Which We Bare Bears Character Are You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which We Bare Bears Character Are You?
This quiz used a mix of personality traits and random likes and dislikes, which is appreciated. However, it can be easily manipulated. Decent quiz. Result: Ice Bear.
Panda,I am introverted alot and I also am kinda glued to my phone sadly lol. I also try to stay outta conflicts whenever I can too like him. Cool quiz mate.
Zimswife1 -
Yaey! I got panda and I love panda! I guess I am a little shy but that's okay bc I got meh phone <3 ice bear and Chloe are cool too but grizz and Charlie are amazing they are so cool, panda isy fav tho cuz we bof like anime
Ice bear got Ice bear
Name031 -
Yay I got 81% Panda! :D
darkmad21 -
HippyKid got Ice Bear
HippyKid1 -
Good quiz, terrible show. Good quiz, though!
Harsh opinion! Plus, why are you taking a quiz on a show you dont like?
I'm Grizz!!.Awesome quiz!
ResyTest1 -
I,am ice bear
Icebear1 -
I'm Grizz!
i am ice bare
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