What American accent do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What American accent do you have?
I'm from Boston and the test agreed. By the way if you're from Boston you don't say soda, cola, or pop, you call it
Dickie1 -
Inland north. I'm a Clevelander. And I do say "pop".
Jomama1 -
Must've mixed us up Relita. I'm from the North West and it said I was from Boston. Definately needs to study up on it's dialect knowledge.
peobrach1 -
jerseyjim~ We call it soda now ^_^ lol, that was like, from awhile ago. Some older people call it tonic, but then most others are like: What?
LalaKat1 -
OOPS! I meant to say "pegged" not "pecked" from earlier post.
Jon1 -
Well it nailed me. Inland north, even mentioned my home state, Wisconsin. Weird.
katiek1 -
Lol, I'm from Australia and it says I have a Northern Accent.
That's nice...
Grey_xx1 -
I was born in Germany I have on accent, but according to the Quiz I have none.
roeisner1 -
I have a western accent
I got midland but I'm from Kentucky...
North Central for me, it is stupid.
Uhh nice quiz
Im from the south and this quiz was spot on with saying i have a southern accent
kamil1 -
the midland. i might have a good voice for tv, even though i think my voice when recorded sounds weird, i may have a chance at being an actress!! thank you!!
Umm mine said it was southern but I'm from Ohio and still living there today. What?
Um, I got 83% Boston accent. I think I should have a Spanish accent because my parents are from Mexico but I speak English very fluidly. Or I should have a cowgirl's accent because I spend a LOT of time around horse farms and such. Also, what's up with the "Plz Don't read this...so scary cause it actually works" dilemma ?
Please check out my recent first quiz #1 Twilight Fan made by #valentineismyactua llastname xD :p
I didn't get my accent but I still enjoyed the quiz!
I got west and it's right, it also says that I don't have an accent and that I speak 'normal'. Agreed!
Midland or no accent like I said
Caps1 -
I don't get it... Why is this quiz #1? In my opinion, its not the most exciting... But, you did do ready l really well!
EmmaEmma1 -
North central. I suppose it makes sense. It said I could be mistaken for a Canadian a lot. Well... I am. ^_^
This is so true!! I do live in Minnesota!
I live in Florida, my mom is from Michigan, my dad is from Delaware. I got 93% Philidalphia Accent! 85% Northeast accent.
oh my gosh, Inland North! Totally correct!
HAHA! I got Boston accent and I'm from Boston! this thing knows what its talking about.