What Percentage of you is Teacher's Pet | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Percentage of you is Teacher's Pet.

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  • Wow you are a 51% Teacher's Pet.

    You are somewhere in between a teachers pet and a shy person. You are noticed but not as much as your friends. You hang out with the popular kids or the goody goodies.Your'e average is probably a B.

    Good quiz, except I'm homeschooled so I couldn't answer the quiz very accurately :)

  • Wow you are a 11% Teacher's Pet. 11%

    You are nowhere near a Teacher's Pet. In fact teachers resent you. You make their daily life hard because you don't see the point in school. You are probably very sloppy and don't care how much trouble you get into.

  • Wow you are a 27% Teacher's Pet. 27%

    You are nowhere near Teachers Pet. In fact Teacher's resent you. You make their daily lives hard on them because you don't see the point of school. You are probably really sloppy and don't care how much trouble you get into

    N ot true


    vgdfyuudfrbumhfdc gjrfvh fvuhft hfbu hebu jim like banana my ate popscicle fan dresser door closet painting book shelf horse shoe name tag mvpender rocks . pen notebook paper kindle chargers tiara fish m&ms medals hello kitty hairbrush fish food

  • 51% Okay but dude my average grade is not B, I'm a straight A student!


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