Which Marvel character are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which Marvel character are you?

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  • Your Result: The Hulk 89%

    You are the Incredible Hulk! You are usually the quiet type, but when pushed by either some bullying punk or an oppressive society, you unleash a deep anger.

    84% Colossus
    57% Sabertooth
    55% Spiderman
    46% Wolverine
    34% Magneto
    28% The Juggernaut

    I'm scared to say how accurate this is. But yeah, I'm literally Bruce Banner.

  • Your Result: Wolverine 86%

    You're the clawed beast Wolverine and you take bull from nobody! You love a fight! You always go in head first, slash things up and ask questions later, but despite all this it's usually for the right reasons.

    78% The Juggernaut
    74% Sabertooth
    50% Spiderman
    40% Collossus
    38% The Hulk
    34% Magneto

    The faded smoke
  • Your Result: Spiderman

    You are the webbed wonder Spiderman! You have a many problems of your own but you feel compelled to help others with theirs and put them before you but you're always ready with your quick wits and moves!

    The Hulk
    The Juggernaut
    Spiderman is awesome! =]

    Puppy xo1
  • Your Result: Sabertooth 76%

    You are the deadly Sabertooth! Always after revenge or trying to prove yourself the only way you know: Extreme Violence! You don't care about the rules; it just seems the only way to get what you want is to break them!

    74% The Juggernaut
    72% Wolverine
    68% The Hulk
    62% Collossus
    50% Spiderman
    34% Magneto

    The faded smoke
  • 86% Spiderman. Meh

  • Yay me wolverine. Thxs

  • got 93% Hulk HULK!!!!! ;D

    Bloody Beesley
  • 81% Collossus


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