What Is Your Magic Power? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Is Your Magic Power?

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  • Control of the Mind 89%

    This is my personal favorite. You have control over the mind! You can do amazing things with your mind; you can move things with your mind, read peoples' minds, and solve impossible equations and the mysteries of the universe!

    I'm actually really proud with what I got, I always wanted this and i did also want Control of the Elements witch is 84% so close enough :)

    84% Control of the Elements
    72% Shapeshifting
    50% Time Travel
    26% Communication With the Dead

    Liz Sanchez
  • What Is Your Magic Power?
    Your Result: Control of the Elements 93%

    AMAZING! One of my absolute favorites! This power gives you the amazing abilities! For example, you can control Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Ice, Electricity, Light, and Darkness!

    82% Control of the Mind
    58% Time Travel
    51% Shapeshifting
    39% Communication With the Dead

  • Your quiz results
    What Is Your Magic Power?
    Your Result: Control of the Mind 86%

    This is my personal favorite. You have control over the mind! You can do amazing things with your mind; you can move things with your mind, read peoples' minds, and solve impossible equations and the mysteries of the universe!

    72% Control of the Elements
    48% Time Travel
    35% Shapeshifting
    32% Communication With the Dead

  • Control of the Mind 92%

    This is my personal favorite. You have control over the mind! You can do amazing things with your mind; you can move things with your mind, read peoples' minds, and solve impossible equations and the mysteries of the universe!

    73% Time Travel
    59% Control of the Elements
    59% Communication With the Dead
    54% Shapeshifting

  • What Is Your Magic Power?
    Your Result: Control of the Elements 79%

    AMAZING! One of my absolute favorites! This power gives you the amazing abilities! For example, you can control Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Ice, Electricity, Light, and Darkness!

    73% Control of the Mind
    56% Time Travel
    31% Shapeshifting
    23% Communication With the Dead

    I am soooooooooooo happy with this! i wanted this power and i got it! loved it, so impressed with accuracy.

    • I got the exact same percentages!! :D

  • Your Result: Control of the Elements 87%

    AMAZING! One of my absolute favorites! This power gives you the amazing abilities! For example, you can control Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Ice, Electricity, Light, and Darkness!

    • I'm so happy with my results!

    • I got 86 percent

  • What Is Your Magic Power?
    Your Result: Control of the Mind 77%

    This is my personal favorite. You have control over the mind! You can do amazing things with your mind; you can move things with your mind, read peoples' minds, and solve impossible equations and the mysteries of the universe!

    62% Control of the Elements
    44% Time Travel
    40% Shapeshifting
    26% Communication With the Dead

  • Your Result: Control of the Mind 77%

    This is my personal favorite. You have control over the mind! You can do amazing things with your mind; you can move things with your mind, read peoples' minds, and solve impossible equations and the mysteries of the universe!

    69% Control of the Elements
    55% Time Travel

  • Your Result: Control of the Elements 80%

    AMAZING! One of my absolute favorites! This power gives you the amazing abilities! For example, you can control Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Ice, Electricity, Light, and Darkness!

    Pretty cool power, if you ask me. Pog quiz!

  • What Is Your Magic Power?
    Your Result: Control of the Elements 89%

    AMAZING! One of my absolute favorites! This power gives you the amazing abilities! For example, you can control Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Ice, Electricity, Light, and Darkness!

  • Niiice, I got ghost powers! I always dreamed about becoming a spooky ghost. Only if I could make myself visible and spooky so I could scare people. it would be even better if they would call Ghostbusters and then I could fly away from them! It would be the biggest adventure and fun if I could be a real ghost.

  • Your Result: Control of the Elements 93%

    AMAZING! One of my absolute favorites! This power gives you the amazing abilities! For example, you can control Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Ice, Electricity, Light, and Darkness

  • Control of the Elements

    AMAZING! One of my absolute favorites! This power gives you the amazing abilities! For example, you can control Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Ice, Electricity, Light, and Darkness!



    i got 100% Elements. me and my friends play a game and i have an element. Earth OMS i am a true earth girl!!!!!!!YAAAYYY In the daytime i'm Marinette. just a normal girl with a normal life. but there's something about me that no-one knows yet. because i have a secret....Miraculous! simply the best! up to the test when things go wrong! Miraculous! The luckiest! The power of love always so strong! Miraculous! I <3 Miraculous GO RENA ROUGE!

  • Your Result: Control of the Elements

    AMAZING! One of my absolute favorites! This power gives you the amazing abilities! For example, you can control Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Ice, Electricity, Light, and Darkness

  • Control of the Elements 86%

    AMAZING! One of my absolute favorites! This power gives you the amazing abilities! For example, you can control Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Ice, Electricity, Light, and Darkness!

  • Your Result: Control of the Mind 84%

    This is my personal favorite. You have control over the mind! You can do amazing things with your mind; you can move things with your mind, read peoples' minds, and solve impossible equations and the mysteries of the universe!


  • Your Result: Control of the Mind 88%

    This is my personal favorite. You have control over the mind! You can do amazing things with your mind; you can move things with your mind, read peoples' minds, and solve impossible equations and the mysteries of the universe!

    65% Control of the Elements
    42% Time Travel
    39% Communication With the Dead
    33% Shapeshifting

    Oooh, can I control other people's minds? That would be cool!

    Rainbow Frost
    • I just realized, the name is control of the mind, so of course I can do it. *facepalms* I'm dumb.

      Rainbow Frost
  • Communication with the dead,also able to have the attributes of a spirt as well. Honestly I've seen way to much to not believe in the afterlife so this would be cool to have. Cool quiz mate.

  • To be honest am very happy with my results and hope I use it well to hopefully become a vigilante one who stops crimes and maybe possibly accidentally become a dark

  • Your Result: Control of the Elements 90%

    AMAZING! One of my absolute favorites! This power gives you the amazing abilities! For example, you can control Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Ice, Electricity, Light, and Darkness!

    70% Control of the Mind
    63% Shapeshifting
    39% Time Travel 16%
    I love what I got!!!

  • I would love to have control of the elements in real life because then I would basically be immortal and finally kill my teacher.

  • I got telekinesis with a 90%

  • I got control of the elements! Super epic!

    Ace The Strong
    • Same here. I think it would be pretty cool to control the elements.

  • Oooh Control of the Elements! Very interesting! Love it!

    Magic Fury

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