Do you need braces? (ACCURATE)

There are many quizzes that are supposed to tell you if you need braces. Are you thinking about getting braces? And do you really think you need braces?

This quiz has been created through dental research just to tell you if you need braces. The results will be very accurate, but ultimately the decision is up to you. So take this quiz to find out if you need braces.

Created by: Dylan

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  1. What kind of bite do you have?
  2. How many gaps do you have in between your teeth?
  3. How many of your teeth overlap or tilt?
  4. How much do your front teeth hang over the bottoms (overjet)?
  5. How much do your top teeth touch touch the bottoms (openbite)?
  6. How big are your teeth?
  7. Has anyone told you that you needed braces?
  8. Do you think you need braces?
  9. Do you want to have perfect teeth?
  10. Do you like your smile?

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Quiz topic: Do I need braces? (ACCURATE)