What American accent do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What American accent do you have?
Got me right on also. 100% from the West Coast! As we insist, we don't have an accent.
SR Grams1 -
Missed - I grew up in NYC and it placed me in the Great Lakes
Tywwia1 -
ha I live in Northern California and the answer I got was the Midland.
It's is just plain wrong. I'm east coast & a bit southern, not Chicago.
Well...it said that my accent was a western accent...I'm from the NorthEast, and I have a pretty heavy NorthEastern accent...
Why can't people do my quiz :(
Mine could not be more wrong. I am from London, England. NOT New Jersey or New York.
sebago1 -
i got midland and i live in Oklahoma
SmartB1 -
It was "right-on". A Philly accent which I didn't think that I had...guess I do.
younie1 -
even though I'm from WA, Philadelphia suits me because I cant talk as clearly as I want too
cheeto1 -
Wow this is right on--I'm from Eastern Long Island, New York
Hmm! I am a "west" accent. I guess that's right...
Wicked awesome! I grew up just outside of Bahston! Very cool!
monamie61 -
According to this I am InLand, Northeast. Where is that? Is it anywhere near New Jersey?
I hit me nail on the head. I live in the mountains. way up high. Truly a redneck southern girl
jukebox1 -
The quiz seems to be skewed to Philly. I'm from LA, have lived in KY, MA, GA and now TX. Quiz said 88% Philly. Did say 69% South so maybe I'll excuse it.
Right On! I am an old Cheese Head. You called it.
rickfulk1 -
It said I was from Philadephia, incorrect I am from Great Britain.
android1 -
U GIRLS should check ou my new series. I just started and the first one is called, DON'T TOUCH MY DOG (part one)
Inland North. And, Thomas, I live in MN too!!!
Northeast! NY is there!
north central? really? I'm from GA!
bfaithr1 -
How did I get here? I thought I was at one direction.
I'm from Chicago!
TTYL!Olive1 -
Midland Accent. ^.^