What's Your Blood Status? (Harry Potter) | Comments

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  • What's Your Blood Status? (Harry Potter)
    Your Result: Half-blood 93%

    You are a half-blood, and this means you have some muggle ancestors as well. It could be your father, mother or some of the grandparents but nevertheless, you are a proud heir to the both worlds. You have knowledge of both the wizarding and muggle world, and your unique ancestry seems to be a benefit to you. You are proud for you believe in diversity.

    76% Pure-blood
    71% Muggle-born
    28% Muggle

    Yeaaah! Love the Harry Potter world and other muggle fictions, so half and half. I tried to be honest, but seriously I would choose Diagon Alley and Honeydukes over Tesco, Marks and Spencer's or such anyday

    Sarah Louise
  • Your Result: Pure-blood 90%

    Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    51% Half-blood
    47% Muggle-born
    0% Muggle

  • Your Result: Pure-blood 85%

    Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind

    (I didn't expect this. I thought I would get half-blood!)

    • I thought I would be a full blood but I am a Half-Blood

      CelticThunder 15
  • What's Your Blood Status? (Harry Potter)
    Your Result: Half-blood 81%

    You are a half-blood, and this means you have some muggle ancestors as well. It could be your father, mother or some of the grandparents but nevertheless, you are a proud heir to the both worlds. You have knowledge of both the wizarding and muggle world, and your unique ancestry seems to be a benefit to you. You are proud for you believe in diversity.

    73% Pure-blood
    47% Muggle-born
    0% Muggle

    This is what I wanted my dad can NOT be a wizard. And I am growing up reading Beatle the Bard

    • Don't worry I'm a book reader to but yeah I am a Half-Blood to so you're not the only one I mean you got to watch Harry Potter and read the books of Harry Potter to be able to understand at all. I mean I read all of the Harry Potter series I love Harry Potter I mean I love Harry Potter series!

      CelticThunder 15
    • Same

    • Count me in too

  • Your Result: Pure-blood 93%

    Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    88% Muggle-born
    81% Half-blood
    19% Muggle
    so uh- my whole fam is pureblood so uh-

  • Your Result: Pure-blood 89%

    Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    81% Half-blood
    62% Muggle-born
    28% Muggle
    wow i didn't expect that but i was proud.

  • I was totally expecting this but it is still exciting to know it's true.

    Your Result: Pure-blood 76%

    Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    55% Half-blood
    41% Muggle-born
    31% Muggle

  • What's Your Blood Status? (Harry Potter)
    Your Result: Muggle-born 82%

    You're a muggle-born. No one in your family had been a witch or a wizard, and you're the first in your family to be one. This may have been a disadvantage at first, but with your exceptional skill and intelligence, you proved that intelligence is better than ancestry.

    55% Pure-blood
    53% Half-blood
    20% Muggle

    I knew I was gonna get this because none of my family reads harry potter AND none of them were or are real witches like me I said too much. Bai

    • LOL, OK.

    • Oh my Irene, I totally forgot about this account lmao

      I was so young and cringyyyyy eww[no urls]

    • Its fine. Ik how it feels. I got Half-Blood. My father and his family are huge Harry Potter fans, but my mother knows NOTHING about Harry Potter and thinks its childish. Id recommend this quiz to all Harry Potter fans out there who wish to know their heritage.

    • Fantysy fan girl, same with my dad and mom. (Although my mom has read it, just like ten MILLION years ago)

    • Omg finally another Muggle Born!

      Moo Moo Squad
  • Your Result: Pure-blood 82%

    Congratulation s! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    70% Muggle-born
    62% Half-blood
    28% Muggle
    Wow I didn't expect that!

  • Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    Pureblood: 80%
    Half-blood: 54%
    Muggle-born: 46%
    Muggle: 0%

    All the quizzes tell me I'm a pureblood witch and I will continue to deny it; I'm a muggle-born through and through, because I'd rather get my letter without knowing about Hogwarts and I'd like to know both the Wizarding world and the Muggle world.

    • You could be a wealsly. They know both worlds.

    • Im completely fine Im a muggleborn tho and Ive got 2 years until my letter!

      Moo Moo Squad
  • You are a half-blood, and this means you have some muggle ancestors as well. It could be your father, mother or some of the grandparents but nevertheless, you are a proud heir to the both worlds. You have knowledge of both the wizarding and muggle world, and your unique ancestry seems to be a benefit to you. You are proud for you believe in diversity.

    Thanks for this quiz, loved it!!

  • Hello hp4evr, it's my first test too. If you would like to check it out, it's what Hogwarts house you are in. I got Muggle-Born (Obviously) I know no one in my family has been a wizard. Also a question!! Please answer. Does anyone else feel like they belong in Hogwarts and they wish it was real, and sometimes even wonder if it could exist? I sometimes feel like that

  • Pure-blood 80%

    Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    61% Half-blood
    29% Muggle-born
    1% Muggle

  • Tu resultado: mestizo 90%

    Eres un mestizo, y esto significa que tambin tienes algunos ancestros muggles. Podra ser tu padre, tu madre o algunos de los abuelos, pero, sin embargo, eres un orgulloso heredero de ambos mundos. Tienes conocimiento tanto del mundo mgico como del muggle, y tu ascendencia nica parece ser un beneficio para ti. Ests orgulloso de creer en la diversidad.

    73% Sangre pura
    42% Nacido de muggles
    3% Muggle

  • Your Result: Muggle-born 86%

    You're a muggle-born. No one in your family had been a witch or a wizard, and you're the first in your family to be one. This may have been a disadvantage at first, but with your exceptional skill and intelligence, you proved that intelligence is better than ancestry.

    46% Half-blood
    45% Pure-blood
    8% Muggle

  • What's Your Blood Status? (Harry Potter)
    Your Result: Pure-blood 76%

    Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    63% Half-blood
    55% Muggle-born
    9% Muggle
    Im apparently a pure-blood

    • this is ok
      supah kool

  • Your Result: Pure-blood 80%

    Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    61% Half-blood
    50% Muggle-born
    0% Muggle
    I kind of expected it TBH

  • What's Your Blood Status? (Harry Potter)
    Your Result: Muggle-born 89%

    You're a muggle-born. No one in your family had been a witch or a wizard, and you're the first in your family to be one. This may have been a disadvantage at first, but with your exceptional skill and intelligence, you proved that intelligence is better than ancestry.

    48% Half-blood
    45% Pure-blood
    8% Muggle

    Yeet, on the last one I did of thia kind of quiz, I did not answer the answers honestly, but this time round, I got muggle born, which I guess makes sense, cause I was raised by my muggle mum and dad...

    • Im a muffle born hufflepuff, im proud

    • God flippin spel check i meant muggle

    • God knows, muggle or muffle?

      Hunter farms
    • I'm compatible for all of the houses, and I'm Half Blood.

  • Your Result: Muggle-born 88%

    You're a muggle-born. No one in your family had been a witch or a wizard, and you're the first in your family to be one. This may have been a disadvantage at first, but with your exceptional skill and intelligence, you proved that intelligence is better than ancestry.

    71% Pure-blood
    67% Half-blood
    28% Muggle

    Well Im not 11 yet in real life so I guess I am going to get the letter soon. Hopefully Im not Moaning Murtle in the future

    Moo Moo Squad
  • What's Your Blood Status? (Harry Potter)
    Your Result: Pure-blood 80%

    Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    59% Half-blood
    51% Muggle-born
    0% Muggle

    Bakdeku child
  • What's Your Blood Status? (Harry Potter)
    Your Result: Pure-blood

    Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    41% Half-blood
    29% Muggle-born
    0% Muggle
    so good!!!!!

  • Your Result: Half-blood 77%

    You are a half-blood, and this means you have some muggle ancestors as well. It could be your father, mother or some of the grandparents but nevertheless, you are a proud heir to the both worlds. You have knowledge of both the wizarding and muggle world, and your unique ancestry seems to be a benefit to you. You are proud for you believe in diversity.

    76% Pure-blood
    73% Muggle-born
    0% Muggle
    I knew it!

    Rainbow Frost
  • What's Your Blood Status? (Harry Potter)
    Your Result: Pure-blood 77%

    Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    43% Muggle-born
    37% Half-blood
    9% Muggle

  • What's Your Blood Status? (Harry Potter)
    Your Result: Pure-blood 93%

    Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    Severus Snape7
  • What's Your Blood Status? (Harry Potter)
    Your Result: Pure-blood 76%

    Congratulations! You're a pureblood witch or wizard, and this means your family has wizarding blood for centuries. You take pride in your ancestry. You are well aware of the traditions and secrets of your world, and you'd like to keep these secrets to your own family. You take 'magic' as a gift to your family, and you are thankful that you were born in the magical world and thus are a heir to ancient knowledge and wisdom of your kind.

    74% Muggle-born
    62% Half-blood
    22% Muggle
    i did NOT expected that

    im a half blood btw my dad likes the fantasy and magical things and mom well...she only likes muggle movies

    Kim Lupin

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