Are You a Therian? | Comments

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  • Hi, I don't feel comfortable saying my name so you can call me tulips, Here it appeared that I may be neither therian nor otherkin, but further down it appeared 88% otherkin and 80% therian 0% being nothing could someone help me understand this? I'm a little confused by this...

    Thanks for reading and thanks so much for replying (If you want to answer)

    • can i be wicca or witch (There's another one but I forgot which one)

  • You Are a Therian 89%

    You might be a Therian! You have a strong connection to nature and to wildlife in general. There are around 200,000 Therians in the world so welcome aboard! But make sure to do more research before sticking with the label!

    It got it correct! My theriotypes are Wolf, Calico Cat, Lynx, and Angelfish!

  • I dont know why but i cried twice during this quiz. The first time was when i was asked what animal i would be born as (i picked feline but i think i was crying because i also wouldnt mind being born as a bird but then i thought of all the cruel bird killers) the second time was my results i got 97% therian and i dont know if im happy, ior just completely lost of emotions

  • hey I'm elcago and Im therian people make fun of me because I am but I don't let it get to my head but because people bullied me I wasn't sure If I wanted to be a therian anymore so I took this test and got my results .now I dont care what people say about me. Cause if anything I'm gonna come back like a boomerang😎

  • Uh, hiya! Im just a rando, I have a therian/furry friend and Ive seen many videos recently of therians so I decided to take a test thingy and uh, I got 99% I think Im a therian- heh, might do more digging in the internet though

  • Hey I took this test to make sure I thought I was one bofore it moth hyena and questioning a bear I have done research a lot these past few days and I have a pack three moth type in it so I have a few moth friends and the leader just asked if I wanted to be in one so ofc I said yes I got like 85% And like 63% other kin idk why but this quiz could use a few touches but overall brilliant

  • Ol me chamo Alex vim parar aq por conta do tik tok eu assisti algums vdeos e me interessei muito pois des de muito novo sempre gostei de emitar um lobo sempre corria dentro de casa como se eu estivesse sobre quatro patas e vivia uivando at hoje eu uivo e vivo correndo descalo pela rua eu amo a natureza e tenho um apego muito grande com candeos ou seja lobos e cachorros vou pesquisar mais sobre o assunto mais acho que posso ser um therian

    • I got 86% that I'm a therian. When I was younger I'd always act like a wolf or fox. I also felt extremely connected to nature and still do now. Before I even knew what a therian was I'd feel like I'd have limbs of a wolf like a tail, fur or ears. I think I'm definitely a therian but I'm still unsure what type of animal I am, I'm questioning, wolf, fox, cat, owl, and otter right now.

    • You're not a therian you're other hearted. A connection means other hearted and that's ok! But you're not one.

  • Hey i have a question. Even though im extremely conncted to cats and belive im a cat therian, but i dont get memories and my phantom shifts arent really noticeable at all. Ive belived i am a therian for a few months now, but i feel like im faking it. am i?

    • Nope! This connection can happen to alot of people they may not remember their past lives when they get used to their animal for a few years they relized their past lifes! Your still need some research in cats!

    • agree

    • You're probably other hearted. A past life doesn't mean you're a therian, you have to identify as an animal non-physically and involuntarily to be a therian.

  • I took this quiz, and the result was that while I might not be a Therian, I'm not human on the inside either. I am a witch of sorts, but I still feel like a creature. I feel animal in nature, but not mythical or like an animal that genuinely exists. What is this? I would love to join in with groups like me but I feel like I'm outside of it all.

  • When I was young, I loved the forest and played as a dog. My dream was to be a gray wolf, since I am 8 I know that I not a normal human. Now I am 10 and have done some research, the result is that I am an therian. I like it to do quads and play in the forest. My theriotype is an snow leopard. I did this quiz so I can confirm that I am an therian, the result was 90% therian (wow)


    Sn0wy pawz
  • Hiii, you can js call me by my theriotypes name, Hunter (fake), I scored 77% therian and 69% Otherkin, Im pretty sure Im a black cat therian and Im questioning Coyote, I dont have anything else, so have a nice day/night! 😄

  • For question 9 my actual answer is Yes, but I can control it - now. I used to not be able to I only recently learned what therianopy is but its making sense and know a friends who might also be a therian

  • I feel like I am a therian I scored 91% for therian and I loved pretending to be an animal when I was younger and now that I think about I love laying down and cozying up like a cat I like swimming a lot but that just runs in my family but I do think I may be a cat or feline therian

  • Hi, tbh when I was little I didnt ever really act like an animal because I thought it was weird, but anytime I would play with my neighbors kids I would feel so free and happy because they would love to play things like animals. I got 85% therian and 60% otherkin

  • Hello, I would just like to inform everyone a quiz does not tell you if you are a therian. Therianthropy is NOT connections and this quiz is wrong. Connections are otherhearted. Therianthropy is involuntarily identifying as an animal nonphysically.

  • hello i'm Jackson, i took this because i wanted to know if i was a therian after obsessing over them so much i got an 87 on it and when i was 3-9 i always acted like a cat and when i was 9 to 14(which i am now) i felt more like it was right to act like that but i never stopped

    even when my parents found out and burned my calico cat masks and tail in front of me so now i do quads and stuff in secret and will never stop :)

    • Quads, masks or tail don't make a therian.

  • Hallo ich bin Mia und habe an diesem test teilgenommen weil ich mich nicht sehr als mensch gefhlt habe und mich mit Tieren verbunden gefhlt habe..als ich jnger war, war ich schon anders als andere bin fter in der Natur gewesen und bin immer auf allen viern gelaufen ich dachte es wr nur spa bis mir aufgefallen ist mit meinen 14 jahren das ich es immernoch gerne mache und dann hatte eine freundin mir gesagt das sie ein therian ist und hat erzhlt wie sie darauf gekommen ist dann wusste ich das ich auch einer bin und hab diesen test gemacht

    • Hi I'm Mia and I took this test because I didn't feel very human and I felt connected to animals..when I was younger I was already different from others have been out in nature more and I'm always on everyone ran four i thought it was just fun until i noticed at the age of 14 that i still like doing it and then a friend told me that she is a therian and told me how she came up with it then i knew that i am one too and did this test

  • I used to act like a cat as a child; I would hold my hands up like paws, meow, and crawl on all fours. I believed I was a cat. And I felt like one, too. I get half shifts where I feel a strong sense of leadership and get feisty if someone tries to take it from me. I took this quiz and was not surprised, but a little scared. Should I be scared?

  • Omfg this is actually so damn accurate. Im still kinda in denial since my shifts are few and far between and very mild and easy to control, but just a small part of me is screaming that I am a therian at me and I just cant stop thinking about it..I got 97

    • are you a therain this is a quiz

  • Hey I'm jinx (preferred name) when I was younger I had a strong connection to forests and the moon. I used to run without shoes and act like a wolf. I took the test and it turns out I'm 99% therian (according to the test) and I still do quads and own a tail. But I'm not sure how to tell anyone. I'm 13 and live in the UK. I don't think I know anyone else remotely like me at all

    • Hello jinx, if you want to tell someone that your a therian ( By the way tests aren't accurate so do your own research) first ask yourself, What or how will they response to that? and are they supportive?

      If you think they'll not support you, do not tell them

      But if you think they do, They say but by what I mean is that question what they'll response with before telling.

      If you don't feel safe or feel a need to keep it a secret from them, then keep it to yourself.

      If someone is bullying you with hate , Ignore them. they only want to know how you will react to that or just Shrug it Off.

      Just be yourself

      Of course you can speak to other therians for advice / help too.

      Hope this helped somehow

  • Hello! I go by River. I am both therian and otherkin myself. I took this quiz for fun. It was a great quiz but it could use some inprovement. Like such as on #5, I think you should add the response "Yes, I am one". Also, on #11, Do you work best alone or in a group? was really hard for me because i wanted to put "I feel best fallowing" for my wolf side, but i also wanted to put "i work alone" for my dragon side. Anyways... love the quiz!

    River Dragon
  • Hi Im piper. I started to believe I was a furry and still do but then I started seeing the rain TikToks. I was in love with any animal as a kid And I still am. I searched a am I therian quiz on google and got a 78%. I love trying to learn quadrobics and walk/run on all fours. I live in Centralia MO and I need more friends who are like me! Have a good day/night! <3 (I also have a YouTube acc @ranboo54)

    • Im also 13 almost 14 (I didnt say)

    • That isn't what a therian is and quizzes do NOT define if you're a Therian or not.

      Hear me out, if what you like is walking/running on all fours it means that you're a Quadrobist, NOT a therian.

      You have a connection with animals? GREAT! Still doesn't make you a therian, it may mean that you're otherhearted, but not that you're a therian.

      Therianthropy means that you INVOLUNTARILY identify as an animal on a non-physical level due to involuntary animal urges and behaviors. It's an identity, it's not a connection, it's not quads, it's not mask nor tails.

      If you're interested in actually educating yourself and not calling yourself a therian just because, you can DM me on IG (@moon_corvid) on TikTok (Local_Crow_Therian) and on YT (Vanilla_Coffee_)

  • Hello I am Mia, I took this cause I started to see on tiktok therians and I thought they were really cool and I saw more and more and I wanted to be one they looked so cool but then I found out it it's not someone just acting as an animal they ithink were trying to be one I don't know for sure but I toke this test cause it said what you experience and that you kinda act like and it related to my life a bit and I got a 90% therian so I guess I know now thank you test

    • You're not a therian

      That's not how it works, stop basing your identity on a stupid quiz.

      The therian community is TIRED of explaining this to all of you.

  • Your Result: You Are a Therian 94%

    You might be a Therian! You have a strong connection to nature and to wildlife in general. There are around 200,000 Therians in the world so welcome aboard! But make sure to do more research before sticking with the label!

    wow, thats cool. im still kinda new to therians and otherkins even with the research.

  • My score is 89% when i was younger i always roleplayed as any animal with my friends, we enjoyed it soo much. We were often outside and yeah, it was very fun. But my problem is that i still didn't found the animal i identity as ir sth like that (idk hiw to say ut im frim germany). Yeah, if someone reads it, can ya help me find my animal please TwT. Here is my discord: Night_Flyer#1242. Thx


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