The true Therian quiz. | Comments

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  • TW:I don't really know a lot

    I am a bird therian probably. I am new to the term therian but when I heard it I wanted to know more about it. when I first learned about it I thought that I couldn't be a therian but then I started to wonder if I was one and I started looking at therian YT videos and I saw that they were really cool but I didn't connect with one until I saw crow therians and I felt so connected to myself (I'm really sorry if Im wasting your time and If i'm not actually a therian and I'm just being stupid but I think that If you are I definitely want to be your friend to get to know more about you and your theriotype) I have always loved the feeling of falling and like going up a roller coaster and when i was younger I believed everything my Homophobic father said and I thought that this kind of thing was a "Sin" but I have always wanted to know what It would be like to fly and I've always been super captivated by flight and birds (Crow's specifically) But I dont think that I have had any shifts or any thing but if you have things to help fugure out if you are a therian pleas let me know. I hope you have an amazing day and life. Please stay safe

  • Honestly, I identify as a Glass Frog. As they are amphibians, I got Reptile Therian. Its pretty accurate if you dont know your species. But if you know who you truly are, chances are it probably wont be accurate since you know more about yourself than this quiz would ever know about you.

    I personally dont trust quizzes that much since most of the time they arent accurate. But if you are curious to know if you are Therian or want to know your species, then this quiz is great for you.

    Some quizzes are honestly useless and have nothing to do with Therian specifying, but this quiz is for you if you wish to know more about yourself.

    Thanks for reading this super long paragraph, As a Therian Amphibian, I know way too much to know that this quiz is mostly for content. I hope you find what you are looking for!

    - Anonymous (not wanting to tell people my name)

  • Its was pretty accurate, but I already know what my therian type is and the result I got was no where near what I am. I know, if I already know what my type is then why am I taking this test, well, I just wanted to test how accurate this was and it wasn't really, but a good test, hope it worked for other people.

    wild wolf girl
  • This quiz is pretty accurate. I myself feel I am I wolf therian however i am still quite unsure so I have been researching to find out more. I got Canis therian on the quiz and I believe that you have made a very accurate quiz. Thank you and well done.

  • I've known my theriotypes for a while now. They are Canada lynx, bobcat , fruit bat, silver fox and Bombay cat. I really just wanted to see if this quiz was accurate or not, and for me, it was not accurate but got high percentages for canines, felines and bats, so i would say this is semi-accurate.

    Please do not use tests or quizes online made by people who dont know you or who you are as your only source of research when finding out if you are a therian and/or your theriotypes. Quizzes do help with finding theriotpyes but just to get an idea of what animal you can possibly be. When i was finding my theriotypes i definitely used a few quizzes to see what kinds of animals i should research on.

  • (don't mind my name I put)

    The only reason I thought (a year ago) I was a Therian was because I kept having the same dream that I was a cat and I was trying to save my kits but then every time I drowned, then after a month I started doing quadrobics and having shifts and I knew I was a Therian. Right now I only know of 7 of my theriotypes. (A black wolf, gray wolf, coyote, calico cat, husky, lynx, and a arctic fox) IDK if I have more but lately I've been having a dream over and over again that I'm a black cat and I keep dying trying to defend my pack or whatever so I might have 8 theriotypes.

    Athena on pawz
  • This quiz is pretty accurate. I myself feel I am I wolf therian however i am still quite unsure so I have been researching to find out more. I got Canis therian on the quiz and I believe that you have made a very accurate quiz. Thank you and well done.

    • Nice Im a wolf therian too

  • i got Canis therian- i have been doing so research and it seems pretty accurate. i am exited if it is true because i feel a big connection to dogs/wolfs,the forest and other canine traits. I sometimes experience shifts mostly phantom shifts i feel ears,paws, and even my tail moving! thanks for making this quiz i really enjoyed testing it out! have a good day/night/or afternoon! ;)

    • i meant to say *i have been doing some research*

  • Honestly I just figured out that I have been a Therian for a few years. I have always felt a connection with dogs, mostly a German shepherd. When I got the Canine therian, I was not surprised. I also have figured out I am pupgender for a bit, and to see that that is therian like just adds more proof.

    • exscuse me sorry but do you by chance do qauds?

  • I really like this quiz it's true I'm a canis therian bc I'm a red fox therian although i think I might be a cat therian to- I'm new to being a therian and i took this quiz to make sure i was in the right therian category <3

  • This, for me wasn't as accurate because I usually feel a flash before my eyes as an, I think, fox therian. I got mostly bat but I am mostly cat + fox therian. mine are - orange cat, chihuahua, Arctic fox, Fennec fox, Red fox, and lastly, Northwestern or Erasian Wolf therian. Yes, I know. I have a BUNCH of theriotypes -_-u

    F3nn3c 0n p4wz
  • you got me lol, I'm cathearted. I wouldn't recommend taking quizzes like this one as gospel, though - no quick-and-easy checklist of behaviors can know you as well as you yourself do. in fact, some folks might not act like their kintypes at all in ordinary life! nothing's as straightforward as people would like it to be lol

  • Ok, I just wanted to say that I'm pretty young, (I'm 11)but I know I'm a Therian. I've recently been questioning whether I'm a normal wolf or a winged wolf...

    Oml Turbles
  • Hi this quiz does seem pretty real! I honestly think you should not fully confirm that you are a therian though. But you can do a bunch of research on it. You can sleep in it though!

  • something that i find interesting is that i am a Lynx therian but it said i was a bat therian. two completely opposite things. now that i think about it tho i did have some involuntary bat like experiences in the past so i might have to look into it

  • I was feeling I was feline but wanted to make sure. And wow I am one! It seems pretty accurate too, just make sure you KNOW you are a Therian before taking this because this is actually meant to be a theriotype quiz, just FYI.

  • I am a canie therian- a marble fox. And I got bird therian?? Its somewhat accuarte? But no quiz can really tell you your a therian or what type you are. You have to do research.

    Moonlight fox
  • Bem, eu sou uma polytherian então fiquei bem indecisa no momento de responder, mas pelo que respondi foi dado como Canino, não está errado, irei fazer outras vezes sendo mais preciso para cada theriantipo, obrigada :)

  • I dont know id i am a therian but when i saw therians existed i started to dive deeper into it and i felt soo connected to wolfs and i still dont know if i am a therian... soo any tips pls!

    • I'll give you tips and if any of these fit you of actually feel connected too then you most likely are. Wolves are carnivores—they prefer to eat large hoofed mammals such as deer, elk, bison, and moose Wolves are facially expressive and readily communicate their emotional states with body language. They work hard at developing their social relationships, although -- unlike their cousin the dog -- they are quick to anger when they sense threats to the social order. (I'M SORRY IF ITS SOOO LONG!!)

  • Very accurate for me, I was found 90% Dog yet I know the other 10%, it is Lion, I am a full Sun Leo and yet the pride and a Lion's characteristics enhance my hound. I enjoy my Ways.

  • Got confused as I got bird therian at #1 (have been thinking I may be a crow therian[I have crow instincts and am very smart like a crow]) and my actual theriotypes (feline and canis) were the least percentage (AFTER I TYPED THIS I HAD A CROW SHIFT U WERE RIGHT-)

  • I believe this quiz is really accurate, i got bird therian twice, and wolf therian was really close! i enjoy this quiz and i hope other people can find guidance on what they believe they truly are.

  • This was very accurate for my a am a poly therian of a Mexican wilf and a clouded leopard and it said a was 75 canine and 51feline but the rest of the animal catagories of animals where very low like 7 persent very accurate quiz

  • Thank you for making this quiz. I think I have been trying to be a wolf therian but this quiz made realize that I am more likely to be a bird therian and that I should stop trying to be something im not.

    • please dont rethink what you are based on a quiz made for fun

  • It was good an accurate as well but please dont fully rely on a test to see if you are a therian thats now how you know you are one and you cant become a therian so if you arent one please dont spread rumors


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