What's your weight? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz What's your weight?
Zero percent,I sometimes struggle to see that due to my eating disordered mindset but I have had anorexia for most of my life so ur probably correct. I just wanna be happy and healthy again but am sometimes scared even though I know things will most likely be ok.
Zimswife1 -
Result: Obese 98%
You are extremely overweight. You really need to get out and do some exercise everyday for the rest of your life. You don't want to die because of excess fat on your body do you? Well i hope not, so change your life immediately!
Sws20251 -
Result: Obese 98%
You are extremely overweight. You really need to get out and do some exercise everyday for the rest of your life. You don't want to die because of excess fat on your body do you? Well i hope not, so change your life immediately!
Result: Morbidly Obese 96%
Good Lord. Fat peeps are cool, but you are just gross. Sorry if I offended you but... Why do some people get this way? If you do manage to lose weight, then don't feel pressured to be aneroxic, just stop at a pleasant plumness.
48% Fat
Swws1 -
Are you a fat kid or teen?
Your Result: Your obese 95%You are extremally fat and need to start losing weight now before you could have something bad happen. You have a very high risk for health problems like heart attack!
15% You overweight
9% Your perfect!
2% Your chubby
0% Your fat
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"Are you a fat kid or teen?" was created by John
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Visitor Comments:
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0% fat...? :o
I doubt that. Doctor says I'm underweight, but I think otherwise. :c
I weighed 50 pounds when I was 9 and 10 years old. :3
Ethel3 -
I am 5% fat! Wow thank you but I don't really think I am! :)
0% percent fat. Excellent.
You are 5% fat!
Fit: You're fit, nothing else to it. You should gain some weight, you'd look better but if your really happy then so be it.
Eh, accurate, ig lol. I just don't think i'm like that U^U #lowselfesteem . Pog quiz!
Im 0% fat! I think Im about 10%.
I'm 38% fat. I have gained about 40 lbs in the past month. I am fairly plump and my belly rolls about 4 inches onto my waist.
You are 0% fat!
Fit: You're fit, nothing else to it. You should gain some weight, you'd look better but if your really happy then so be it.
Im not happy about it, but I have fast metabolism so its no use lol.
Ayee420 -
my was 19% fat but since i was in third grade i been around 70 pounds
miya2231 -
Doctor says I'm dangerously underweight and I should eat a lot more. Don't know about that, I eat snacks all day. 0% fat :s
Antique_0 -
I weighed just over fifty pounds when I was eight...
Apparently Im 4% fat. I eat a bunch of snacks though so I can see where the 4% comes from.
0% xD
i wiegh 186 lbs i am fat L
ripped boi vibes
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