What American accent do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What American accent do you have?
Your Result: Philadelphia 100%
I live in Virginia and was born in Florida, how is this accurate?
I did this quiz but I'm from Australia and I got Philadelphia accent
I did this quiz but I'm from Australia and I got Philadelphia accent
Why is everyone posting that boy girl thingy?
Why is everyone posting that boy girl thingy?
I have a Midland accent, and yes, I am from Atlanta! This is amazing!
Interesting. I have a midland accent. Awesome, cause I live in Illinois.
Says I have a Midland accent. I was raised in Seattle by a mother from near Philly. Close enough.
ladykaro1 -
Midland. Seeing as I live in Missouri, good job.
Morowyn1 -
100% West. Funny! I'm from Houston, Texas, which is southern United States. Pretty neat quiz.
Pretty accurate because I'm from Colorado and I got 96% West:)
The South! Accurate.
He he I'm Canadian but guess I must sound southern
Phyl1 -
AWESOME! IT WORKED BEAUTIFLEY! (I SPELLED THAT WRONG!) IT SAID PA OH REGION AND I AM FROM HARRISBURG! (im origonaly fron juniata but our contry side farm burnt down)
Thanks a WHOLE lot!
Krimanal -
Northern New England... marry and Mary sound the same, merry is different. It is not a listed option.
nelle1 -
I live in North Carolina
But I was born Omaha Nebraska
I have a midwestern accent -
This was pretty accurate for me. I grew up in Philly, and I'm a 73% match for Philadelphia.
Laverne1 -
North Inland - I grew up in Madison, WI and the northwest Chicago suburbs
It said Midlands, and I'm from Pennsylvania, so pretty much accurate! :)
This is too funny. It says I could be mistaken for a Canadian...lol. No mistake about that I am a proud Canadian.
Elscee1 -
Born and raised in Tennessee so my results are no big shocker!
I'm a New Yorker raised by Alabama parents. Quiz says I'm Philadelphia?? Huh?
McSnates1 -
Fun stuff, made me think. From Cape Cod, Boston Father and South New Jersey Mother but said I'm from the West, but if tired I do paak my caaar.
Quiz says 82 % the south. I was born in Maryland and raised and live in Virginia, so I'd say it was accurate.
Not even close ... This test is inaccurate.