Does He Like You 99.9% accurate | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Does He Like You 99.9% accurate.
You know this isn't accurate at all,right? I'm ten, so doesn't really do right ages and stuff. Sure you guys are like, "UGH YOURE LIKE TWO GET OVER IT!!!!" First off, I'm not two, second off, I do have a crush. .that's why I'm taking this quiz...I was disappointed to see "just friends" pop up. He talks to me so many times at school, and he looks fairly lost when he stares into my I'm guessing he likes me, which is great.
Emmied31 -
This is not accurate... I know for a fact that this guy liked me 2 years ago, and my answer said he doesn't like me... And I have no idea how these questions could possible make it accurate. Just saying.
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