How will you DIE? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How will you DIE?
You'll be driving down a long winding road, doing either a crossword puzzle or coke, when suddenly a russian tortoise, that you think resembles henry winkler, will dart out in front of you. You swerve to miss the winkler tortoise and see the cliff ahead. Screaching the breaks, you stop just at the edge. Very shakey, you get out of the car, but trip on the winkler tortoise and go head first down the cliff side of rocks and cacti. Your clothes are ripped from your body and you hit the bottom wedged in a patch of cacti. Not dead yet you realize you didnt put the parking break on. The car rolls toward you, cacti flatten the tires and slow it down considerably. The car finally comes to rest on your genitals. It will take several days for you to die as the vultures pick away at your flesh and bones. Unfortunately the police will determine that your death is somehow a suicide and the winkler tortois will live a long happy life. sorry.
Teresa221 -
-_- are you freaking kidding me im a 6 years old are you saying that some body 5 4 3 2 and 1 is gonna strip me tie me up and tie me cover me with honey and put freaking 5 ants on my freaking head what a nigga
What the hell, I'm going to be murdered? I mean, this kind is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaay to much. Its pretty stupid...I mean why would he/she want to pour fire red ants on my head? Waste all that time instend of just shooting the person? Not that I would enjoy it....weird. And is every one of the answers have suidice as what the police think?
That was entertaining. Very specific cause of death lol. I got accident.
Cobalt1 -
You've had a real tough life so far and now your armpits are itching like crazy and you dont know why, but you know its not good. Thats the last straw. You suddenly decide to kill yourself as quickly as possible, but you dont really plan it out, you just want it to end. So you repeatedly run and dive into things head first around your home. Each dive hurts more than the last and the hope of the next one being "The One" drives you to keep trying. You actually get up every time and shout out loud "This is the one!" then continue to run and dive into the things of your home. This will take days, you will need to take naps and have snacks between dives to keep your energy up. Finally a luck dive into the T.V. finishes you off most of the way, after you plug it in the job is done. Unfortunately the police will determine that your death is a murder and all of your family and friends will be found guilty. sorry.
PLEASE TELL ME THIS ISN'T TRUE!!!!( curled up in a fetal position and crying literally)
Suicide... very accurate
I got accident haha thats true i almost got killed in a car crash!!
what the h? murdered, AGAIN! that btw sounds so unrealistic....Fire ants? are you friggin kidding me
nanlinA1 -
Suicide for the win...
Suicide for the win...
Dude, I live long. So go to hell.
Ray Gao1 -
I'll sneeze, burp, and fart at the same time and die??? WHAT THE HECK!!!
man it said i wa gone suicide dog
neenee1 -
ok,, i did this again and i got murder!
WTF1 -
go drink sum bleach and die!!!!!!!!!
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