Are You Hot Or Not? | Comments

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  • Are You Hot Or Not?
    Your Result: HOTHOTHOT 86%

    Whether you're a guy or girl, you are most definitely considered HOT. Your special someone is totally lucky to have you. You know how to carry yourself and treat others. But remember, true beauty comes from the inside.

    lol yeahhh

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  • Are You Hot Or Not?
    Your Result: Beautiful 90%

    AS either a guy or girl, you are most considered a natural beauty. You emit kindness and positivity. People love to be around you and you're sweet to everyone you see. It doesn't matter if you're not popular or considered to a 'type', you're seen a beautiful by those who matter.

  • Hot Hot Hot that's Me, you got it right now boys beware, though I am a male actually I am 100 percent Woman inside as I confirm to it more I feel It from within, many a times I go out dressed up as a woman, that's when I feel complete, but it's quite far in between. Anyways thanks it's a great quiz.

    • Good for you! I was born female and I dress as a male. It makes me feel complete.

      Bakdeku child
    • Me too, Bakdeku child cool name by the way

    • Are u gay or just a girl like boy? Sorry if that sounds mean

  • Are You Hot Or Not?
    Your Result: Beautiful

    AS either a guy or girl, you are most considered a natural beauty. You emit kindness and positivity. People love to be around you and you're sweet to everyone you see. It doesn't matter if you're not popular or considered to a 'type', you're seen a beautiful by those who matter.

    better than hot!

  • Are You Hot Or Not?
    Your Result: Beautiful 84%

    AS either a guy or girl, you are most considered a natural beauty. You emit kindness and positivity. People love to be around you and you're sweet to everyone you see. It doesn't matter if you're not popular or considered to a 'type', you're seen a beautiful by those who matter.

    Yes yes yes!

    • i got beautiful 92% o.o

    • I got that same result, and I've always thought that I was ugly, but since doing this I've had confidence that I'm more than just what I see.

  • Are You Hot Or Not?
    Your Result: HOTHOTHOT

    Whether you're a guy or girl, you are most definitely considered HOT. Your special someone is totally lucky to have you. You know how to carry yourself and treat others. But remember, true beauty comes from the inside.

    yeah thats good for me ahhahahaha but not enough

    Emanouel dgr
  • Beautiful:

    girl, you are most considered a natural beauty. You emit kindness and positivity. People love to be around you and you're sweet to everyone you see. It doesn't matter if you're not popular or considered to a 'type', you're seen a beautiful by those who matter.

    thanks lol

    Puppy xo1
    • same result!! I consider myself ugly but this quiz has given me confidence

  • Your Result: HOTHOTHOT 81%

    Whether you're a guy or girl, you are most definitely considered HOT. Your special someone is totally lucky to have you. You know how to carry yourself and treat others. But remember, true beauty comes from the inside.

  • Everybody always tells me I'm the most beautiful person they have ever seen and... I don't care! Everybody is so beautiful and I always tell them that. They don't believe me but it's true. If one more person tells me that they are ugly I will wear a paper bag over my head for the rest of my life

  • Everybody always tells me I'm the most beautiful person they have ever seen and... I don't care! Everybody is so beautiful and I always tell them that. They don't believe me but it's true. If one more person tells me that they are ugly I will wear a paper bag over my head for the rest of my life to show them they are beautiful the way they are .

    • bro....

      I wish I was as pretty as you[ as you said you were] I'm not all ones ever liked me or they had a crush/had a gf.....

      Alex Sohma
  • Are You Hot Or Not?
    Your Result: HOTHOTHOT

    Whether you're a guy or girl, you are most definitely considered HOT. Your special someone is totally lucky to have you. You know how to carry yourself and treat others. But remember, true beauty comes from the inside.

    yeah thats good for me ahhahahaha but not enought

    Emanouel dgr
  • Your Result: Beautiful 90%

    AS either a guy or girl, you are most considered a natural beauty. You emit kindness and positivity. People love to be around you and you're sweet to everyone you see. It doesn't matter if you're not popular or considered to a 'type', you're seen a beautiful by those who matter.

    0% Mmm...Not

    i'm kind of a tomboy but good to know im naturally beautiful.

  • Are You Hot Or Not?
    Your Result: Beautiful 93%

    AS either a guy or girl, you are most considered a natural beauty. You emit kindness and positivity. People love to be around you and you're sweet to everyone you see. It doesn't matter if you're not popular or considered to a 'type', you're seen a beautiful by those who matter.

    26% Mmm...Not
    Thanks, I agree with this result, see ya!

    Sarah Louise
  • Are You Hot Or Not?
    Your Result: Beautiful 86%

    AS either a guy or girl, you are most considered a natural beauty. You emit kindness and positivity. People love to be around you and you're sweet to everyone you see. It doesn't matter if you're not popular or considered to a 'type', you're seen a beautiful by those who matter.

    14% Mmm...Not
    I agree

    Bakdeku child
  • Are You Hot Or Not?
    Your Result: Beautiful 90%

    AS either a guy or girl, you are most considered a natural beauty. You emit kindness and positivity. People love to be around you and you're sweet to everyone you see. It doesn't matter if you're not popular or considered to a 'type', you're seen a beautiful by those who matter.

    5% Mmm...Not

  • Are You Hot Or Not?
    Your Result: Beautiful 80%

    AS either a guy or girl, you are most considered a natural beauty. You emit kindness and positivity. People love to be around you and you're sweet to everyone you see. It doesn't matter if you're not popular or considered to a 'type', you're seen a beautiful by those who matter.

    thank you, i'm non-binary

    • So your GAY OR LESBIAN(they are the same thing)

  • Your Result: Beautiful 86%

    AS either a guy or girl, you are most considered a natural beauty. You emit kindness and positivity. People love to be around you and you're sweet to everyone you see. It doesn't matter if you're not popular or considered to a 'type', you're seen a beautiful by those who matter.

    22% Mmm...Not

  • Your Result: Beautiful 81%

    AS either a guy or girl, you are most considered a natural beauty. You emit kindness and positivity. People love to be around you and you're sweet to everyone you see. It doesn't matter if you're not popular or considered to a 'type', you're seen a beautiful by those who matter. Liked your quiz

    • Only thing even beautiful about me is from what people say is my name Brycen

  • Beautiful 78%

    AS either a guy or girl, you are most considered a natural beauty. You emit kindness and positivity. People love to be around you and you're sweet to everyone you see. It doesn't matter if you're not popular or considered to a 'type', you're seen a beautiful by those who matter.

    Alex Sohma
  • Your Result: HOTHOTHOT 90%

    Whether you're a guy or girl, you are most definitely considered HOT. Your special someone is totally lucky to have you. You know how to carry yourself and treat others. But remember, true beauty comes from the inside.

    81% Beautiful
    15% Mmm...Not

  • Your Result: Beautiful 86%

    AS either a guy or girl, you are most considered a natural beauty. You emit kindness and positivity. People love to be around you and you're sweet to everyone you see. It doesn't matter if you're not popular or considered to a 'type', you're seen a beautiful by those who matter.

  • Are You Hot Or Not?
    Your Result: HOTHOTHOT 86%

    Whether you're a guy or girl, you are most definitely considered HOT. Your special someone is totally lucky to have you. You know how to carry yourself and treat others. But remember, true beauty comes from the inside.

    lol yeahhh

  • Your Result: HOTHOTHOT 89%

    Whether you're a guy or girl, you are most definitely considered HOT. Your special someone is totally lucky to have you. You know how to carry yourself and treat others. But remember, true beauty comes from the inside.

    • How in the world did I get this?

  • Are You Hot Or Not?
    Your Result: Mmm...Not 78%

    You aren't considered hot on the inside OR outside. People dislike being around you, aside from a few select friends you know you and like you for who you are. Get with it, dude. Learn how to be kind and considerate.

    76% Beautiful


    Whether you're a guy or girl, you are most definitely considered HOT. Your special someone is totally lucky to have you. You know how to carry yourself and treat others. But remember, true beauty comes from the inside.

    thank you <3

  • Are You Hot Or Not?
    Your Result: HOTHOTHOT

    Whether you're a guy or girl, you are most definitely considered HOT. Your special someone is totally lucky to have you. You know how to carry yourself and treat others. But remember, true beauty comes from the inside.

    yeah thats good for me ahhahahaha but not enought

    Emanouel dgr

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