What mental disorder do you have? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What mental disorder do you have?

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  • It said that I am 93% manic depressive (low percent on others no OCD) And I think it is true but I don't tell people how I feel so... It will probably never get confirmed.

  • Result: Manic Depressive

    You have extreme cycles of highs and lows. Sometimes you feel like you don't know who you are. One week you could be very hyper and happy and the next week you are slow and depressed.

    Explains a lot............

  • Your Result: Manic Depressive 85%

    You have extreme cycles of highs and lows. Sometimes you feel like you don't know who you are. One week you could be very hyper and happy and the next week you are slow and depressed.

    M akes sense.......

  • Hi My name is Angela Kaperonis from Sydney, I think there are beautiful people just need to believe in yourself!! Look at your assets and focus on those features, maybe your eyes are great or skin. I'm bisexual an I see beauty everywhere in sydney

    Ange Kaperonis
  • I have an OCD of organization. I feel the the ultimate perfectionist. I see something a little crooked, even if I am in a rush, it is to be fixed. Everything has its own place, and I try to find myself trying not to touch every single thing.

  • I didn't realize it until now, but I am actually really paranoid about things. I'm often afraid of turning around because I'm scared someone will be watching me and I am often scared of the dark because I always see scary faces in the dark.

  • Maybe I just wish I had a mental illness so I had more to celebrate about myself, and also so I'm less boring because of mental illness. Some people may not like me for this comment, but I'm not lying. I may be misinformed, but at least I'm not lying.

  • It said I have Manic depressive. I don't. I don't have anything.

    Why does everybody have to have a mental disorder- did it ever occur to anyone that normal people still exist?.... Why was there no option to have nothing wrong?...

  • I got OCD
    Which is funny cuz that was my nickname...
    OMG, there is a smuge on my computer
    Gotta fix that, one moment...

    Now, as I was saying, that was my nickname at school with some really rude kids in 9th grade

    Good thing i'm switching schools

  • I'm not manic-depressive, it isn't even called that anymore. Its called bipolar disorder. And how is that possible, when the only thing I said was "quiet and reserved"? I answered "False" to every single question remotely related to "periods of intense highs and lows", there are more than 5 psychological disorders. Nice try, idiot.

  • manic depression -.-

    i got that result well i got 2 results i think

    if this quiz is able to had 2 results cause .. i had ADD i think cause i think every time what people said at my back too well I'm really a freak i think my siblings and my mother always said that I'm an abnormal person i must no live on earth T.T it really hurts when they said T.T it

  • oh man i got paranoia, manic depressive, generalized anxiety disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder...

    It actually makes sense to me. But do they have a disease that covers having thoughts of killing someone you hate? or planning it!? cause i have those thoughts about 20 times a day

  • I am Manic Depressive!

    You have extreme cycles of highs and lows. Sometimes you feel like you don't know who you are. One week you could be very hyper and happy and the next week you are slow and depressed.

    Well don't that just suck. Now I really don't wanna live!

  • Manic depressive,I can have extreme mood swings cuz I do get triggered by over the most littlest things in life but I'm trying to overcome that along with my eating disorder.

  • I got obsessive compulsive disorder which it said you may perform rituals because of this =_= didn't I make it clear I don't do that..tf?

  • Your Result: Manic Depressive 93%

    You have extreme cycles of highs and lows. Sometimes you feel like you don't know who you are. One week you could be very hyper and happy and the next week you are slow and depressed.


    Als o... I... Find Pennies... Delectable...
    On e of your faults would be?
    Not paying enough attention...

    To those around me, all of which suspect nothing of the... HA YOU ALMOST MADE ME ADMIT TO WHERE I BURIED THAT LITTLE GIRL.

    s---, I've Done it again! Damnation to you David Bowie!

    Solar Silver
  • My quiz says I've got paranoia well that's false I got ADHD and that's mostly everything put on yes in the quiz my doctor says I don't have paranoia and my parents and my friends so.... I don't know but this quiz is just for fun.

  • i chose False for every single question and i have attention disorder something something. which is false as i can have a clear head and is most of the time giving people help and advice! oh and being quiet does not mean u have to be reserved!!!! like seriously?! im quiet but i talk to almost everyone even if they dnt hear me properly!!

  • Mostly OCD....I always wondered. I have tendencies and my Dad and Grandmother had it (from observation, no diagnosis). Next highest was ADD...I've been diagnosed w ADHD. Next was Generalized Anxiety Disorder--true. Then depression--true. Lastly, paranoia. Wouldn't YOU with all those other disorders?!! Thank goodness for Prozac!

  • Your Result: Manic Depressive

    You have extreme cycles of highs and lows. Sometimes you feel like you don't know who you are. One week you could be very hyper and happy and the next week you are slow and depressed.

  • generalized anxiety disorder

    yes i have many tendencies towards GAD, but also a few towards OCD, and a few towards tic disorders and rumenating thoughts...i dont have any of that stuff just i have a mix of problems that are tough to deal with sometimes i also have some tendencies towards phobia disorders

  • Quiz says i have ADD. I used to think i did actually, and was actually diagnosed with ADHD. Not hyper though; rather lazy acutally. Haha. And i do tend to zone out alot, but only when something is boring me. I stopped taking my medicing a whiiiile ago, and am doing just fine. :)

  • this test is stunningly accurate. it matches my previous diagnoses that each took hours of deep-delving therapy. your perceptive questioning promises an ability to help many, many people. what a truly rewarding life. hannah, i truly hope you *are* favored with the grace your name promises. j

  • Manic Depressive!

    Sounds like my life, I have a bunch of ups and downs.

    Now if I accedenly make a joke about a disorder (I got chastised from someone who has ADD), I can say, "I have MD, and you don't see me freaking."


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