Are you clever? (English) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you clever? (English).
Please don't post an "Are you clever?" quiz unless you are clever enough to (a) come up with a second descriptive paragraph for your own quiz, and (b) realize that "times" means multiplication, not addition. I didn't report the quiz but I considered it.
ohinz1 -
I got Your Average 89%, I don't remember the maths questions, you forget it all when you're not at school any more - you'll forget too
Ohinz is right. It says simplify, but it still is multiplication, so the answer should be 72(c^2)(z^2). And especially since it was specifically said "X means times".
mx320001 -
blahblahhetalia There are loads of American quizzes with stuff I don't understand & this is not strictly an American website, loads of people are English on here
Yeah I probably will forget the maths problem :P
Chip53871 -
Dude ohinz SIMPLIFY not addition ur dumb jeez before hating maybe read the question
Chip53871 -
jeez 80% stupid? im smarter than i thought.... and I dont think its fair to ask an American all these questions about Britain...
I got 83%, wow I cannot believe this :0
Go back to school ohinz
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