Are You a Therian? | Comments

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  • So I am a therian and my brother and lol sister are too :) but bad thing about that is my older brother well attack me on all fours (´ . . . `)

    Silver claw
    • Wait lil sister ,

      Silver claw
    • Well, if your brothers theriotype is a canine, he was just playing most likely, but if hes a feline, ya probably did something-

    • Quads or connections or this quiz don't make a therian

  • hi my name is Amber (not confortbul sharing real name and age).

    i am a therian but i feel like my therotypes are so difrent other therians might think im a fake therian when im not. my therotypes are clouded leopard and cheetah. i also feel like i can't be my self. let me explain.

    i try to ware things that help me feel better as a therian or help me feel like me, but every time i do my parents make me get rid of it because they don't like it. i don't want to tell them cus they won't try to understand i mean, my mom thinks therians are people who think they are cats. i just wish i could ware stuff to help me feel like me with out them brigging me down.

    thank you for reading. have a good/night! <3

    Amber hart
  • Hi I am Kuami my pronouns are they/ her and I felt a connection to silver foxes. So I took the quiz because I thought I was a therian because I would always crawl on all fours acting like an animal. And when I took the quiz I found out that I was 100% therian and 68% otherkin. But I always felt left out of my place in high-school because I was the only one that really wanted to work together and make friends with others. But then I found out that the people who are in my class are anti-therians/furries. So I felt left out until I met my friend who was also a therian. And I finally felt as if I fit in for once and I was happy I took this test.

  • When I was little I would play "Wolf family" With the older kids in my pre-school. (It had 7th graders and stuff) I would always bring my little dog stuffie with me and I would pretend to be a wolf pup. I loved wolves so much and I still do. So I'm not surprised that I scored a 99!

  • Hello, I think I might be a therian but Im not sure. I got a 92% for a therian, but mostly feel a strong connection with wildlife (plants, habitats, mammals) so I may be other-hearted/animal-hearted, but what do you guys think? Im also a furry, might be getting a cat and a fox therian type mask, and am starting quads. Ive always thought about spirit animals and believed in them for years. Have had thoughts about being an animal or being reincarnated in one too over the years. Im 13 and have been questioning if I might be a therian for a few months. I would do quads outdoors but dont want my mom going around telling people or thinking Im weird. She does know Im les and a furry. When angry I sometimes hiss/growl, and meow randomly sometimes too or kinda fox noises. I love cuddling animals as if theyre my child like my cat or showing affection to him like one. Thanks to anyone who responds :3.

    • Hi! Youre probably other hearted! Specifically because as other hearted you feel that the animal you connect to is your family, as you do with your cat <3

      Also! Those noises or reactions are completely normal actually, so they don't mean Therianthropy.

      And the strongest point, if what you feel is a connection and not identify as an animal, you're not a Therian

  • Hello my name is zoey i took this quiz because i was intrigued by the thereotypes of what therians could have and i might actually be awakened as one because you never know what surprises could come next in life and i thought i would take a step and see what i could do

  • I just took the test and I got something like 92 percent and I was wondering where to start. When I was little I used to act like a cat and now I have kinda matured and dont do it very much at all. I saw some YouTube shorts and they were making masks. I just dont know where to like starry I. The Therons like world I guess

  • Hi! I'm Willow and I already know that I'm a therian but I took this test for fun :D I wish all the rest of you the best but please remember to be safe, do your research and have the best time on your journey of self-discovery. Being a therian is tough, but I believe in you all! :3

  • I think I may have multiple theriotypes, I feel as though spiritually I'm part cat but I also sort of feel like I'm spiritually part wolf at the same time. Anyway, I got 89% for Therian, I'm going to keep researching!

    • Cats and wolves have really similar behaviors to humans. It's normal to feel a connection with them.

      Do research and don't base your research on quizzes or TikTok.

  • hi!! i think it looks really fun to do quads, make masks, etc. but definitely don't think i'm a therian. i like being human and feel like a human. is there a name for someone who just likes the roleplay and isn't a therian? thank you!

  • hi! i do believe i am a therian! i've done quads basically my whole life, way before i knew what it was, and always have had a connection to animals. i've had quite a few shifts before, one of them being a dream where i was a white wolf, running around and hunting. it was actually amazing, and now i long for it to happen again. to feel like an animal, running free

  • I am very confused right now-i dont want to use animal pronouns, and i wanna be human, but i FEEL like an animal. ive always growled and hissed when people frustrate me, and i love walking on all fours. ive always obsessed over animals and wanted to be one. can a therian help me, please?

    • It ain't a choice im afraid get used to it C:

      Eri fendie
  • I LOVE THIS QUIZZ! <] I found out I am therian and now I am wolf and so as my friend is a therian she was one for a couple years and she said "You might be a therian Scarlet" and she found out cause I was barking at a dog and I am 87% a therian so thankz for helping me find out I am therian!!!! My therian name is Ash my friend picked it out for me!

  • Hi I'm Amber and I took this quiz because I feel like a wolf and have a connection to the forest. I got 90% but I was still unsure I took a few more and almost everyone said I was a therian but still kinda unsure.

  • Tip, dont do like TO MUCH quads bc I just broke my foot . I tried jumping over some pillows and landed weirdly on my left foot. It kinda just snapped and I got driven to the hospital. So yeah, be careful!

  • I'm not sure if I'm a therian but sometimes i wish to be a wolf/dog but sometimes not as much.. I've had some sort of connection to wolfs ever since i was a child and wish to be one. But i am still not sure if I'm a therian. Can anyone help???

    • Ofc!

      If what you feel is a connection or that you want to become one, you're not a therian most probably, but rather otherhearted.

      Therians do not "want to be" an animal, we already identify as one.

      Which means that you're most probably otherhearted.

  • Hello! im skylar i got a 98%! i took this quiz because i started to see tik toks of therians and i thought they were amazing! after that i watched more and more and i practiced at night too of doing jumps and runs. lol. see when i was little i love foxes and wolves and i was always outside playing and bare feet sometimes lol.(pls dont judge) then when i got too devices it changed... but know it turns out ive been going out more and playing yet to realize i love it... but i have a feeling to be connected instead of ya know dying as a animal and reborn i feel spiritly connected to artic foxes i love jumping and im always excited so after taking tones of quizs ive noticed one thing is that if im still doing this.. what am i waiting for? >:D

    • You're not a therian. You're most probably otherhearted.

      A connection doesn't mean Therianthropy, do proper research.

      Also, therian TikTok is full of misinformation. Quadrobics, masks and tails do NOT mean you're a therian, doing quads doesn't make you a therian.

  • Yo so like I have lots of inhuman traits/behaviors/instincts and sometimes I feel like a non-human animal (not all the time) but I’m not sure I’m therian due to the fact that being a therian means to identify as an animal but I’m not other hearted either because after doing some research the definition doesn’t %100 match how I feel (i don’t feel like I identify with an animal). I’m still open to anything ofc. I just need help

  • Turns out i am a therian. I always thought i was one until i found out i really am! This quiz was so helpful thank you!

  • Hi! Im 12 years old and since I found out about theriantrophy Ive been questioning. I have always felt like a long fluffy tail behind me and sharp ears on my head for no exact reason. I got like 94% but it is still a quiz so I still dont know and need advice. I am confused about this and asks if someone knows if I am a therian or anything. And remember that I am just asking and no I am not faking anything so please .

    • hi! im around ur age, and you should just do more research. i've done a lot and i believe im a therian. you can also join a therian discord server if u can. i joined therian territory, and it gives a lot of knowledge. hope this can help! <3

    • Ty! Im currently doing research, and I dont have discord . But Ik that it can take years. And maybe imma download discord!

  • I took this test and I had NO idea I was a therian before and I got 89% and It said I was a therian but to all the non-Therians YOU CAN'T BECOME A THERIAN YOUR BORN A THERIAN even though you love it you can't become one sorry to bring bad news to those who aren't a therian

  • Hey guys, please help me find out if im therian!

    I have a urge to chew on stuff and I triggered 2 phantom shifts

    Big connection to forests
    Feels right when I do quads

    Got 90% on this test and 40 other quizzes said I'm therian


  • Hi I an a therian and I'm a fox tomorrow my friend is gonna teach me quads

  • Hi am a therian any one want to be friends

    • hey! i would like to

  • Apparently I'm a "Wiccan, Pagan, Witch, or even a non human creature internally" but idk what any of those are so I'll look it up ty for the quiz


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