Do you need braces? (ACCURATE) | Comments

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  • Now I have to go get them tightened owwwww she is changing my wire and giving me a nice piece of head gear at least I am a handsome blonde white guy wait what she said I dont need the head gear today just because in need to get used to my power chain my BFF is getting braces at the same office and right beside me he hates it welcome to the club he is getting the whole package braces on the top teeth a retainer on his bottom teeth and 2 expanders and maybe headgear he is the handsomeist guy in school with the best looking teeth but his teeth are crowded he just got his retainer removed and the he got brackets on his bottom teeth he didnt even know now he is getting a power chain and I just hmgot done he is hating his experience he just got done he look in the miorr and then screamed I am coming back in a week to get mine removed and get a clear retainer and maybe Invisalign

  • I was at the orthodontist when I took this quiz I was there to get braces and the quiz said I needed braces i just got half of my brackets on I am getting a full set so by half I mean only my top brackets she is teaching me how to clean my braces and showing me headgear she said I might need headgear she said after she puts my my 2 wires in and my bottom brackets on she will put rubber bands in no I do not mean those coloured one i mean those big that make it hard for u to open your mouth I am gonna be so miserable with metal braces with no colours rubber bands and like a full set of braces and she is so mean that she is making me keep them on for 3 whole years and I am in middle school and she said to come back in al week the get my braces tightened at least she hasnt put on my bottom braces yet but I have my tops on now she is putting on my bottom brackets and my BFF is with me and he is like trying to find out what it feels like and stuff hes asking me questions well my mouth is held open and a lady has her hand in my mouth putting my wire in now she has my wire in she just has to put my bands on now I am done so she is making me talk now I have to go to school with my braces on with my rubber bands to and I cant take them out at all cuz my friend that was there at the orthodontist with me is hanging with me and what will my girlfriend think of me with these brackets in my mouth and I might get headgear I will keep u updated

  • I have a huge gap and a cross bite

    • oof, I went to the dentist just to get a tooth extracted, But lucky me! They said I don't need braces!


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