how pretty are you out of 100% | Comments

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  • I feel like this quiz is kind of judgemental and implies that you have to be like everyone else to be pretty. I got a 63 and it said I needed to "look up the latest fashion trends." (while I got 80% on a face analysis app) Just because people are different doesn't mean they're less attractive, but I mean that's just my opinion tbh. Also, different people have different tastes in eye and hair color and stuff like that.

  • What does religion, makeup, and fashion have to do with how pretty you are?? Shouldn’t the questions have to do with personality and your facial features? This just seems more like one of those tests that would tell you how “up to date” you are with fashion and cosmetics. Is that even a thing? Also this is not a hate comment. The only reason I’m writing is... Because I can.

  • 50%.... ok then i never really thought about it its not very nice to make these quizzes its like your judging people but its fine

  • Wth?

    What does religion have to do with prettiness and beauty?!

  • Pk this is just wrong i had my.religion marked as other becouse i am and i got 50 i went back and changed it to cristion and ii got 53% thats just wrong

    Whos with me?

  • if your gonna make these quizzes dont say YOUR UGLY, just say something encouraging


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