Another How Minnesotan Are You quiz | Comments

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  • I've lived in Minnesota 30 years (I was born here), and I am sick of some of these stupid stereotypical pretenses about Minnesota.

    The whole "what are the seasons? Winter and road construction!" bit needs to stop.

    Minnesota actually HAS 4 distinct seasons.

    These 10 states record more snow than MN on average each year: Wyoming, West Virginia, Vermont, Utah, New York, New Hampshire, Maine, and Alaska. And many states are very close in average to MN.

    [no urls]

    And we also get less snow than certain places in Washington, Oregon, California, and Colorado. [no urls]

    Questions to describe "cold" weather are dumb. Is 40 degrees a heatwave? In January or February it might be, but in any other month you can bet people will whine and complain if it's 40 degrees out.

    This year we had 4 days over 40 in January and Minnesotan's STILL complained about the cold. When I think of the Minnesotan's I see and have interacted with every day of my life, I think of wimps who complain the first second it drops below 50 in fall, below 70 in summer, or below 30 in winter, or any time it snows or rains or is cloudy. There are very few hardy individuals who NEVER complain about the weather here. Even some of our weather reporters complain just about //every// day it isn't sunny and warm...***cough***C hrisShaffer***cough ***.

    • Dude, calm down. Im a Minnesotan, have been all my life Theyre just jokes. Relax, take a deep breath, and think about how seriously youre taking a joke about snow and road construction. Please and thank you.

  • Dear person who most likely lives in Arizona,
    First thing? Seasons question,
    January: cold.
    February: cold.
    March: Pure slush.
    April: random snowfall.
    May: Nice and sunny.
    So no, we have more than 4 seasons.

    I got like 68% and I've lived here my whole life. What even is a Minnesotan accent? I've never met anyone in my entire life who speaks like:

    "OOOO yAh DEEIIrrry Oi've leeved in MIIneSHOOOtAAh fUUR mee whOOOle LOife"

    So no, we don't have accents.

    One last thing: The necessary things to carry in your car at ALL TIMES is an ice scraper, snacks, and something to do. You never know what may happen.

    So no, We don't automatically need replacement snow tires every time of the year.

    I hope you enjoyed my speech while you're enjoying the sunny weather and probably swimming in the ocean.

  • i live in duluth and always the roads are under construction and it's hard to go anywhere. The last 5 years we have seen more than 5 feet of snow each year. But in the summer it can get pretty hot. Not as hot as Florida though. It rains a lot here and my whole backyard is flooded. I like going for a nice walk in the woods. I live 2 streets away from lake superior to i can go to the rocky beach any time. Our beaches are known for their agates. It has been windy lately and a tree fell on our house yesterday!

  • DinkyTown is the area next to the U of M/Twin Cities campus... University Ave & 35W.

    Uptown is the area south of Downtown-Mpls, from about W 24th St. to around W. 32nd St... a few blocks in either direction of Hennepin Ave. Hennepin & Lake St/Calhoun Square/Lagoon area.

    And for the record, FrogTown is in St. Paul near the state capitol building. ;)

  • I was born in Minnesota and spent much of my early childhood in Willmar, New London, and Clara City. Even though I haven't lived there since 1978, several of my coworkers in northeastern New Mexico and the Texas Panhandle have commented on my accent.

  • I got told I was 32% Minnesotan. I have lived in Minesota for 36 years (I was born here) and still live here. We have 4 seasons just like any other state and no one in Minnesota gets teased about their accent because everyone in Minessota gets a random Minnesotan accent that we can't control ok. Many people have complained about 40 degree weather, people have even complained about 60 degree weather but if it's 40 degrees in January of February then yeah that's nice but otherwise it's just like any other state.

    TheCheetah 2
  • 73% and I only lived there till I was 8 then moved to New Mexico, but in my opinion NM sucks, the weather's too hot and nobody can play hockey. So I'm still Minnesotan at heart. And my whole family lives there. (Well, my dad's side lives in Iowa, but still.)

  • 96% Minnesotan. I'm in my early 40s, and have lived a total of seven months out of my entire life in a place other than Minnesota. So that's about right.

  • This quiz is stupid I only got a 68% and I have lived in Minnesota just cause I said that a blanket and snacks are the most important thing I have in my car I mean yes I say ofta a lot but come on! And what Minnsotan gets asked if they have an accent?

  • 59!?!? No no no no i've lived in minnesota all my life and trust me i know how minnesota is and more than half of the degrees questions are false, come on its not always below 30,SERIOUSLY THIS ANNOYES ME And minnesotans dont have accents unless your like only half amarican. The person who made this probaly isnt even minnesotan

    • And you probably dont speak English based on your grammar.


    • You also don't speak English, considering that you typed "dont" instead of "don't."

  • Minnesotans know the mosquito is the real state bird.

  • Whoever wrote this thing doesn't even know how to spell uff-da! You have no credibility, sir or madam.

  • I've lived in Minnesota my whole life and I only got 52% lol

  • I hate when people think that Minnesotans have accents i was born and raised in Minnesota and never have i ever heard anyone say, "Don't cha knoa" this quiz pissed me off.

  • I have never lived anywhere but Minnesota, and I only got 65.

  • I have never lived anywhere but Minnesota, and I only got 65.

  • It says I am 53% Minnesotan , when I live in Minnesota myself.

  • Whoever made this quiz is an @#$ ! I've lived their my whole life. Take a quiz called "Vikings fan quiz" if ur awesome like me:D

  • What the hell are Dinkeytown and Uptown? I may have lived in Minnesota all my life but everyone down in southern Minnesota knows the cities are to be avoided at all costs!

  • You are 45% Minnesotan! 45%

    You don't know much about Minnesota, but you might have a friend or relative who's from there. Most of what you know is hearsay.

    Ive lived in MN for 10 years this quiz is a complete joke

  • i have lived my whole life in Minnesota and i got 42% really 42!!! :(

  • Im 88 Minnesotan lol. I live there and have lived there my whole life. Im very German Norweigan and Irish

  • I got 80%. I don't know why people are so mad over this, its a stupid online quiz.

    (and, for the record, I was born here and I'm in HS)

  • I've lived in MN eleven years and counting. I'm just not a city person.

  • Born and raised in MN and only got 62% LOL


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