people's lives. Cool. I like dogs.

  • Your Result: Dog 78%

    resultYou are the Dog. This animal deserves its title as "man's best friend." Loyal, playful, and useful, dogs are a favorite pet. They bond with their masters and have often saved people's lives.

    78% Wolf 69% Fox 58% Cat 41% Lion 39% Otter 34% Weasel 34% Bald Eagle 32% Wolverine 28% Crocodile

    Y AY!

  • Your Result: Wolf

    You are the Wolf. Sometimes seen as a symbol of untamed wildness, the wolf can be fiercely protective of its pack. Wolves are smart and strong. They work together in a strict hierarchy led by the Alpha wolf.

    woo! pwnage i ♥ WOLVES AND ALL CANINE! :3 :D

  • wolf, almost 100%, then dog, then cat, then fox, then strangely bald eagle. (another quiz i took here of this nature brought falcon to a close second its like the quizzes know i like big, hunting birds.) :)

    the "other" and "somewhat" options seem to make a difference. i just did the quiz and chose close seconds to the "other" and "somewhat" options "Canids" as apposed to "Other" for wolves, "Other" as opposed to "Blue" as a second guess, because my ideal eye color would be yellow or gold, and it is not on the list. these changes make it revert to Dog (in my case) on a larger margin, maybe should be a bit more clear....possibilit y for inaccurary if you guess. take the quiz again and take it literally if you don't get exactly desired result, "other" and "somewhat" make it confusing....

    lo w rating for that.

  • "You are the Cat. Cats may befriend people and make friendly pets, but there are times when they "walk their wild lone" and can be mysterious and queer. Cats are also noted for their curiosity. They are fierce fighters for their small size." Yep, I'm a Cat. That is Accurate due to me Sharing those Traits, and since Cats are like Autistics [like me] that Relates to me a lot.

  • Which Animal Are You (Detailed) Quiz
    Your Result: Cat 88%

    resultYou are the Cat. Cats may befriend people and make friendly pets, but there are times when they "walk their wild lone" and can be mysterious and queer. Cats are also noted for their curiosity. They are fierce fighters for their small size.

    I had second to a fox but cats are my spirit animal I loved it

  • You are the Cat. Cats may befriend people and make friendly pets, but there are times when they "walk their wild lone" and can be mysterious and queer. Cats are also noted for their curiosity. They are fierce fighters for their small size. Epic Accuracy. And yes I did know the fav color thing would be there XD Why is grey always with white? I like black and grey more than white and grey.

    0Blue Rose0

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