How White Are You Quiz | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How White Are You Quiz.
41% white...what the heck does that mean? This quiz is the worst. No offense.
Ebillan1 -
White people are mean to to me just cause.............. . well, I don't really know why, but they're just mean to me
i'm German-Irish-Native American. lol
And i am WAY more than just 21% white! who ever made this quiz is just stupid!
40% white is crazy
I'm white lmfao
Damn my black ass picked all the black answers and still got 58% :/
RavenBby1 -
hold on, did i just get called white by a computer......
Yep ;)
wow, just wow.
I got 47%. i'm white as snow, but, i somewhat act black and and other half I act white ''
22% white. :P I'm whiter than sour cream though. xD
38% fools! haha
28% white.... I'm white
24% white,cool!
28% Lol I'm Mexican...Alllll Mexican
gaby4001 -
CaLiFoRnIa, nobody gives a flyingg fckk hxe. (:
chartay1 -
haha 14 percent b----es! RICAN FOR LIFE
22% white..? I'm the whitest girl I know....
it said i am 45% white
no offence----only 33% white does this mean i'm blank or mexican or whatever
Lol, i have never be in america in my life, im hipanic and i have bad english. But, somehow, i got 48% 💀
Dolevins1 -
This so.......DAMN RACIST!!! I CURSE YOU
32% haha but im as white as could be
47% white -_- theirs Asians on here too you know? +.+
I'm Pinay, but I got %21. And I am full Filipina!! Lol, wow. P.S. Filipina is Asian.
34%. im not actually white. hahahahaha, this quiz rocked
bubblz1 -
55% dammit, even though I'm completely american/european