Are you smarter than a Homeschooler? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you smarter than a Homeschooler?
What gives you the idea that homeschoolers are stupid? I know many homeschoolers that are way smarter than than public school kids, me included. I'm a homeschooler, and I'm what people may call a nerd (Well, partially, I don't follow some of the stereotypes, like glasses and social difficulty) - I'm extremely smart even to the point of annoying people. In fact, I've noticed that many other homeschoolers I know are what people may consider to be nerds.
I've been homeschooled since I was 7 and I got smart. Take that public schoolers!!! But srsly, my parents are good friends with a college professor, and he said that they like homeschoolers at that particular college. Actually, when he found out I was homeschooled he said "you must be pretty smart then." I really am, it's mostly genes tho
Amo4291 -
Your Result: Smart
You are: Smart! Congrats! You passed! You are smarter than a Homeschooler! (Most people are.) Now see if your friends are smarter than a homeschooler! Thanks for playing!
Homeschooled -
What makes you think public schoolers are any smarter? Most of the public schooled kids I know are stupid. :P
By the way, I'm a homeschooler, and my result was smart. HAH.
cassy1 -
Ipod question was dumb, apple sucks anyway.
This quiz is so easy! I don't see how I got smarter than a homeschooler cause I AM ONE AND HOMESCHOOLERS ARE NOT DUMD THANK YOU
who cares about i pods. The public school kids here flunk the test to work at conveniant stores who watnts to hire some one who cant count change.
wolfdog1 -
that quiz was easy. you're an idiot if you can't pass it
I'm smart!
Kelley081 -
heehee!!!:) I'm schmart!!!:)
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