Pottermore Sorting Quiz (all possible questions) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Pottermore Sorting Quiz (all possible questions).
Haha I dodged getting into Asianclaw, take that JK rowling
Muppetin1 -
i stil think im a ravenklaw evendo it says huffelpuf i dont no i dont trust it
76% Ravenclaw, 64% Gryffindor, 52% Hufflepuff and 46% Slytherin ... I could never imagine my self in the house of intelligence, knowledge, and wit! In real life, I sometimes feel stupid when I'm around my friend (and she is a Slytherin but her favorite house is Gryffindor :VVV How irony :VV). My friend has a lot of knowledge and she is very wit and sly person. She always being the one tell me how to stick out of trouble and how to doing my job as a class president. I feel really depress about those thing all the time because I have to take the role of a class president the middle of the school year when the old one decided to quit his job... Despite of some person met me or having a conversation with me at the first time always think that I am full of knowledge, witty and kind?
Well ... I have a lot of questions needed to be answered! But being in Ravenclaw is good I guess...
Congratulations! You have been sorted into Hufflepuff, the house of loyalty, hard working, acceptance, and fairness. You are amongst other Hufflepuffs such as: Tonks and Cedric Diggory
36% GRYFFINDOR!This makes no sense! In all the other quizzes I was a Ravenclaw! I guess i am actually a Hufflepuff, on the inside.
I think I'm a Hufflepuff still because even though I want to learn about mermaids and like the smell of books doesn't mean I'm a Ravenclaw, like Nevle for example he's shy and a "cowerd" to bail on some type of mission (or something like that) so you would think that Nevle would be a Hufflepuff for beining like that or Hermine (can't spell) who would ABSALUTLY fit in with the Ravenclaws because of how INCREDIBLY smart she is. I'm a Hufflepuff and even if I do like the smell of books, want to learn about mystical creatures and want to experiment with weird s---, that's just me being my weird self! Hufflepuff4life
P.S. QUIDDITCH IS THE BEST EVER AND IF YOU SAY DIFERINT OR DON'T LIKE IT THAN... sorry I just like quidditch alot, but you better like quidditch.
MH005, the only spelling or grammar mistakes I can see are: you forgot a comma after (and she is a Slitherin, it should have been ironic instead of irony, is a very witty instead of is very wit, how to do my job not how to doing my job, depressing not depress, I am knowledgeable instead of full of knowledge. Sorry if that sounds really critical, its not supposed to be. (You did ask to have mistakes pointed out to you.) I know this looks wrong as these should be dot points, but I forgot to do that and dont want to go back and do it.
Hufflepuf4life, I feel the same way about quittitch, totalaly
Me sali Gryffindor aunque soy ms Slytherin es irnico no me la creo pero siento q si me denomina valiente y caballerosa protegera a una persona con td por ponerla a salvo
89% Slytherin! Ive always taken the original Pottermore quiz on the original pottermore site, but since its bren changed to only have half of the questions it is not as true anymore. Altough i have taken it many times (the new one) it always seems to go between all of them. Ive gotten hufflepuff a lot, gryffindor not ad much but still a bit and ravenclaw sometimes. Mostly tough i have gotten Slytherin. Due to being a singer, i strive to be noticed and it is a bit shameful to admit i am willing to do a lot of stuff to be the best. I love the idea of people one day mentioning my name and envying me in some way, as either a singer or a person in general.
I have also heard that slytherins are big strategists who can plan out things and be quite resourceful, which i can say is quite true. But all in all i think i am a quite proud slytherin with some hufflepuff needs for love.
same i got tied BUT on pottermore I got slytherin so I do consider myself a slytherin
Yeahhhh1 -
Slytherdor, Gryffindoor and Slytherin, are not as different as people think.
It's actually really popular for people to get both Slytherin and Gryffindor. The two houses are more similar than you'd think!
Im Slytherin too!Hufflepufter dont swear there are kids on here and slytherins arent even that bad!
For real ima Slytherin and a really nice person says every person I know
I got 88% slytherin!! People get so many things wrong about slytherins . We might be cunning but that doesn't mean we will hurt other people for our gain. We might be ambitious but people mistake that for ruthlessness and will bring others down to go up, which isn't true. I have also heard people say that slytherins are narcissistic which kinda out of the blue really! Any house can be narcissistic and lastly we are all a bit of every house, I personally got 78% ravenclaw and 48% hufflepuff. You also have to remember this isnt a mbti personality test , it's just a Harry Potter house sorting. Thank you for reading this big post, just wanted to get it out. Have a good day :)
Alrighty then. -
Ren Saito, you will go down in history as the most titanic wand-sucking twazak of April 2020
I agree! In the books, it shows alllllll the Slytherins as bad people and there's not even ONE Slytherin in Dumbledore's army, unless you count Snape. Like, I'm in Huffledor, (Hufflepuff and Gryffindor,) but I still think Slytherin is a GREAT house. Go, Slytherin!
Horacy Slughorn, by ukazany jako dobry. Ale to jest taki jedyny przykad i w leni zgadzam si z twoj opini
Adexn1 -
I got Gryffindor, stay down til u up never post your l's f---face.
Although i find that it makes more sense for me to be a ravenclaw, as I typed myself by recognising typically Ravenclaw traits. It turns out that I could be a 76% Slytherin by the estimation of this quiz. I estimate due to the possibility of inaccuracy. I am also a 66% Ravenclaw, 52% Hufflepuff and Slytherin, which are all interesting results as it shows how i am was close to be sorted into each house which means I am a combination of all of these rather than being a slytherclaw or a gryffinpuff or whatever.
Although I lack the traits such as asking questions out of fear or already having it, I tend to be the source of information in my preferred classes. I enjoy drawing, painting, reading and writing, which are all creative passtimes. My sarcasm can be common, but definitely comes off as snarky to some as it is usually monotone, a habit of slytherins such as Draco malfoy. The main factor that caused me to conclude that i was in ravenclaw was that I am autistic, as those with autism can commonly be found in Ravenclaw house.
63842 -
Your Result: RAVENCLAW! 86%
Congratulations! You have been sorted into Ravenclaw, the house of intelligence, curiosity, individualism, and wit. You are amongst other Ravenclaws, such as: Cho Chang, and Luna Lovegood.
I usually get Ravenclaw and I'm proud to be one, but my second highest option is Hufflepuff. I took a similar house quiz yesterday and i got Hufflepuff instead of Ravenclaw. I think that means my second house is Hufflepuff maybe Because I'm an extroverted person and i do like meeting new people.
Good for you!
When I first took the other test I always got Hufflepuff or Griffindor but it always felt wrong so I started taking even more types of sorting hat quiz or house sorting but I found this one over YouTube and decided too cheek it out when I got Slitherin I was surprised and kinda happy but unsure I decided to do it again and I got the same result I was extremely happy due to have found mu true hous but unsure I called my parents and asked them if I was typical slithering they (the rude way that they are) said - ABOUT TIME YOU FOUND OUT - laughing I hung up and made my mind that I was indeed a SLYTHERING
kinkkie story don't you think?
i am hufflepuff and i like it
81% Ravenclaw as usual. Despite me being knowledge hungry, I am also many things. I am brave, shy, power hungry by the means of knowledge, an animal lover, family lover, perfectionist, and much more. I do not have many friends sadly unlike most raven claws, and i tend to be a dark person since i have been betrayed by many people in my life, so i guess me going into isolation has given me this fake character of myself. Who am i truly? What house do i truly fall into? Am i even accurately answering these questions or am i blinded by the fake depressed person i have become? Maybe i am digging to deep into this. This was my 10th sorting house quiz and i have yet to get anything other than raven claw. accurate or not, i am knowledge hungry and desire nothing more than to achieve my goals by the means of intelligence as of right now since that is the only way i have a chance of ever being recognized. I guess this means i am ravenclaw. Even if deep down in my soul i am not a ravenclaw, i do not think that matters. It's not what you get sorted into that defines you, It's you that defines you. My soul may be lost as a raven claw currently, but that doesn't mean I can't take my destiny and forge it beyond house limitations. I am me, and you are you. Whatever house you fall into, use it as a place to grow, not a place to define
ur definitely a hufflepuff, i think alll the ones that has characteristics from the 4 houses are from hufflepuff, just accept what u got.WELCOME TO THE HUFFLEPUFF HOUSE!!(Helga Hufflepuff says ''I'll teach the lot and treat them all the same''.)
You definitely sound more like a Ravenclaw. I can tell that you dig deep in order to gain more insights into your character and you like to isolate yourself from others in order to think and reflect on the world around you, just like a Ravenclaw. Plus describing yourself as "knowledge-hungry and desiring nothing more than to achieve your goals by means of intelligence," is very striking as extremely strong Ravenclaw qualities. Your Hogwarts House isn't what most defines you, though, it's only a tool used to help give us an indicator of what character traits most resinonate with our personalities, so it's fine that you don't feel like you fit any house spot on.
Hice este test tambin ayer mi me salieron diferentes resultados, la verdad no tanto solo que mi segunda casa no es Ravenclaw sino Gryffindor, pero en test de casas hbridas primero me sale Huffleclaw y despus Hufflendor y ya no se que hacer siento que me va a dar una crisis de identidad. Yo pens que nunca iba sufrir de eso como casi todos que se adaptan a una casa pero llega Pottermore y les dice otra cosa.
NO SE CUAL ES MI CASA HBRIDA, pero...aunque pensndolo bien tengo caractersticas de las 4 casas
Soy Leal aligual que un Hufflepuff, soy ambiciosa como Slytherin, corts como Gryffindor y creativa como Ravenclaw.
Pues si llego la crisis de identidad
bocadillo, no pequeno... no puedo. hablar Espanyol,,, n0? si. tambin, odio el reasdreefge, causa a me. porque es menos ayuda. pueda.
Flipendo kmnock back joinx SIIIIIIIIIII SIIIIIIIIIIII
Flipendo1 -
It happen the same with me, because I don't know what I am. I got 68% Slytherin and 68% Ravenclaw after doing the test a lot of times and having similar results. The others were 64% Hufflepuff and 34% Gryffindor.
In case you need the translation into Spanish (my language too):
Me pasa lo mismo. Me ha salido 68% Slytherin y 68% Ravenclaw despus de hacerlo unas cuantas veces y siempre con resultados muy similares. Los otros resultados eran 64% Hufflepuff y 34% Gryffindor.
89% Hufflepuff 67% Ravenclaw 46 % Slytherin 30% Gryffindor.
I am proud to be a Hufflepuff, all though they have an awful reputation, ever since Draco said if he was sorted into Hufflepuff he would probably leave . I hate the the stereotypes given to all houses and I love the way J. K. Rowling wrote her stories, she madeit so, there was no stereotypes at all, for example, Hufflepuff's are known for being week, which is completely wrong just look at Cedric, Ravenclaws are know for being just a human calculator, and having no feelings, but look how open Luna is, Slytherins are known for being racist bullies (like saying mudnlood
Or should I say M word, sorry I accidentally pressed send, and Gryffindor are known for being the heroes of the stories and all being heroic but look at wormtail. Anyway, Rant over. P. S. Only ever say m. Word
I think the so called 'stereotypes' are what make each character unique, like how they kind of have their own take on the houses.
That's just my opinion anyway!
I'm also a Hufflepuff! Or half Hufflepuff maybe. They make Hufflepuff so weak in the books, but Hufflepuff is one of the best! What could be bette than being hardworking, trustworthy, patient and reliable?
I agree in the books the underestimate us and think we are the extras but really we are one of the best houses and have a great history
I honestly thought I was going to get Gryffindor, but I already had the idea of being Ravenclaw! I normally feel clumsy and stupid, that's why I was surprised by my result, and I always doubt my own abilities, I thought I would get out of Gryffindor because of my bravery (something that characterizes me according to my family, my stupid and reckless "bravery") Now my self-esteem improved thanks to a test HAHAHAHA
Sleepyzo2 -
The people hating on Slytherin are either trolls or incredibly close minded idiots. You can't judge a whole group of people based on a bad few. That's like saying all black people are criminals or all Muslims are terrorists. Slytherin is hated on and made to be horrible/evil even though there is nothing inherently bad about being determined and cunning. The most successful people are determined and clever, so I don't know why you'd want to kill yourself if you're in Slytherin.
caylar u mean gaylar lol
Soy gryffindor jsjsjsj
Como siempre ya lo sabia soy una gryffindor -
soy 70% gryfindor 54% slytherin 54% revenclaw 54% hufflepuff
I got Ravenclaw. I mean, okay but I took a different quiz and I got Gryffindor.
Im slytherin,and yeah I agree.Its unfair to judge a whole group of people by looking at like one or two!
Slytherin! I never really knew where I belonged, because I made a Pottermore account, and got Gryffindor, but forgot my password, and then was sorted into Hufflepuff after making the new account. So then I proceeded, like the nerd that I am, to decide to make two more accounts, and since the questions changed each time, I proceeded to be sorted into Ravenclaw, and lastly, Slytherin. I've taken other quizzes as well, before Pottermore, and was sorted into all four houses, depending on the quiz. Guess I should go by this one, since it includes (almost) all of the possible quiz questions from Pottermore. Or I can just keep taking quizzes like a nerd, and never be sure which house I would belong in if Hogwarts was real.
Pottermore Sorting Quiz (all possible questions)
Your Result: GRYFFINDOR! 76%
Congratulations! You have been sorted into Gryffindor, the house of bravery and chivalry. You are amongst other Gryffindors such as: Harry Potter, Hermione, Ron Wesley, and Neville Longbottom.
48% RAVENCLAW!I'm defiantly in GRYFFINDOR! It's my true house, some people pretend to be Gryffindor just because that's Harry's house but I'm truly Gryffindor, the proof is up there at the top.
Vy tady vichni chodite do bradavic do te koly nebo jste si udlaly pouze vyazovac test
I got proof too!
I don't know how to react. Okay 4 years ago I took the (old) Pottermore test and found out I was a Gryffindor, and I had always thought of myself so. Two days ago, I retook a test (this time the mew Pottermore one) and was told I was a Slytherin. I thought it fit me quite well, but felt a bit odd since I dont't feel like really belonging to this house.So I was recommended by this Youtube channel named Nicholas Black to try this test, and it told me I was a Ravenclaw?
Your Result: RAVENCLAW! 77%
Congratulations! You have been sorted into Ravenclaw, the house of intelligence, curiosity, individualism, and wit. You are amongst other Ravenclaws, such as: Cho Chang, and Luna Lovegood.
34% HUFFLEPUFF!I... never thought of myself as a Ravenclaw. This confuses me. I don't feel quite fit in with the whole description of a Ravenclaw???
Got 78% Gryffindor . On the original pottermore test Ive gotten RavenClaw most of the time(ive taken the test about 6 times in a few years) and got RavenClaw 5/6 times, took the test again about 2 weeks ago and got Gryffindor. Took this test now(yes i was completely honest on the questions I always am for tests) and I got Gryffindor. Im going to wait a few weeks and take this test and the pottermore quiz again and see if I get RavenClaw or Gryffindor again or maybe into another house, who knows. But for now guess im a Ravendor or a GryfinnClaw
Ghrs112 -
80% Slytherin
76% RavenclawI remember back when I was just a little girl. Everyone told me that I'm quite smart but I never believed them lmao! Now being sorted to Slytherin with a chance of being a Ravenclaw just made it hilarious because even the quizzes thinks that I'm in the same level as those in the 2 houses.. But I'm not mad tho, I actually took a lot of Pottermore quizzes before and it became a little inconsistent before so I stopped for a while (cooldown). Then I promised to myself that I should only rely on my own instincts, I took another one and I got sorted to Slytherin then another one so 2 times already and both Slytherin.. What if I tried again for 3rd time? Lmao
77% Ravenclaw, 53 % Slitherin, 52% HufflePuff, 28% Gryffindor. I kind of expected that. I have been dreams and I ´m pretty intelligent (one of the best in the entire school). I am not really the type to go do things head on and would rather discuss the possibilities with my friends. If trouble ever came I would most likely stay away or call for back-up. This is pretty correct for me and I am happy with my results. The only thing is that I expected to be slightly more Slytherin (say 60 %) but 53% is fine. And yes every test I´ve ever done came back with me being Ravenclaw; I am pretty content with my results and hope if harry potter were ever a reality I would get the same answers.
Slytherin 84%
Grifindor 60%
Hufflepuff 56%
Racenclaw 42%Es la segunda vez que hice el test, porque no saba algunos significados del test, y estoy feliz con ser de la casa Slytherin, por mi astucia y dems, pues me gust la opcin de hablar con animales para saber secretos ocultos de personas o cosas, la de cambiar de apariencia se puede lograr con una pocin que modifique tu gentica segn como tu gustes ser. Y los que digan que somos del lado oscuro que se jodan, talvez tendrn su complejo de inferioridad sobre algo en particular.
Your Result: HUFFLEPUFF! 79%
Congratulations! You have been sorted into Hufflepuff, the house of loyalty, hard working, acceptance, and fairness. You are amongst other Hufflepuffs such as: Tonks and Cedric Diggory
29% SLYTHERIN!This is my third time taking the sorting house quiz which all of which I got Hufflepuff but first taking all the questions. I thought of me being partially Ravenclaw because of my creativity and vivid imagination and sometimes things through. Gryffindor I knew Im brave or just more confident of things. Slytherin Im just not cunning or reckless or want power, especially not being center of attention and having leadership.
Im sorry I messed up on what I said a little bit with Ravenclaw I meant sometimes thinking things through and Gryffindor Im not brave.
91% Hufflepuff, 57% Ravenclaw, 53% Gryffindor, and 3% Slytherin. This is the second time Ive taken this particular test and the first time I took it I got very similar results with rut 90% Hufflepuff bad hardly any Slytherin. The one thing that has changed is that the first time I took it I got more Gryffindor then Ravenclaw. I guess Im becoming more of an intellectual. I find it so interesting that Im not a Slytherin at all being that I am a performer. I mean its not that surprising since my values have always been very aligned with Hufflepuff. I care deeply for others and just want to make everyone happy. Wow, I dont know why Im ranting. To say the least I love my house Ive always been a Hufflepuff and always will be!!
Congratulations! You have been sorted into Gryffindor, the house of bravery and chivalry. You are amongst other Gryffindors such as: Harry Potter, Hermione, Ron Wesley, and Neville Longbottom.
I'm surprised I'm in this house, I used to think I was a Ravenclaw but I realised I'm not intelligent like a Ravenclaw would be. I'm hot-headed, and very impulsive. I act with emotion all the time.
Got 86% Ravenclaw and 57% Slytherin, i mean, how tf can i be a Ravenclaw, im stupid at math and physics, even tho im good at English and computer but i dont feel smart at all, yes i am a curious person, i wanna know all the mistery in this world but im not intelligent at all
At the official wizarding world website i got slytherin, i do ambitious on what i do but i dont think im sly. My favourite house is Hufflepuff but my friends definitely gonna laugh if i got into Hufflepuff bcs they thought i could be sorted into all the houses except Hufflepuff, idk why
83% Ravenclaw
52% Hufflepuff
45% Gryffindor
29% SlytherinI do see myself as a Ravenclaw, I took the original test on wizardingworld.com and Ive received Gryffindor the most, Ravenclaw second, Slytherin third, and Hufflepuff fourth. I stopped and kept my account as Ravenclaw as I believe its accurate, I never got the idea of how the houses work. Based of traits you have or traits you value? If traits I have Ravenclaw first, Hufflepuff second, Gryffindor third, and Slytherin fourth. If traits I value Gryffindor first, Ravenclaw second tied with Hufflepuff, and Slytherin fourth.
Anyways I hope you all have an amazing morning/day/afternoon/evening/night!! And remember to stay safe and healthy! :D
Got Hufflepuff, not suprised :)
Hufflepuffs are simple people at heart, which I am. I just want to be surrounded and loved by my friends and family, and I am a pretty layed-back and relaxed person. Some people don't like the thought of not being interesting and exciting, but I don't mind that- like, most people want to be an adventurous Gryffindor or intelligent Ravenclaw, or a powerful and feared Slytherin, but not me. I enjoy being simple and happy, and having fun.
I mean, not all hufflepuffs are simple, and I'm definantly not saying I'm a boring person! I like being weird and having fun.
My friends were fighting around whether I am a Slytherin or Gryffindor, so I decided to ease them and do the whole test. The reason for their confusion besides my personality was that I actually did sorting hat quiz 3 times only to receive Slytherin twice and Gryffindor once. I am quite happy with this 91% Slytherin, 52% Gryffindor, 36% Ravenclaw and 28 % Hufflepuff. So now I can finally rest easy and let them pic on something else, maybe my 16 personality types test result hahahaha. Feels good to know I am a cunning b------, love it.
AngelaM1 -
82% Slytherin ! I took the original quiz 3 times to make sure that they didn't sort me in the wrong house and I got 2 Slytherins and 1 Hufflepuff. By that time, I'm sure confused so I check here cause one of my friend said that this could be more convincing and yep, I regret nothing ! Well tbh my personality are more likely to be bubbly and such but not all Slytherin must be bad or dark ! I mean, by what I see, Slytherin are most known for their badass and dark personality but they can be emotional and kind too <3 And plus I'm a Cancer so it put lots more of reasons why I'm such an emotional Slytherin :) but these are just my opinion :/