What American accent do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What American accent do you have?
The Northern Inland accent
Midland! I come from georgia but every summer I stay in Southampton, New York with my grandmother for 3 weeks
I'm from Alabama. I have a slight southern accent.
Wow, you told me that I had a southern accent guess what. I'm from the south. So bored and this quiz was a complete waste of time.
Lol someone added a comment on this thing yesterday? I thought this site was dead.
komorebi1 -
But I'm southern! Yet I've got a North Central accent. I'm from Texas so I say Y'all,goin,and always keep the g inning off.
Worked It said North and I was mistaken for Canadian, but I AM Canadian!!
The Northeast
It guessed me correctly!!! I'm from the Inland North sorta
Chicagoan for life!!
After that, go to the Rock, Paper, Scissors, Wizards: the final chapter!
Hahah! XD I talk like the north ones, but not really, I live in Brazil, I just can not speak English very well... -_-` And after all, I live in the South of the Brazil. ;9 XD:D:)
This was an interesting quiz. I spent most of the time whispering words to myself :)
The Northeast
I got midland when I live in north Mississippi
oh no you won't dark angle it is telling all the reader's post it so other people do it too and nothing happens it is for a laugh ! by the way I am on fantage if you want to join if you aren't joined already go to fantage.com/registe r and you will find me : chinese77 look out for me if you want to Bye
This quiz is magic! It said I have a Midland accent, and I am from Pennsylvania! :)
North Central
Pennsylvania? Ohio? Indiana? Florida.? Nope nope nope not even close Im from Cali
Well there ya go! Everybody says so..I said no! Hahaha
Meemaw1 -
Northeast is like English?
Cool, I'm learning English with the good accent :)
I'm french
Shamylia1 -
I have an English accent, just wanted to see what I'd get lol - 97% Northeast.. makes sense because it's closest to England!
Belj1 -
The midland!
Raised in Chicago, 100% Midland.
North Central! I am a little french Canadian,but I don't live in Canada!
92% Western! That's amazing, I live in California!!