What's Your Fatal Flaw? | Comments

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  • I swear, I'd be Annabeth's twin. Blonde hair and naturally crazy amount of Hubris. Though I don't think that fear should be as high as it is. I'm not afraid of death so things don't scare me easily. I also forgive VERY easily. I don't find the point in staying mad. But I can say that I'd fall for power, but I'm too selfless to put anyone in harm's way. If I could get power without hurting anyone, I'd do it in a heartbeat. So other than Hubris and the low selfishness, the rest isn't me.

    • I got Personal Loyalty!!!!!! Percy JACKSONNNNN! Anyway, Please check out my quiz, "Which Color Princess Are You?"!

      I promise that it's not cheesy! I loved this quiz!

    • I act like a toddler most of the time when it comes to holding grudges ngl... Rachels, teach me how you do it.

      All right, I would say I am growing more mature, but uh... still acting like a child here. I will stay mad at someone for a few hours depending on what they do (if my parents dont let me play video games on weekdays, I tend to hide out in the closet for a few hours, but when it is time to forgive, I will come out on my own). I am kinda the Tubbo who holds grudges for a LITTLE bit.

  • What's Your Fatal Flaw?
    Your Result: Personal Loyalty 86%

    Your fatal flaw is personal loyalty. You would do anything and everything to save a friend, even sacrifice the world for the safety of your loved ones. While it is good that you'd do anything to save a loved one, being willing to sacrifice everything for their safety is never a good thing.

    57% Holding Grudges
    44% Hubris
    29% Fear
    25% Power
    18% Selfishness

    I did not think this would have to do with Percy Jackson. That surprised me a bit.

    • You also definitely tend to hold grudges quite a bit. *cough, cough* and by that I mean you have too many grudges to count *cough, cough* you need to stop with the grudges and just forgive people, idiot *cough, cough*

    • I got Personal Loyalty! YAAAAAA

    • Same here xD

  • What's Your Fatal Flaw?
    Your Result: Hubris

    Hubris, or deadly pride, is your fatal flaw. You like to believe you can do anything better than anyone, that you can fix any problem. It's good to have faith in yourself, but too much pride can also be your downfall.

    Result Breakdown:
    77% Hubris
    76% Holding Grudges
    55% Fear
    52% Power
    47% Personal Loyalty
    33% Selfishness

    Hubris , like Annabeth. So true. I also tend to hold grudges.

  • Your Result: Hubris 87%

    Hubris, or deadly pride, is your fatal flaw. You like to believe you can do anything better than anyone, that you can fix any problem. It's good to have faith in yourself, but too much pride can also be your downfall.

    66% Personal Loyalty
    53% Holding Grudges
    48% Power
    41% Fear
    29% Selfishness

  • Your Result: Hubris

    Hubris, or deadly pride, is your fatal flaw. You like to believe you can do anything better than anyone, that you can fix any problem. It's good to have faith in yourself, but too much pride can also be your downfall.

    Yeah it's only really cos people tell me im useless then I feel shiz so I need confidence if I have no confidence I mess things up

  • Your Result: Personal Loyalty 84%

    Your fatal flaw is personal loyalty. You would do anything and everything to save a friend, even sacrifice the world for the safety of your loved ones. While it is good that you'd do anything to save a loved one, being willing to sacrifice everything for their safety is never a good thing.

    (Makes sense)
    40% Holding Grudges
    (Again, makes sense
    32% Selfishness

    (Oh gods. Third place for THAT! You could have done anything else for third place.)

    26% Fear
    25% Hubris
    (Makes sense why it's near last)
    18% Power

    (Yeah. Does make sense, should be tied with selfishness though... I'm literally scared of being selfish.)

  • Your Result: Personal Loyalty 81%

    Your fatal flaw is personal loyalty. You would do anything and everything to save a friend, even sacrifice the world for the safety of your loved ones. While it is good that you'd do anything to save a loved one, being willing to sacrifice everything for their safety is never a good thing.

    Fear 45%
    Selfishness 45%
    Holding Grudges 43%

    Omg I swear I am literally the girl version of Percy. I am a daughter of posiden and same fatal flaw. Only I am a hunter of Artemis :)

  • Your Result: Power 89%

    Your fatal flaw is that you have a weak resistance for power. You'd do anything for just a small bit of it, even betray your friends for it, or sacrifice the whole world. Power can be helpful, and everybody wants it. But when your willing to do everything for it, it isn't a good thing.

    80% Holding Grudges
    72% Personal Loyalty
    72% Hubris
    54% Fear
    41% Selfishness

    ok strangely this is dead-on, my harry potter house is Slytherin, I'm a child of Zeus and my best trait is ambition... that's scary

  • What's Your Fatal Flaw?
    Your Result: Hubris 99%

    Hubris, or deadly pride, is your fatal flaw. You like to believe you can do anything better than anyone, that you can fix any problem. It's good to have faith in yourself, but too much pride can also be your downfall.

    53% - Personal Loyalty
    41% - Holding Grudges
    40% - Fear
    36% - Power
    30% - Selfishness
    Love how its 99% XD. Though its true.

  • Your Result: Personal Loyalty 89%

    Your fatal flaw is personal loyalty. You would do anything and everything to save a friend, even sacrifice the world for the safety of your loved ones. While it is good that you'd do anything to save a loved one, being willing to sacrifice everything for their safety is never a good thing.

    62% Hubris
    55% Selfishness
    48% Holding Grudges
    36% Fear
    15% Power

    Oh yay! I have the same fatal flaws as Peter Johnson (Percy Jackson)!

  • Your Result: Personal Loyalty 86%

    Your fatal flaw is personal loyalty. You would do anything and everything to save a friend, even sacrifice the world for the safety of your loved ones. While it is good that you'd do anything to save a loved one, being willing to sacrifice everything for their safety is never a good thing.

    81% Holding Grudges
    55% Fear
    38% Power
    37% Hubris
    29% Selfishness

  • Your Result: Personal Loyalty 84%

    Your fatal flaw is personal loyalty. You would do anything and everything to save a friend, even sacrifice the world for the safety of your loved ones. While it is good that you'd do anything to save a loved one, being willing to sacrifice everything for their safety is never a good thing.

    58% Selfishness
    51% Fear
    36% Hubris
    26% Holding Grudges
    18% Power

    • Your Result: Personal Loyalty 89%

      Your fatal flaw is personal loyalty. You would do anything and everything to save a friend, even sacrifice the world for the safety of your loved ones. While it is good that you'd do anything to save a loved one, being willing to sacrifice everything for their safety is never a good thing.

      89% Holding Grudges
      70% Fear
      58% Hubris
      53% Selfishness
      51% Power
      Percy Jackson 4eva

  • What's Your Fatal Flaw?
    Your Result: Personal Loyalty 86%

    Your fatal flaw is personal loyalty. You would do anything and everything to save a friend, even sacrifice the world for the safety of your loved ones. While it is good that you'd do anything to save a loved one, being willing to sacrifice everything for their safety is never a good thing.

    30% Hubris
    29% Selfishness
    22% Holding Grudges
    14% Fear
    13% Power

  • Your fatal flaw is personal loyalty. You would do anything and everything to save a friend, even sacrifice the world for the safety of your loved ones. While it is good that you'd do anything to save a loved one, being willing to sacrifice everything for their safety is never a good thing.

    Interesti ng. I’m in the Poseidon Cabin in that quiz, I have the same fatal flaw as Percy, and I’m the same age as Percy in The Hidden Oracle.

  • What's Your Fatal Flaw?
    Your Result: Personal Loyalty

    Your fatal flaw is personal loyalty. You would do anything and everything to save a friend, even sacrifice the world for the safety of your loved ones. While it is good that you'd do anything to save a loved one, being willing to sacrifice everything for their safety is never a good thing.

    44% Holding Grudges
    28% Fear
    26% Hubris
    25% Power
    14% Selfishness

  • What's Your Fatal Flaw?
    Your Result: Selfishness 86%

    Your fatal flaw is selfishness, being too self-absorbed. You like to believe you're the most beautiful, more wonderful person you know, and it blinds you sometimes. While it's good to like yourself, loving yourself too much could become your downfall.

    78% Holding Grudges
    65% Fear
    55% Personal Loyalty
    45% Hubris 34%

  • What's Your Fatal Flaw?
    Your Result: Personal Loyalty 93%

    Your fatal flaw is personal loyalty. You would do anything and everything to save a friend, even sacrifice the world for the safety of your loved ones. While it is good that you'd do anything to save a loved one, being willing to sacrifice everything for their safety is never a good thing.

    54% Hubris
    53% Holding Grudges
    51% Fear
    46% Power
    34% Selfishness
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  • What is the (possibly fatal) flaw in the following argument? It is illegal to

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  • What's Your Fatal Flaw?
    Your Result: Holding Grudges 86%

    Holding grudges is a fatal flaw for you. You are never willing to forgive and forget, and it is never an easy thing for you to have to do. To you, someone is always responsible, and they should have to pay. Sometimes it is good to hold such grudges, but that is rare.

  • I got i hold grudges which is ls pretty fitting because A) i do amd B) i'm a child of hades (also coincidentally called hazel) personality wise i'm almkst a oerfect combination of hazel (tries her best is scared of messing up), bianca (tries to care for her younger siblings but also is sick of them and wants to get rid of them) and nico (think everyone hates them, scared of the dark, depression and anxiety, orefers being alone)

    Daughter of hade
  • What's Your Fatal Flaw?
    Your Result: Personal Loyalty 86%

    Your fatal flaw is personal loyalty. You would do anything and everything to save a friend, even sacrifice the world for the safety of your loved ones. While it is good that you'd do anything to save a loved one, being willing to sacrifice everything for their safety is never a good thing.

    (Yeah that's right but if you betrayed me I would start running before I found out)

    52% Fear

    (Naw this should probably be before selfishness)

    51% Hubris

    (Yeah Seems right maybe should be tied with holding grudges though)

    47% Holding Grudges

    (Same as the one before should probably be tied with hubris)

    41% Power

    (The lowness seems right though this should probably be below Selfishness cause "with great power comes great responsibility" and I say with great responsibility comes great stress which I could live without

    29% Selfishness
    Overall it seems right great quiz

  • I got personal loyalty too. Which is real funny, cause in EVERY quiz I take, I get Poseidon as my dad. Jeez. Sometimes Artemis, but that's because some quizzes for no reason doesn't have Poseidon in their options. It is also ironic because I like horses, VERY MUCH.

    Ant Aleksander
  • What's Your Fatal Flaw?
    Your Result: Holding Grudges 91%

    Holding grudges is a fatal flaw for you. You are never willing to forgive and forget, and it is never an easy thing for you to have to do. To you, someone is always responsible, and they should have to pay. Sometimes is is good to hold such grudges, but that is rare.

  • I got holding grudges(Nico where u at), but personal loyalty was only 1% away from it. I probably got holding grudges cuz some people in my life are the worst dam people. Honestly. If they wont have follow through, they dont deserve my forgiveness.

  • I got personal loyalty. I dont trust easily but when I do Im dedicated to a person. If you break my trust there is barely any way to earn it back unless you save someone I deeply care about


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