Is Your Character a Mary Sue? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Is Your Character a Mary Sue?

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  • Dimitri Zertek liberium III es un humano inmortal que controla la realidad, de 30.000.00 años, no recuerda ni su nacionalid ni su pasado más allá de 1789, fue un agente secreto, actualmente es un vagabundo, aunque fiscicamente es normal, es listo pero no es el más inteligente (El Pingüino de la misma obra es mil veces más listo), la unica razon por la que solo es un 19% Gary-Stu es porque no es generico, esta salido de mi locura en un universo absolutamente loco. Es del universo "Relatos del fin del tiempo" de mi creacion (Nortland_Autor), lo pueden encontrar en wattpad.

  • I got 23%. My characters name is Riot and he's an elf with the power to summon the strength of the sun and use the fire/light from it. His powers are pretty weak at night and insanely powerful durring sunny days. His skin cant take the heat and burns everytime he uses his powers (He has server nerve damage in his hands). His ears are too large and he has ugly ahh scars, He's 46 with long dark blue hair and orange eyes. He's never fallen in love (he's aroace) but he was manipulated as a teen into thinking an abusive relationship with a human was love and ended up with a kid he didn't know about until the end of the main story. When he was a kid he was extremely bullied for being skinny and having large ears. One sunny day he accidentally lashed out on the school yard and permanently damaged a classmates wings by burning off the feathers. He got sent home that day and walked into his mother violently stabbing his abusive father. His father was the most respected knight in the kingdom but took a lot of his anger and stress out in his family. Riot ended up being sent to live with his aunt which is where he got his nickname; "riot" while his mother was on trial. eventually his mother got sentanced to 130 years in prison and riot, with no guardians was sent to a boarding school where he met the abusive human. and that's like all idk i don't think he's a gary sue😭🙏

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  • The OC I used for this quiz is Shiro Akawaito. He is a human with natural white hair and red eyes (In his world weird colored hair and eyes are normal.) He is 14. His nationality is Japanese (kinda did that because I wish I was Japanese ;-;) He is not a fan character. I don't have much for his backstory, but I do have a start. By the way, his backstory was based on the urban legend "coin locker baby" and the song by Maretu of the same title.

    Shiro was the result of an accidental pregnancy. His mother was not ready to take care of a child yet, she wasn't prepared. She couldn't get an abortion because he was too old, so she just let him be born. She couldn't put him up for adoption either because the local adoption center only accepts children 3 months and up, and she wanted him gone immediately, so she quickly devised a plan. His mom took the train back from the hospital. When she arrived at the train station, she stuffed him in a coin operated locker, hoping someone would find him and take care of him. Now it'd be a boring story if that was where it ended, wouldn't it? So.. he survived!! Yay!

    He had utilized a power that he'd never known he had until then. This power allows him to hibernate, shutting off his needs and preserving his body until he decides to wake up. He automatically went into hibernation mode when he was put into the locker. He escaped by waking up and lockpicking, which happened when he was 5. Realistically, someone would've found him earlier, but the locker was jammed shut from the outside and no one bothered to repair it because plot convenience. Idk the rest yet.

    I got 21%, but I would've gotten higher if I would've been able to go into detail. Oh well.

    • I think it should be lower depending on how far his abilities can go. I think he's really cool! He is in no way a Gary Sue, his ability has it's limits and I respect that. His backstory isn't "oh yeah his mom abused him in every way possible but he turned out to be immortal and killed her!!!!!!!!!", no, it's very balanced. I feel like it wouldn't be higher. Very nice oc!

    • why do you wish that you were japanese lmao

  • I got 23%

    I did this for my fan made oc Sinobu which is a MHA oc. His ability is shape shifting. With his shape shifting some limitations are 1)same eye color 2) in all forms except fox if held for to long he can not turn back without the help of a potion.

    He is Aizawas adopted child along with my friends oc. Due to his past he has ptsd (I do try to make the symptoms appear) which hinder him in fighting. Like me he is more interested in herbs than fighting, so he wants to become a side kick that can use its magic to help others (example a foxes tounge is sharp enough to help clean wounds) and also help with rescue missions. Due to his ability to turn into small creatures, going into small places would be easier. Due to his PTSD certain situations can be tramactic that would be fine for others (keep in mind I mainly only role play with this character). Also he tends to lose his human mind even in fox form and end up causing a lot of trouble. He tries to move forward, but sometimes it's hard.

    I'm still working more on him so any suggestions is fine by me

    • What about Kota?

    • He sounds so awesome compared to the first character I used this quiz for. Her name's Esmee Chan, she has no eyes but still has the same amount of abilities as though she did, she's 18, and she can waterbend. She can also turn regular water into poison/electric water and turn it back to normal without any repercussions. Also she's a half demon, mainly because I wanted her to be Lucifer's daughter (sorry if this offends anyone), and she started out as just an Eddsworld OC, as Tom's sister. But over time, she actually became more or less fleshed out instead of just being a boring persona. And about a year or so ago I had a weird obsession with Mineta and shipped her with him all the time, but now I just have them as a sorta-couple, with Bakugo as Esmee Chan's ex. (In my AU, Mineta is less of a perv, but is also I little desperate still. Also he's somewhat chivalrous too lol-)

    • A*

    • nice oc.

    • Thanks!

  • I got 7%.

    Some info about the character: His name is Linaere, one of the 2,000 people housed on a space station called Station Ianno. (Not a fan character, original universe although heavily based off of The 100). He has a very lightly brown skin tone, greasy black hair, and is about 6'2. He is 21 years old, and was a guard trainee on the station. However, his commander decided to send him down to earth with the other 1,000 (There are 5 stations, 200 was sent down from each.). He tried to protest, but on the day of the Ground Calling, he was sent with them anyways. He and Freya (another guard trainee sent down) used their skills in survival and fighting methods to promote the survival of the 1,000. Eventually, he almost died from a rough winter illness that they called Yellowthroat, due to the yellow-ish mucus that they would cough up. It was, in fact, an uncontrolled case of the influenza.

    • 4 words.
      I. Love. This. Character.

    • THIS CHARACTER LOOKS GREAT :D if you have a reference, then I can draw him

    • I love this kind of stories

      And the character seems really likeable and very relatable

  • 33% Mary Sue, I expected my character would be average to little be mary sue lol.

    My OCs name is Willow, shes 20 and twice my age Oof- But shes my height, 53. With purple eyes and grey-purple hair, one of her eyes covered by a bandage. She looks pretty androgynous now that I gave her a more original appearance.

    I started her off by using someone elses character design. I know, I copy :( but I did give credit of course, then as time went on I gave her more original decor on her outfit, etc. It started off with a witchy small young adult to a dapper looking fine young lady. I kept the witch hat cause I liked it.

    She has quite the name for herself, practically despised by her fellow hometown, etc. Willow mostly isolating herself in the dark, her powers are out of her control. Using Deltarune/Undertale references for her, its HATE. ;)

    Shes decently attractive, thats all I can say.

    Yeah this is my OC who I made since November 2018. Hope you like this soul reaper smol girl.

    • If I understand correctly that you are 10 years old, that's not bad at all. If you were any older than 13 I'd probably be bashing you, but you'll get there yourself just fine I think. Do understand that your character actually does sound like a bit of a mary sue lol. I'm just saying that's not necessarily a bad thing as long as you're not completely convinced that it's the character design of the century and everyone will want to read about them.

      Also, if I understood wrong and you're not actually 10 years old: I'm so sorry lol

  • My Oc I used here is called Quinton Williams, hes a 26 year old investigative detective with Aspergers, depression, anxiety, and a few other mental problems due to some past trauma that heavily relates and impacts him in the story and is a key component to character growth.

    Hes from Kansas and grew up on a farm, along with training for his detective role, so hes well built and pretty toned, he maintains this by training regularly and walking his dogs. Hes very unkept and looks messy but hes a pretty good looking guy, hes got freckles beauty marks and scars littering his body, hes also covered in bruises and other injuries because he bruises easily and doesnt really care.

    Hes very unkept and doesnt really care about his appearance, and doesnt take care of himself, he has scruff, bags under his eyes, and his hair is a mess. He relies on caffeine for his day and occasionally finds himself drinking alcohol. He takes meds for his issues. Hes socially awkward, as in he has trouble functioning correctly around people unless theyre super close. He gets hyperfixated on things easily and says really weird and awkward things in attempts to be funny or relatable, which leaves him nowhere.

    He also has some other personal issues that are spoilers to my story.

    His bf/husband is a dude named Damien, whos the opposite of him. Damien is super well kept, flashy, rich, confident and well liked. Theyve been friends for about a decade and a half and Quinn is the only person Damien became close with due to strictness with his dad and an inferiority complex with his sister

    • I also have Aspergers and depression/anxiety, I dont want people to think I gave it to him without knowing about it btw lol

    • So what are Damien's flaws? Sounds like this could make a really cool story if there's some kind of twist, like your guy Quinton viewing Damien as perfect until at some point it all falls apart (maybe Quinton cannot accept the truth (if so, make the reason why part of the plot)), or maybe Damien is like a metaphor for who Quinton wishes he could be (maybe bc of his mental illnesses), and he doesn't actually exist (although I would make Quinton aware of this (but maybe not the reader), since otherwise you'd have to add another mental illness to the list (since I don't think delusions like believing you have a perfect husband when you have none are a symptom of either of the two illnesses you mentioned), and the list will just seem like that: a list) but something like that anyway will really flair up your concept, make it shine, tie it all together ya know

    • I relate A LOT with your OC Quinton there.

      Meilin Lee
    • I relate A LOT with your OC Damien there. Oddly so, in fact...

      Damien Williams
  • Right, so I got 27% so I might as well describe them.

    My OC is a self insert, made to represent myself in my YouTube videos and roleplays. Her name is Mud and she's about 6'7, from head to hoof. Her legs are a deer's, and she has a black bushy tail. She's extremely skinny with a flat chest (my body type) and mostly wears an oversized batman t-shirt accompanied by a yellow, leather collar.

    She has pale skin and freckles, and her hair is light orange. Her hair is extremely curly and is worn in a ponytail. One of her eyes is black with a hazel, heartshaped pupil, and the other is hazel with a black heartshaped pupil. She's filled with bees, and because of that became a walking beehive and cannot feel pain.

    Some of the non-self insert properties, is that she's a creation of a super prestigious demon family. Mud's cannon name is Moss, and she works as a servant for the family. She had raised almost all of the family's children. Moss was created by Kiru to be overly powerful. He took the properties of the most dangerous animals on earth and put them together.

    Most of Moss' obstacles are stemmed from her mental state. She's terrified of failure, and gets attached to people way too easily. She has a rather childish personality, and often says things without thinking that makes people dislike her easily. Moss is also really stubborn and doesn't like accepting help or anything like that.

    • Also, she has rounded black ears that comes out of where human ears are, and a bee earing hangs off of one.

  • 23%, huh? Might as well make a short description of my OC Ninetails. She's a Ninetales from Pokmon, but I changed her name to avoid confusion with other Pokmon of her species. We're talking about a Kanto Ninetales, btw. She has fire powers only. As a Vulpix, she was caught and treated well by her trainer. But he soon became abusive and started feeding her less and less, making her starve, as well as forcing her to evolve and to learn the moveset she has now: Flamethrower, Quick Attack, Confuse Ray and Mystical Fire. After many attempts of trying to survive, Nine was abandoned by her trainer. Slowly learning to live on her own and the bruises she had healing.

    But despite all of this, she'll never stop having faith in humanity and Pokmon and will do anything to protect her loved ones!

    Lusiana Ren
    • I feel so bad for her! She's so unique and she has an equally sad and detailed background story. I have a soft spot in my heart for OCs like her. Love her-

    • Kinda sounds like a relative of tails from sonic lmao

  • Your character is 27% a Mary Sue! 27%

    Original characters at this level could probably take a bit of spicing up, but fan characters are probably pretty good. Please remember that the traits listed in this test are not in themselves bad but can be bad when added up. I am not trying to bash your character.

    The character in question is my OC, Olive Wyatt Lich. She's goblin and half human. When in the transformation to full goblin form, her hair changes from reddish brown to ginger. She has natural red eyes that are like a cat (in slits, can see in the dark.) The whites around the eyes turn yellow when going full goblin. Her freckles enlarge into medium sized spots on her moss green skin. She's 25 years old. She's orphaned, adopted by her two mothers. She's a triplet. Her sister, Izzy, caused the scar across the bridge of Olive's nose. She's from a whole different universe, which explains why she's part goblin. When meeting the goblin king, she becomes knighted. Her Mother, Amaris, aided and abetted to Aunt Kyrie who happened to be a major wreaker of havoc. They had to flee from the world they were originally from by time hopping to a different universe. They have to stay hidden from the spies on Earth. Ace Neve Quinnton, one of the top dog spies, was sent to track down Olive and her family. But then he got attached and now is defending them from the High Council. Ace ended up getting blackmailed by Izzy and is also conspiring with her and the most dangerous criminal in Ulysses, Praxidike. Many more things happened with my other characters relating to Olive, but that will make a novel of a comment on here if I type any longer.

    Glad she's not too much of a Mary Sue.

  • My OC Donny is 26% a Gary Stu. The quiz said he could take some spicing up.

    Here is a quick summary of him:

    He is not a fan character, he is from an original story and one day when he was very little a sketchy man came up to his parents door and offered to buy him for $10,000 for a medical trial. His parents accepted the offer. The doctor said he would be brought back to his parents soon and unscathed but that did not happen.

    At the lab, they did lots of experiments on him, they tried to figure out the reason behind his immortality (which he was born with) by various methods, they tested medicines on him but their biggest project was trying to turn him into means of psychological warfare.

    They ended up giving him brainwashing powers which would give him the ability to make others develop schizophrenia, but the only downside was that he had schizophrenia himself. (This would probably not work in our universe but his universe has different science, psychology and physics.)

    He was in the lab until he was 15 and then he escaped through a tunnel in the ground he had been carving since he was 5. He ran away from home instead of going back because his parents were neglectful and abusive (well duh the literally SOLD him) 1/2

    • and he found a secret society of mutants like himself who had escaped labs. He ended up living with them until he was 20 and decided to start a life for his own, get a job and buy a house.

      He found a pretty decent job as an artist, he bought a trailer and lived there and his schizophrenia was more manageable now as he was seeing a psychiatrist and taking prescription medications. Things were going pretty smoothly for him until a van full of people came to his house and took him back to the lab.

      This is all I have so far, please give suggestions! 2/2

    • Name: Dominic Roebuck
      Age: 30
      Gender: Male
      Species: Mutated human
      Eye colour: Red
      Hair colour: Dark brown
      Race: Vietnamese

    • My apologies for poor grammar, this was written at 2am

  • I got a 29% !! Honestly, I was kind of scared that Ryuu would be around 50% or so, but 29% isn't all that bad! He's a fan OC from the series Danganronpa, and is the ultimate Vampire (thus why I thought his score would be higher) I can't send his entire biography, but basically his past was that he'd constantly get kicked out of all the homes he lived in due to him being a vampire, so he doubted who he was for a long time! The reason everybody hates him is because of his overly nice persona he displays as to not be hated. That persona of course failed, but he still displays it. Also he has pastel pink hair, red eyes, and he wears formal clothing so AHJKJHAJKAJ

    • he sounds like the guy my OC Nora would date.

      Nora is another OC of mine that I have yet to test this on. But she's a vampire who learned to survive and hunt by herself. She was 21 when she was bit, and her power was that she could read any dangerous part of a book and have it happen to her enemies, which aren't much. Her eyes are still a fierce scarlet red from being a vampire. Sorry if this isn't as informative as my other OC descriptions.

    • 24% for Nora. Neat!

      Oke so she is the child of Moru and Kechi, but was kidnapped and raised by Ane. She decided to leave at 18, and managed to make her own home. She enjoys reading, watching tv/movies, playing video games (mostly Animal Crossing), flowers, and coffee. But when she turned 21, she was bitten by a rogue vampire before swiftly transforming. She's more Twilight based than Danganronpa, but if these two met, I think they'd be well together! =)

      (Again, sorry if this is too short lol-)

    • I feel like our characters could be nice together. How do you feel about them?

  • I got 19% Mary Sue for mine. I thought it'd be higher, but it could certainly use more character building. My character is Eggplant Man, who is from an alternate reality where a flabby bioengineer named Lord Nuggets used a giant weapon in a spaceship to alter everyone's DNA, which in turn ended up either giving people superpowers, or transforming then into some anthropomorphic creature, or even both, in some cases. Eggplant Man was subject to the former. He's an impulsive 17-year-old who's real name is Chris Cross, and his family ditched him for a vacation they never returned from, so he's been taking care of himself for a year. He took on the name Eggplant Man when Lord Nuggets' (now called Chickpanuggets due to being transformed into a bird by his machine) machine gave him the ability to summon deadly eggplant-themed weapons. In appearance, he is a tall, thin boy with black hair and teal eyes. After gaining his unique abilities, he started wearing a purple, green, and yellow costume to solidify his superiority, but since everyone had been genetically modified, they gave him no heed. As a result, Eggplant Man has started trying to do everything and always doing the first thing that comes to mind so he can gain attention.

    But then again, very little of what I just wrote is even a selectable option.

    Bob Bovine
    • This is actually awesome!

  • I got a 19% which isn't to bad, she's a bit older than me by at least 5 years though she doesn't have a specifically set age seeing as how i use her an awful lot for role-plays. Yes she's an 'experiment' (i know so original, but hear me out). She was artificially created, they wanted to see how far they could push it and create 'super humans/weapons' and of course created a few animals in the process. you cant jump straight to humans in most cases. She owns one of these animals, a cat names calypso. The cat has the parasyte vibe for those who know the manga and anime. Basic description of the cat is well it's normal cat at first glance green eyes dark brown fur little white patches or spots, pretty nice looking cat till it opens 5 eyes and it's tail splits into 2 bone blades and starts talking more or less. Over all though still a cat and it has a very limited understanding of language.

    Dachi is a red head with hazel eyes but they do change colors. Specifically her whole eye turns to a static sort of silver color when she's singing. (mostly because it's pretty fun to color in my refs for her and she's a siren. Some how they managed to get siren DNA, mythological creatures and demons are pretty common in the rps i use her in so it isn't to far fetched And since she's in predominately magical worlds and a siren she does have the whole thing where she gets to wet she suddenly has no longer has legs and is stuck with fins till she dries off. Which sucks since she's constantly getting shoved into pools, ponds, sprayed with water guns, and or just getting drenched in water by the other characters just because they can really. She was behind in the development part of her child hood walking wasn't to far behind normal but she never said a single word till she was 7. (First word was 'fries' which she literally screamed after stealing someones french fries and dropping them when she tripped) She's near sighted and needs to wear glasses, though she rarely does because she

    Useless bean
    • THAT is how I wish I said my first word. Also I think you reached the word limit bc I can't view more of it but I'm really interested since this is really original. Can I trouble you to type the part missed out? It stopped when the story was about to mention the reason she rarely wears her glasses

      Orange WW
    • She is so cool. I wrote a description of one of my OCs on another user's comment, and I wrote 2 comments of my own describing 2 other OCs (one of them is 2 but on the same one so technically 3)

    • 2 replied character descriptions now lol
      They're the replies from MochiTraceiChan.

    • I feel bad for shouting "DAICHI WO FUMISHIMETE" when you wrote that her name was Dachi. Pretty interesting character tho. Can you please try writing the rest of the story?

  • Hm, 23% eh. I get it really, but most of my answers were a yes and no most of the time. Sort of.

    Just to be clear, my oc is called Leo, fairly small kid younger then me, seems about ten but is twelve due to lack of sun and nourishment. Brown greasy hair uncut for most of the time I have had him and just slightly looks like a girl a little bit.

    Now for the yes and no questions, usually related to powers or some unbelievable power up. Now first things first. The guy's hella weak as weak can get! Remember when I said he looks two years younger then if he should? That's not due to him being cute but dangerously thin and frail, his little muscles aren't going to win any fights anytime soon.

    But then that leads to his...complicated abilities. He has the ability to have his soul exit his body to a invisible astral form, and can take control of someone's body if they are in any way thinking or close to death he is either gets kicked out after about a minute or two or just leaves and automatically is reverted back into his inhabited but alive body. Now for context of story, Leo ain't a smart guy, can't talk and just sort of trusts everybody, but not in a good loveable way where he convinces everybody to be his friend.

    Leo lives in a pretty damned world, a slight too edgy do my tastes actually. Constantly on end exploited and overused and manipulated powers known or not, the story revolves around odd jobs he does under many different types of philosophy and influences from other people while getting a little bit of cash for essentials in a diplomatic world.

    Think Kino's journey, but everybody is a bad guy. As for mental illnesses go, I sure as heck don't know anything about them, but Leo's lack of common sense and speech is constantly a problem and we all know his lack of pecs.

    Seriously though, because if my mostly yes and no answers, can anybody review my short was bad summary of my decent character. One of my first oc's by the way, still new to all this.

    • Tbh, this looks really interesting! I dont think that it should be 23% Mary Sue... this sounds incredibly original! Good luck with the story!

    • Mine was lower her name is Lin she has powers and a odd eye color that can flash but is always scared and no one likes her because of it she got 11

    • Mine got a 26. She is my age and has unatral eyes and hair and where's the clothing I wish I would wear so that's probably why she got a 26.but she doesn't have a tragic backstory or anything she has pretty much the same backstory as me she does have laws of course everyone has flaws. But she's just more of the perfect character I wish I was but not exactly she has the same flaws that's me except for the shortness problem I'm very short andshe has the same flaws as me except for the shortness problem I'm very short and she's quite tall. Taller than most of her friends.she's from the same country as most of the characters but one character but that's because that one character moved from different country.oh and also I have a ghost character and an alien character so I guess there's count.but those characters are just for comic relief.they're not really main characters they're just kind of weird background characters.falling all she's a pretty normal person she did just dye her hair and I think she's just wearing contacts but I'm not a hundred percent sure and she only is wearing the clothes I wish I would wear in only has the body shape I wish I had. :/ So that's most likely why she got at 26% and not like 10....

  • My character is a falcon harpy named Cass (Cassiopeia). She is from my comic series “Light Weilders”. She currently has only met my deer-centaur, Vincent, but becomes a valuable member of the team. The story takes place in a world where races like elves, harpies, lamias, wilds (people who can turn into animals), etc. are common, and humans are rare. She also has only one power. She can shoot these sharp feathers from her wings, but she can’t go rapid-fire or the will cut into her arm. They also cause her to not be as fast of a flier. She has warm skin, brownish black hair, and bright blue eyes. Her clothes are a bit tribal but still contemporary in her realm. Also she can easily wear them because the shirt is sleeveless and simply ties around the neck. Is this OC ok? Should I spruce her up a bit? I got 19% Mary Sue

    • I think if she were a Mary Sue she would have no physical limitations, but because you've already put some in, she already comes across as well established. I like it!

    • i personally would flesh out her personality a little more

    • I have a of named Laren and she is 44 pircent marry sue

      Life rules
  • I got 21. The OC I used for the quiz was Tierra Greene. She has Earth abilities due to an experiment done to her. She can only use Earth and cannot use any other element.

    She is the illegitimate daughter of a Queen and a psychopathic scientist. Her father experimented on her and other children. She was sent to a childless couple but was kidnapped by her actual paternal aunt and the couple were burnt alive.

    Tierras deadly sin is mainly pride as she isnt very modest.

    She later marries and has children.

  • My character got 10%. Had it been 10 years ago when I first created her, her Mary Sue level probably would have been a lot higher. Her name is Arisa Riddle, she's a character from an original story I'm still working on. It's based on Alice in Wonderland, but an alternative take on it. She's a 16 year old girl, with decently nice looks, well-mannered, has a sharp mind, but is also rather submissive and has some anxiety problems. However, I wanted to make Arisa as realistic as possible so she can feel relatable to other girls her age. Especially nerdy girls or the ones with social issues.

    Although she has a rather sad past, it's a key plot point to help shape her into the person she grows to be. She had a rocky relationship with her strict parents since she was a child. They were both successful doctors with busy careers, so they often neglected their own daughter and only showed interest in her grades (and be harsh to her when she didn't exceed their expectation). When she was about 7, her parents were planning on divorcing and were fighting on who would take in Arisa. On the same night, all 3 of them got into a car accident and only Arisa survived. Eventually her much more loving uncle and aunt adopted her, but she still blamed herself for not being the perfect daughter her parent's wanted her to be. So she locks away the things about her she deemed "flawed" and dedicated the rest of her childhood being a model student/daughter, in order to not to be unwanted by her new caretakers.

    Years later, at 16 years old, Arisa and her guardians are moving to a new area when their car suddenly breaks down in the middle of the road. She notices a strange red cat in the area and chases after it into the woods when it steals an important item from her. There she runs into a strangely dressed young man, with white skin and hair, as well as red eyes (and a pair of rabbit ears and a tail). He literally drags her into a cave where they are teleported to a world called "Wonderland".

    • Okay, this is seriously very original. Like, a Wonderland AU? I wonder what the rabbit man's motives are for dragging her into Wonderland. If you turned this story into a book or comic or whatsoever, I'm making sure I read it. (if I sound sarcastic, I'm so sorry because it's my usual speaking tone

      Orange WW

      She's such an amazing character, and I personally agree with Orange WW's comment, I'd definitely check out your series if you made one!

  • Your character is 9% a Mary Sue! 9%

    Characters at this level could probably use some spicing up without any damage. Go ahead and make her a little prettier! Please remember that the traits listed in this test are not in themselves bad, but can be be bad when added up. I am not trying to bash your character.

    The OC I used for this was Maria Frollo or Maria Gabrielle Alice Frollo if you want her full name and is the biological daughter of Disney’s Claude Frollo. She has her father’s high cheekbones, long nose and gaunt features. Her mother, Alice had 1 child (Maria) then died, leaving Frollo a widower which was another step to his total start of darkness. Maria has her mother’s mud brown hair and grey eyes, hooded like Alice and Frollo’s.

    She also needs a cane due to badly breaking her ankle and a lot of her lower leg when she fell a storey off Notre Dame Cathedral. For her personality at the start , Maria is intelligent, kind and witty but due to isolation, is also naive, insensitive and suspicious. The deadly sin my character fits into is wrath as she often feels extreme anger, particularly at her father in the fanfic. Maria is 22 (8 years older than me). She grew up with Quasimodo who is a year younger than her and sees him as her brother.

  • Took this quiz out of curiosity and got 15% lol. This non-fandom OC, Cedine, ticked all the boxes of having strange eyes and hair, in shape, young (22), and attractive. Her hair (brunette with streaks of white) and eye color (orange and ice blue) are both explained by the use of magic, something that is completely ordinary in her world.

    I honestly thought Id get a higher score seeing as she has a rough upbringing and is unusually strong in her abilities. To be fair to myself I made her when I was twelve, and that was eight years ago. She wouldve been like 60% Sue had I not forged her into a balanced character over time. It turns out compassion, tenacity, and a keen sense of justice pair really well with a short temper, recklessness, and a headstrong personality.

  • I got 25% (better than 100 lmao). My o/c was from Lookism (biologically female). She's a child of Charles Choi and sister of Crystal. Though she looked pretty average (black hair, brown eyes, a bit slender figure and has some couple scars on her face from her training) she's still insecure about herself especially when Crystal has more potential than her being a capable fighter. This caused a competition between the two for their father's approval. She's insecure about her hand to hand combat skills that she uses weapons but she's still needs more training. She also doesn't like socializing but also hates being alone. It all changed when she met Daniel Park (main character) when he's still being bullied and she defended him from the bullies despite being scared on the inside. Daniel is one of her closest friends (she secretly has a crush on him). But she feels jealous when Crystal/Zoe gets close to him. Yet she's not open about her feelings and she feels complicated about it since she never got the approval of her father and she's afraid of rejection. She also acts cowardly when faced into much horrible situations but once she gets serious she can keep up with her opponent (but there's still chance that she'll loose especially when it's opponents like Gun, Goo, etc..). She also likes listening to music and art. She also likes learning the guitar but it's a bit hard for her to learn so she's just giving up on playing it. Thoughts?

  • I got 14%

    I used my main OC Evie Summers. She has short black hair with an orange streak (dyed) and dark brown eyes. She has an extreme phobia of vomiting, but she has a very weak stomach, so she ends up almost vomiting everyday. She is kinda smart, and she is disliked among a few students, as she can be extremely nasty. She has insomnia. She is 15 years old, so 2 years older than me. She is a bisexual queen. She dresses emo, gothic and grunge. Her favourite bands are Gorillaz and Nirvana. She is American and lives in Aberdeen. She writes Wattpad fanfiction for funsies. She often uses British slang.

    I expected her to be more Mary Sue lmfao.
    She's basically a different version than me.

    If I was a nasty American 15 year old with black hair and emetophobia and insomnia.


  • Got a 17 percent, my character is Araminta (Minty) Jones, an eleven-year old witch living in a small, isolated town in the English area, surrounded by a forest. Unlike most magics, she doesnt hide her powers. She is known as the town witch, and despite her age, people will often come to her for healing, spells, and potions. In her free time, she enjoys telling stories to and playing with the other kids in the town, as well as coming up with new charms and potions to help more people. She knows practically everybody in the area and is widely liked by the town. She does somewhat poorly handle the job of being the helper for pretty much everything magic. She tends to put everyone else above herself, even when her own troubles might be worse. She was raised by her grandmother who sided when she was 7, and she does have the ability to talk to many spirits but cant seem to find her grandmother.

  • Oof. My character got 14%, says she could use some spicing up. Although, to be fair, some of the questions allow for some blind spots. *shrugs* Oh well, its just for fun. I still like the quiz.

    Since everyone else is sharing too, Ill add that my character is Sinastra, a manipulative, greedy, selfish career criminal who lives in a cartoonish fantasy world. (Think the cartoon Chowder but with more magic). The world is made up of floating cities, populated by a variety of races (giants, spirits, zombies, etc) with Sinastra coming from a city mostly populated by humans and witches.

    Sinastra is basically the Grinch, if the grinch was mixed with Kikis Delivery Service, and was an unusually tall and overly skinny woman with a hatred for modern technology. Modern technology in this case being puppets and marionettes (magical objects used by connecting the string of your soul to it).

    When Sinastra steals an old marionette from a museum, she gets more than she bargained for with the curse it comes along with; binding Sinastras strings to the marionette permanently, and bringing the toy itself to life as an annoyingly happy child named Little Boy. Sinastras only hope to undo the curse (and to escape the authorities and the fellow criminals after the marionette) is to rely on a witch named Daz, a straight laced puppet enthusiast who believes in the merits of hard work, and wants to start her own business fixing marionettes. After them is a one-eyed zombie detective, a knightly mage who worships the moon, and Mr. Fritz, CEO of the worlds largest puppet conglomerate.

    Any thoughts?

  • I got an 18% on my character, Zibethicus (Beth for short). They're a muskrat who died hundreds of years ago, but was accidentally reanimated by a necromancer, who was trying to revive her girlfriend. Beth's skull and consciousness was put on a human skeleton. They're incredibly smart for a muskrat, but in human terms they are an absolute idiot. They ended up with some necromancy powers but have no idea how to use them and keeps accidentally reanimating random things. They started out as a joke character but at this point I am incredibly attached.

  • 15%!

    Gideon's an NPC character from the game Stardew Valley.

    He moved to Pelican Town as soon as he turned 18, which I suppose I want him to be in his early 20s, so we'll say he moved around the same time Elliott came along.

    Gideon was adopted into the family after the eldest sister died, and while he wasn't originally supposed to totally replace her(Teagan and David, his adopted parents, say that his adoption had nothing to do with her death, but that's definitely a lie), but that didn't stop them from sort of subconsciously pressuring him into fitting into her picture Be a teacher! Learn harmonica! Be the quiet, quirky boy! He's the kind of person who's more in the in-between when it comes to feminine and masculine, so I would like I eventually excuse that as part of his parents' confusion. Also, in his story, it's canon that the only reason he dyes his hair(brown to yellow) is to further distinct him from the dead girl, Masha.

    His adopted brothers are twins Oscar and Ethan, and Oscar just sort of pities Gid for his situation(Don't get me wrong, they have loving parents, but they have made their mistakes while raising Gid) while Ethan seems to blame Gid for what happened to Mash.

    As for his personality, Gideon's really happy-go-lucky and boyish(naive, playful, curious) traits make him really friendly with, like, everyone in Pelican Town. Of course he does have his insecurities(no thanks to his parents) and there are the moments when they decide to wreck him, full force. He can also be sort of a pushover, so he could never really voice his discomfort, when around his parents.

    His friends are Sam(they talk, but aren't super close), Alex(Gid actually kinda crushes on him, and they can also kind of relate to eachother about discomforts with their families), and Robin(he sees her as a motherly figure alongside Teagan, thoouugh does kind of choose to ignore how she is with her own kids).

    I dunno if there's much else to say? Uahh, he has a pet chameleon named Ron, i

    • s bi but leans more toward guys, and! Actually, I do want to point out more in-depth, is that one of his heart events consists of him trying to come to term with being interested in 2 people, at once.I think it's one of his main character arcs(1 of them of course being him trying to actually connect with his family), is him trying to understand his feelings, and trying to relay them to the player. Him trying to be an adult, y'know? Of 'course, there would be tears, though. It's, like "Hey. I have strong feelings for both you and another person. I don't want this other person to get in the way of this relationship, but I don't think I'm gonna get over them, very easily. I want to know if you're okay with these other feelings, because I feep like I should be honest and open to you, before anything."He's still a sort of work in progress, though, so some of this isn't totally final.

    • Hmmm... It says my char is 17% Mary Sue...
      Tell me if this sounds like a Mary Sue:

      He is slightly evil. He is shapeshifter witch who's naughty and loves excitement. He is a troublemaker, but is more powerful than the average witch. He's pretty smart, but often lets his ego get in the way. Very egotistic and oftentimes sarcastic. He is a nomad and travels around looking for trouble. Is a loner and doesn't really like interaction with others unless they are his pets or are battling him (but he is CRAZY about foxes). He used to be a very nice human, but ever since he turned into a witch and was rejected by his home, he became resentful of other people and opted to trust nobody.

      So basically he's a mixture of playful, naughty, lazy, and bitter.

  • 18% lol

    The oc i tested was Sunny. He's 11. Hes a ghost, but he lost all his memories with the moment when he died. He doesnt remember his name, he took the nickname sunny from something (not sure what exactly yet) he finds in his Old room, where he appears when he becomes a ghost. IT seems like his parents havent been here in a long time. Later he finds a person who he thougt was his friend, but in fact was one of the Kids who bullied him.

    About his personalisty, hes really shy and quiet, because every time he tried to speak up, he was silenced by the Kids in his enviroment. He has claustrophobia(if thats how you spell it).

    Now his backstory. he doesnt remember even a bit, but hes going to be having moment when he remembers bits of his life as a human. He was a normalna kid, liked Animals and had a good relation with his parents. The only bad thing was that he wasnt really liked by any Kids because of his extreme clumsiness and bad memory, which made him forget important things. There was also a Group of Kids who were jealous of his stuff (his family was Rich) and spread fake rumors about him. His parents always said that its not as bad as he says, that hes Just overthinking and told him to stop exaggerating. Then he died in a car accident when he was going by bus with his grandma(who also died) to the hotel in which his parents stayed at that time.( they went went there before the end of the shool year and sunny was staying with his grandma, and when the shool year ended he was supposed to join his parents)In fact, his parents were actually important among the underground organization which was gathering all the supernatural beings and all the ''gifted" humans, that means with some sort of a suprhuman abilty(30% of humans on Earth). Sunnys parents were told to introduce him to the organization, cause he was given a tak. To explain, every week in Every country there are two People cosen to fulfil a tak within three years, which is usually defeating some criminal o

    • IT seems like i wrote more than 2000 words heres the rest

      Some criminal or doing something else for the countrys goverment. If that person fails their task, Their relatives od any People related to them by some law must Pay a lot of money. Sunnys task is actually unknown. His parents didnt want to Pay, so they went to some Old woman whose power was soul-tracking, she could manipulate peoples souls. She took sunnys soul and forced him to become a ghost. But becayse his parents didnt Pay her too much, she took his memories away as revenge. They are hoping that he will find a way to find out about his task.

    • Does his task Have to do with Pottage? I hope Sunny gets his Memory back

      Damien Williams

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