Eating Disorder Quiz | Comments

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  • :( I'm not underweight.. I'm actually overweight. But I've lost close to 30 pound in about 2 months by restricting and eating only 1300-1200 calories.. then I started to eat only 500 and eventually I stopped eating.. I'm on my second day fast right now.. I chew and spit too... but not that often. ._. I've binged and purged a lot.. and when I tried to stop restricting and b/p I started to eat.. and when I ate I couldn't stop. So I binged for the past 5 days... probably close to 1700-2000 calories.. I gained massively. Then I lose 3 pounds from fasting one day... halfway through my second day.. gonna do it as long as possible bc mom wont say anything about it.. even if she does, whats she gonna do? force me to eat? haha. 21 days of fasting is my goal... I'll accept two weeks but if its one week then fml. I'm really scared though.. Its gotten to a point where when I tried to be better on my own and eat right and I failed, my mom called me out on it.. telling me how I eat so much and I got really upset and carved 'fat' into my left thigh. And the thing is, ive been self harming for 4 years but ive never done anything like that until recently. Help!??! + there's no way I can be anorexic.. I might have ednos but yeh..

  • Anorexia,yep true sadly. I've had it most of my life it's a living hell but I'm trying to overcome it so I can be more free and happy then. Cool quiz anyways mate.

  • Pure anorexia true and through

    Used to be a Mia girl before I was an ana girl

    It was one year with Mia and 5 years with ana
    And my bmi pretty low like 15.5 to 16.1
    Weight 84.2lb and height 5ft 2

    Ana is about to be 6 years old and wants a birthday with me soooo.... yeah


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